If you use NO scent control at all, raise your hand please.

How would you describe your overall level of scent control?

  • Extraordinarily hyper-vigilant about all things scent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Very tightly control my scent

    Votes: 4 3.6%
  • Moderately / Average

    Votes: 30 27.0%
  • Less than average / don't try very hard

    Votes: 50 45.0%
  • Sleep in my hunting clothes a week before / Use the wind only

    Votes: 24 21.6%
  • Don't hunt large game that can smell.

    Votes: 3 2.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
John, I've heard of hunters doing something similar except to other hunter's stands. One of the ways I've heard about to sabotage a stand is to toss bars of Irish Spring soap around it. Apparently, deer don't like Irish Spring smell.
ITs the only chance they have in getting away.If I used cover scent they wouldnt have a chance.So no camo just farting & having fun.:eek:
Doyle, a family member of mine claims that deer will eat Isish Spring soap. I have never seen it with my own eyes, but he says he has seen them eating it. Someone threw it around his stand and according to him the big buck he killed was eating the soap. I saw the dead buck but not the soap.
I don't do anything special. I don't even give any attention to the wind. I don't get to hunt much so I get one about every other year. I do usually wear camo though. I think the scent away stuff is a joke. I know squirrels aren't as sensitive to smells as deer are but I've had a squirrel sit on the same log as me.
Back when I was a youngster my mentors all wore the same clothes they wore on the farm, or their construction jobs. They might have been washed this year, and they might not have been. They never seemed to have much trouble killing a deer.

Now, all the deer hunting I ever did was using hounds. About like hunting rabbits, only bigger. I never saw any evidence that the wind mattered much. The deer ran upwind, dowwnwind, across the wind. Whatever way they wanted to go. For the most part they just ran around in a big circle anyway...just like a rabbit.

I pretty much wore clean clothes all the time, but things like hunting coats, and hats, just got pulled out of the closet and put on. No aftershave, but then I've had a beard most of my adult life.

I bought a bottle of skunk scent as a cover one time. I figured it wouldn't hurt. Man, I cracked the top on that bottle and got a wiff of that stuff, sealed the bottle up quick and threw it as far as I could throw it. I didn't want to kill a deer that bad.
I've been known to puff on a cigar or my pipe when on stand. Can't say it has hindered me at all. However, it may just be a great cover scent. I am looking forward to taking whitetail #113 this year. 76 years old, and still going strong. Thank you God.
Hunt the wind...........

Its what works for Texas pigs which I think are one of the most sensitive smell critters out there.

If you are down wind of them.... you could be wearing any and all "sent covers".... they still know you are there

In fact I have never once seen a pig that was once downwind come forward

I do use a very light spritz of diesel on my boots if I am walking around a feed trail that I will be hunting.

I am told because of the farm equipment that pigs regularly see, The pigs don't associate farming activity and hunting activity.

It sure seems to work
In fact I have never once seen a pig that was once downwind come forward

I have. One of my favorite stands is setup for winter deer hunting and so it has the stand south of the feeder and most of the animals come in down wind during any of the warmer months. I shoot a lot of hogs from that stand.
I cant say that I have never used scent control for hunting but I can say that its much closer to never used than use all the time.
IMO it's all about pressure put on the deer. Early season they don't seem to pay a ton of attention to it. Later in the season anything that is the least bit off can spook them. I've gone the hermetically sealed clothing, no scent soaps and detergent, rubber boots and all that mess only to have them blow up at the smell of a Code Blue or Tinks attractant. To me, it is much more important to be still and quiet to be successful along with being smart about the location you choose to go to. Where I hunt, deer move in different types of cover at different times of the year.

Edges and thick cover nearby produce more than open areas. Find bedding cover by food and water and you'll see deer. Open pine plantations don't normally yield the success that young thick pines do. Areas full of water and mosquitos aren't normally going to be big producers either, they don't like them any more than we do.

Location, location, location is the name of the game.
I just went Maryland bear hunting with another partner {whose a house restorer} the last couple of days {we both got skunked}, and he turned me on to a odor eliminator {including human odor} called Hydrocide Extreme; though it's claimed to have a greenish scent.

I just ordered a gallon of the solution {$80}, but my partner told me not to spray it on the skin. He went to a odor class...and was a front row volunteer to smell a cup of fox urine --- After that, the teacher sprayed some Hydrocide Extreme into the cup of fox urine --- and was told to smell it again. My hunting partner was amazed that he could not smell the fox urine anymore.
I grind up green pine needles and mix it with a little water. I let it sit for a day and then rub it all over me. I smell like a pine tree. And my theory is, I smell like a pine tree thats been torn up. By a buck maybe???
I do know the scent away stuff Walmart sells will not cover the smell up of spilled chocolate milk in carpet that's been in a car for a few hot summer days. Not that I've tried it...
I just received the gallon of Hydrocide Extreme in the mail. The directions are to mix 8 ounces of Hydrocide with one gallon of water. It does have a faint green smell, but it's not to be sprayed on the skin. My hunting partner says it's a great human vapor eliminator.
Never. Smoke & drink coffee in the stand, too. Only wear camo when it gets really cold (only insulated gear I own). Deer are incredibly stupid creatures & I've even had 'em come up to smell my "pee spot" minutes after taking a whiz over the rail.
Does and young bucks are pretty stupid. Was it a nice 8+ pointer that came up and smelled your **** spot? Big bucks don't get big by being stupid. And Im not gonna start a conversation about what type of deer to shoot. There's times when I'm targeting anything, and times when I want that big buck that had eluded all the other hunters. A dominant buck is a lot different than a stupid 4 pointer. I've had them charge towards me in thick cover while I'm crashing through brush cause they think I'm just another deer. I'm not saying you cab't get get a big mature buck while smoking a cigarette, but if that's what I'm targeting, I'm pulling out every stop.
I've never even seen an 8-point buck around here (in season, or out), nor have I heard of any being taken, or even seen on a game cam.

That said, I'm fine with harvesting the young/dumb ones anyway. Better eating, IMO. Yeah, I'd love to take a rack-zilla, but till I find a good antler soup recipe, I'm not gonna sweat it much.