If you thought a firearm would get outlawed, ...

"I don't think America elects people that liberal to the White House."

I hope you're right, but I suspect that even if BO doesn't win outright, the election will be close enough to be terrifying. Anyway, better buy a few mags for that AK now, while you have the chance.

I hope you're right, but I suspect that even if BO doesn't win outright, the election will be close enough to be terrifying. Anyway, better buy a few mags for that AK now, while you have the chance.
We should be used to close presidential elections. Look at the last two. Does anyone here believe Gore or Kerry would be any better than BHO? we have come within an eyelash twice of such a disaster.

OTOH, the last such disaster was Carter and we got Reagan as a result.
Gore would have pontificated for 4+ years and Kerry would have waffled but don't believe either would have been as liberal/ socialistic as Obama promises to be. And both Gore and Kerry have some experience. (Any of these three would be a disaster)
Frightening Similarities

Good Speaker, very little real experience, in favor of strict Gun Control. BO seems to have a lot in common with AH. I hope it's a coincidence. But if Hussein tries anything, this country has what's called checks and balances. The most that will happen is that his presidency will go nowhere and BO will get impeached.

McCain puts me to sleep, and it looks like he's going to lose and lose huge. It's a really bad sign if a Republican candidate can't raise as much money as a DemocRat candidate.

Jae... check out the total money available to the two men. Obama is raising piles of cash but the DNC isn't getting squat. It's like the money is just being redirected to Obama. McCain is raising far less but the RNC has cash to burn. He actually has like 30% more (last I looked) available in total than Obama.
peetza with extra chesse and without anchovies :) said:
Jae... check out the total money available to the two men. Obama is raising piles of cash but the DNC isn't getting squat. It's like the money is just being redirected to Obama. McCain is raising far less but the RNC has cash to burn. He actually has like 30% more (last I looked) available in total than Obama.

That's good to know. Thanks. And I was half kidding about that comparison of
BO to Hitler ;)
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Comparing Obama to Hitler and calling him Hussein is just plain childish. The issues of gun control will not be furthered by making advocates of gun rights look like political yahoos.
BTW, I don't serve Anchovies at my shop. Only had 1 request in 4+ years. Typically the only mention is "I want everything on it... except anchovies."

Of all the insults, saying I have anchovies may be the worst.:barf:

And on the Obama topic, I think we'll see a different result come voting time. I surmise that a lot of his "support" is sympathy (for lack of a better word) support. I suppose you could say it's "cool factor" support. He's the guy that's cool to say he's your man. When it comes time to pull the handle and people are alone behind the curtain I think they'll say to themselves "President Obama... President Obama.... no, no, no..... Who else can I choose?"

On the other hand... there's a golden band.... wait, wrong topic..... If you ever listen to Shawn Hannity's radio show you could be very scared. He has a segment he calls "Man on the Street" and they go out and talk to people about political things. I can not believe the number of people who cannot identify pictures of Cheney or Condi or Pelosi and then these people have these opinions like they are the most up-to-date, educated person on the planet and they seem insulted if you try to verify their information. It is SCARY.
this country has what's called checks and balances. The most that will happen is that his presidency will go nowhere and BO will get impeached.

not necessarily, it depends on who he would put in SCOTUS
not necessarily, it depends on who he would put in SCOTUS

1)I don't think he's actually evil, just bad for our country. In that regard, SCOTUS appointments would be HUGE.

2) IF he were evil, he will not be able to appoint enough justices to actually take over government.
peetza with extra cheese and no anchovies :) said:
Of all the insults, saying I have anchovies may be the worst.

I'm sorry man. I didn't know you hated anchovies :o I changed the
I wasn't impressed by Obama.

ah but there are way too many brain dead out there who will vote for him

A) so they can say theyre saving the planet (global warming)
B) they "know" only a racist would vote for the WHITE guy
C) theyll buy into the "Change we can live with" mantra because they are trying to follow their "cool and progressive" friends
The only poll that matters is in November

And a lot can happen before then.

No matter what the next administration tries to do (or does) the guns will still be available. The only thing they can really affect is how much you will have to pay for them!
ah but there are way too many brain dead out there who will vote for him

A) so they can say theyre saving the planet (global warming)
B) they "know" only a racist would vote for the WHITE guy
C) theyll buy into the "Change we can live with" mantra because they are trying to follow their "cool and progressive" friends

Yes, because it's impossible to imagine that anybody* might actually just think he'd be a better leader than McCain, and/or that the country would be better off with him as president.

Because anybody who doesn't agree with you must simply be brain dead and/or stupid.

* - Or, you know, a plurality of the electorate.
I have watch Obama, and I think he is very well spoken, but everytime I have no clue what he said.I hear BLAH BLAH Change BLAH BLAH,

Change what and how, and who pays for it? Just come out and say it...It's like going to a seminar that turns out to be a get rich quick deal...they tell you what you want to hear, and once you in ,,,BAM it all goes to s*%*

McCain , has good points and would be better, but claims "youtube debate" that he doesn't even own a gun...problem for me... he's also from the same old crap we seen from our current politicians....

my .02

ah but there are way too many brain dead out there who will vote for him

A) so they can say theyre saving the planet (global warming)
B) they "know" only a racist would vote for the WHITE guy
C) theyll buy into the "Change we can live with" mantra because they are trying to follow their "cool and progressive" friends

Obama won the brain dead liberal zombie slugfest that is the Democratic primary. The polls right after that showed him winning if the election were held right then, but McCain has since gained on him and they're in a statistical tie now. The independents are starting to pay attention now and they are firing up those brains. I'm thinking the independents are changing their minds.

As far as A), a majority of American support drilling, unlike Obama's party. Most Americans aren't rabid greenies either.
For B) Obama's not going to get a groundswell of support from white liberals who feel guilty. He's more likely to get faux support from white people who don't feel like proving they're not racist 6 times a day instead.
As for C), that's the youth vote. Nobody takes them seriously because youth don't vote. I know because I was the youngest person in the room by 15 years at least when I first voted at 19. Haven't seen a lot of those 18-25 year olds voting over the past 10 years. I don't expect to see them this year.