If you have nothing to hide....

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It seems many gun owners (myself included) have fallen victim to some type of verbal harrasement/ character assasination by non gun owners and their attempts to prove their moral and ethical, and intellectual superiority. They never learn.

Mmmmmmm... Shiner.
Education is a curious thing. On one hand is the joy and wonder of learning and expanding your horizons. OTOH, there is the frustration of becoming aware of just how much you don't know.

It would appear that the B-witch really isn't all that 'educated', eh?

Ignorance is bliss and I'm a happy guy. M2
ckurts: My PhD is in English, so, you are right, I have been associating with the wrong people.

It only takes one bullet to change your life.
Dennis, I like your style! ;) You controlled yourself better than I would have. I would have probably just stood there and spluttered...then thought of the perfect comeback several hours later.

Jeremae, on the part about guns being d@#ks, my question is: What about women with guns, who DONT think they have penii, or WANT one? :D (I also don't imagine that I could hold my own in a fist fight w/ a male. That's why I carry!)

I'm also all for a hoedown to celebrate Dennis' victory, so long as there's plenty o' DrPepper there for me to squirt out my nose (I don't drink).

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
je suis prest
Padawan Dennis, the Council confers upon you the rank of Jedi Knight...

Remarkable self restraint, Dennis. Had I been in your situation, about the best I could have managed would be to totally ignore her (BTW this often makes 'em more mad than responding), and struggle mightily to resist the Dark Side and bring her low with the Telekinetic Kill ;).

I often wonder what is it that is defective in these people's brains, that they are unable to think logically, nor are they capable of listening to someone else's rational thought. I sooooooo despise these self-proclaimed "free thinkers", who only consider those with identical beliefs to also be "free thinkers". Anyone who has a differing opinion is demonized as a closed-minded bigot. Exsqueeze me??

Had I been in Morgan's place, that female would have been on the ground with her arm twisted behind her back as we waited for the police to arrive. I have zero tolerance for those who are supposedly "anti-violence" but make vile, hateful remarks (i.e. All you gun nuts should be taken out and hung) and even sometimes resort to physical assault. For a bunch of people who claim to want to live in peace and be open-minded about other people's "value systems", they sure are a bunch of hate mongering, vicious, violent bigots.

The Force will be with you, always...

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!
hmmm... if this penile replacement theory were correct, wouldn't we all be driving monster trucks with big ol' 10 guage shotguns hanging in the window??? Of course here in Indiana you may find one or two of them creatures.

Dennis, remarkable display of self control. You weren't feeling well and still managed to stay more reasonable than your attacker. Calling her the Witch is giving witches a bad name.



If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
For some reason, its looks as though the hard core anti-gunners are American woman. There are millions of these "weaker" sex devils who are determined to destroy our gun rights. THese witches are the voters who keep the anti-gunners in power, no doubt. Gals dont flame me on this. It is true. I f there was a way to deport these femi-nazis commie anti gun american women, the rest of us could get our country back. We could replace these evil, foul speaking broads with a nice mix of foreign woman from around the globe. THese women are out of control and need to be deported at once! But what country would take their sorry a---s? These women do not deserve from us men and other woman any respect at all. None!

I don’t want to “pull a Clinton” and argue over the definition of “is” ;) , but the term
anti-gun can be applied in various “strengths”.

To me, the hard-core anti-gunner hates all guns and wants them confiscated and
destroyed. True, many of the hard-core are women. Lack of pleasant experiences with
firearms, jealousy, need for attention and other causes lead many of them to say all guns
are bad.

But is this gender-specific? We have a bunch of older men at our local VFW whom I
would call hard-core anti-gunners. I just don’t understand it. Some of these guys
truthfully were heroes in WWII and/or Korea. Now? Blech!

Depending upon how cynical I feel at the moment, I call gun owners “anti-gun” if they
only support their own narrow interests in firearms. For example, the deer hunters who
love their rifle but say handguns should be outlawed; skeet shooters who hate full-auto
firearms, etc.

There are some people who are somewhat anti-gun but realize it’s because they know
little about guns. Some of these folks we might call “fence sitters”. They might go either
way or stay the same. The more of these folks we can reach, the better.

So the term anti-gun or anti-gunner can be used by different folks in different ways - or
even in different ways by the same speaker.

As for trading “evil, foul speaking broads with a nice mix of foreign woman from around
the globe”? Well, different strokes for different folks. But be careful of how you develop
your selection criteria. There are many, many similar women overseas. Me? I say we
keep most of the American women we have; DC, MissDemeanor, Ladydeej, Darthmaum,
SideArmor and all the other ladies of TFL. (God help me! I’m SURE I missed some of
the ladies!!!)

I’d be willing to ship off Jane Fonda (even though she supposedly has rehabilitated herself)
and all the gun haters we love to hate (Feinstein, Boxer, Hillary, et al). But with our luck,
what we would get in return would be a Bridget Bardot (animal lover, gun hater, etc.) or
the female leader of the British Movement to Disarm the World!

Your support on this thread has rather overwhelmed me. Thank you very much for
assuming a one-shot, blurted comment was well thought out. (Wow! If only!!)

But I didn’t get my point across very well on this thread. I was trying to point out that the
argument, “if you have nothing to hide...” is a hateful excuse attempting to justify
excessive government intrusion into our private lives. I didn’t do very well on that, I

This thread is pretty long. Takes a long time to load. So I’ll lock the thread (if I can learn
how to do that ;) ). If anyone wants to address the “if you have nothing to hide...”
concept, please start a new thread. Again, thank you all for your support. All the
back-pattin’ did my ole soul a lotta good.
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