If you thought a firearm would get outlawed, ...


New member
We've had a good run of eight years of Republican Administration. It's had
its faults, let's be honest, but as far as firearm legislation goes, it's been
pretty good.

McCain puts me to sleep, and it looks like he's going to lose and lose huge.
It's a really bad sign if a Republican candidate can't raise as much money
as a DemocRat candidate.

So, it's likely that certain weapons will get outlawed once again with
DemocRats controlling the presidency and both houses of the legislature.

If you thought a weapon was about to be outlawed, would you be more
willing to buy it or less willing to buy it? Parts availability for routine
maintenance has to be a concern.


I'm not willing to concede this election at all. I actually think Obama is in trouble. I don't care for McCain either but at least he is more gun friendly. If Obama was as strong as many people think he would be ahead by at least 10 points in the polls, and that's not the case. I think the bloom is off the rose as far as Obama is concerned.
I would not but that's just me.

Not a big McCain fan, actually not a McCain fan at all, but, if BO is so great and with all the $$ in one back pocket and the MSM in the other......why is he not ahead in the polls?

Correction, why aren't his numbers through the roof?

I'm not convinced BO is going to be our next PoUS.


If it was something I wanted I would. I wouldn't buy something that I knew was going to be outlawed just to make a buck on it later.
If it was something I wanted I would. I wouldn't buy something that I knew was going to be outlawed just to make a buck on it later.

Are you even allowed to sell something that has been outlawed?
Generally when something other that full auto is outlawed you can't buy new ones anymore. The ones already sold are ok to buy, sell, trade, whatever.
I'm not willing to concede this election at all. I actually think Obama is in trouble. I don't care for McCain either but at least he is more gun friendly. If Obama was as strong as many people think he would be ahead by at least 10 points in the polls, and that's not the case. I think the bloom is off the rose as far as Obama is concerned.

Usually, the money chases the likely winner, and it's very rare for a DemocRat
to raise more money than a Republican. McCain is the wrong candidate to
put up against Osa ... Obama.
As for rushing out to get "in before the ban," I'll not likely bother. There are a couple weapons I've had my eye on, but at the end of the day I have to figure that if I haven't bothered to buy them by now, I obviously don't want them that badly. And I hardly need them...my household is already well provided for.

Plus I'm not the kind of guy who would try to pick one up now just to turn a buck on it in a couple years. I'll leave it on the shelf so that somebody who actually wants it can buy it.
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I don't subscribe to the Chicken Little line of thought that seems to be so prevalent on these and other forums. I also don't think Obama has a snowball's chance in hell. No matter what Oprah does.
Generally when something other that full auto is outlawed you can't buy new ones anymore. The ones already sold are ok to buy, sell, trade, whatever.

That makes sense. Otherwise, the ban would be an ex post facto law.
Generally when something other that full auto is outlawed you can't buy new ones anymore. The ones already sold are ok to buy, sell, trade, whatever.
That makes sense. Otherwise, the ban would be an ex post facto law.
That doesn't mean they couldn't do it. They couldn't pass the law and state that owning the weapon before the law was passed is now a crime, but I don't see any reason that they couldn't pass a law stating that current owners are given a limited amount of time to turn such weapons in. Yes, it could probably be categorized as an ex post facto law. However, the Constitutional protection against ex post facto laws isn't as ironclad as you might hope...see: Lautenberg.
Anythings possible. Who's going to turn them in tho? They don't know who has what. It would be a nightmare for them to try to track everything of just one type of weapon that's ever been sold. They'd have to catch you with it.
I would buy it before they outlawed it. The reason that Obama has more money is because he has people like Warren Buffet and Boone Pickens footing the bill. Basically I think they have figured out there are enough idiots in this country that they can cover the US with windmills and make a killing. A Republican is going to fall more in line with fossil fuels state side. Never thought I would sound like a liberal christ I just said in so many words the big corporations are running the whole thing...:mad:
Otherwise, the ban would be an ex post facto law

"Ex post facto" law means they'd put you in jail, or impose some other penalty, FOR BUYING THE ITEM, even though it was legal when you bought it.

And I'm starting the process to buy a suppressor, because if BHO is elected (not a certainty by any means; we may end up owing Putin one) I think things like cans and .50s will be what the antis TRY to get. I don't think they'll succeed for sure, either, but I want the thing, so I figure I may as well get it now, just in case.
I find it amusing that while guns in general are more strictly regulated in Europe, from what I understand suppressors are comparatively less strictly regulated. And that using them is encouraged. Since, you know, using them reduces noise pollution and is better for the hearing of shooters...they're not just for Secret Agent Assassin Mobsters (TM).
I'd be more willing.

Look at how prices have increased for the guns Bush Sr. blocked from importation, and how silly things got during the AWB.

At the very least, it might not be a bad investment.
I don't subscribe to the Chicken Little line of thought that seems to be so prevalent on these and other forums. I also don't think Obama has a snowball's chance in hell. No matter what Oprah does.

Earlier this year I was doing the Chicken Little thing. I then began to think about it some and no longer think Obama is inevitably going to win this thing. The interview debate he and McCain had at Saddleback in California makes me more convinced Obama isn't inevitable and has a good shot at losing now:



I wasn't impressed by Obama. I don't think he's had to make anything like the tough decisions he's going to have to make as President nor that he's qualified or willing to make them. He said "um" and "uh" a lot, especially when he thought his view was something a lot of people wouldn't like. And when he had a controversial opinion he usually tried to stake out a wide spectrum of the gray area. He's not confident about the new thinking justifying the hope that will drive the change in Washington.

Now, McCain has at least twice as much politicking experience as Obama so maybe he's just a slick old bastard making you think he just said what he thinks (although I don't think so). He's done some pretty questionable stuff like McCain-Feingold too. But if it comes down to judging the candidates by the contents of their characters I think he comes out the winner.

At any rate, I have serious doubts about an Obama driven banfest over the next few years. He can give a mean pre-written and rehearsed speech but he only knows one relevant thing: how much income is necessary to be called "rich". I also doubt that the Democratic Congress wants to grab the hot potato of gun bans and run with it either.
If Obama becomes POTUS we might all want to purchase whatever guns and ammo we can before he succeeds in an outright ban or makes the process of getting them so onerus that it is near impossible. He's never failed to vote in favor of any anti gun measure that's come up while he's been an elected official. His record of a stong, unwavering, anti gun speaks for itself.

McCain's far from being the perfect candidate but at least he's not an anti gun nut.
While I was home on leave in June I did buy a gun because I wasn't sure of the outcome of the election.

A Romanian stamped AK clone in 7.62x39mm.

I happened to have a case of that ammo leftover from...I honestly don't even remember, but it made the purchase more "rational".

I've come to believe that Obama isn't inevitable. With all the hype and free media coverage, he should be further ahead in the polls.

I don't think America elects people that liberal to the White House.