If you have nothing to hide....

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Dennis... I truly admire your proper moral response to this harridan. I can just see her face.

I had a similar encounter once outside an Academy sports store where a group of bunny huggers were holding a protest against "Deer Murder Season". As usual they were putting out a volume way out of proportion to their numbers while waiting for the media to show up. As I was walking out to my car (carrying a brand new set of realtree camo overalls in open view) a female type person(I refuse to call her a lady) who matched your description of "The Witch" down to the letter, got right up in my face and screamed "How can you MURDER innocent animals!!!". Well the only audience was either all bunny huggers like her (whom I have learned will not even consider any position but their own and therefore deserve no attempt at communication) or other hunters so I stopped, looked right into her eyes and in a low even voice said "Well because it always gives me a DEEP sexual thrill." The crowd fell silent and parted so I could walk to me car.

My normal reply to people who use the Surrogate Sexual Member argument comes from a book by L. Neil Smith:

"Which is sicker, those who see guns as extensions of their d!(% or those who want to take everyone's d!(% away?"

I try VERY hard to be polite and calm when "DEBATING" an anti, not because I think it will help change their mind as I can't remember any one who truly had an open mind, but for any audience that probably is made up of mostly Undecideds who are alot more likely to listen to a civilly presented argument. Of course its not alway possible to stay calm.

If they come for my guns and I stand up and fight...What about my kids???

if I don't fight...What about my kids???
Jeremae: That is a fantastic quote. I have long heard the sexual comparison argument and it has never made sense to me possibly because I know the difference.

Your quote puts it all in a new perspective. They dont fear our guns they fear our "members" and symbolicly by taking our guns they believe they render us "harmless".
And that explains why they dont know how to react to female gun advocates.

Thank you boys and girls for your rapt attention.

Better days to be,

:D ! ROTFLMAO! That's great! It may have made them more dedicated later, but the shock value had to be worth it!

Hope you didn't copyright it! heh heh! ;)

I read the perfect comeback on a board somewhere that would work in a lot of office situations.

When the anti-hunters/gunners are riding you hard in public, say very loudly...

"You are not honoring my lifestyle and diversity!"

This is the perfect comeback to a liberal and leaves them speechless every time. ;-)


<A HREF="http://www.netbabbler.com/goto/index.php3?forumid=12204">
Joe's Second Amendment Message Board</A>
You're a better man than I, Gunga Dennis! I don't think I could have kept my cool in that situation. The group of folks I work with have more PhD's than Cal Tech in the spring and the price is right - about a dime a dozen. Sort of like Colonels at the Pentagon. In either group, if someone gets a big head about it, they usually find it (their head) in the wringer until the swelling goes down.
some woman for some reason think they have a penis, and i applaud the restraint from the guy's here. but you know a cold hard slap of reality could be just what the doc ordered of course the self righteous would have you charged with either a hate crime(she's awoman, or you get hit with domestic violence) just tell them some woman
cant understand normal thinking.
that's as pc as i can put it.
Men learn real quick that if they get in someone's face like that, or worse hit them, that they answer to a pair of fists. Women never get to learn that lesson. Hence you have women such as above who never learn just how "bad" they AREN'T.

I have a feeling that The Witch is doing our side a lot of good. We need more people like her to rant about anti-gun stuff every where they go! Everyone hates her and she is truly a miserable person trying to spread her misery and lift herself up. The more she tells everyone that hates her how much of a gun grabber she is, the worse she makes their side look.
Dennis, simply outstnding, sir!! I know it takes a while for the knot in your stomach, the roaring in your ears, and the pain in your, uh, head to subside, but in the end, you keep your integrity and self respect. You ARE da man!
BEST regards, M2
Good job-- I tend to find that, despite the best of planning and attempts toward civility, I come up with either "Oh yeah?!" or perhaps "Shut up, you insufferable fool." The perfect answer does occur to me, of course, but this is usually about 1-5 hours later! :)

Next time you're up Dallas/Ft.Worth 'ways, drop me a line-- I got the beers, and know some darned fine microbreweries 'round here.

LoneStar: I'm in Houston this coming weekend for a wedding. Lemme get you a round of S. Bock, too!

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
Carefull what you say about women in general... My wife? Hell, she will flatline you with a Round-House kick to the temple - She dont NEED to use her fists!

I sure do love that woman... :D

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

Kodiac you got one of them women too? mine is 6' w/ long legs and has a pretty mean round house herself. Why do ya' think i own all these weapons... a husband has to protect himself ya' know! :D

what me worry?
Dennis, it's a good thing I wasn't drinking when I read this. I would've been the one with DP coming out of the nose!!!

I think we Texans need to have a party for Dennis to honor his integrety and honesty and his recent promotion to Moderator. So who's payin' for the Shiner? :D :D :D Better yet, let's have the party in Shiner at the factory!!!! :D :D :D

You show an amazing amount of self control. Great comeback too.

I have found some of these gun control nuts to be the rudest people on earth.


Precision Crafted
Kydex Holsters

Just a passing thought, but perhaps you should have inquired of this lady, concerning the number of instances/unit of time, that she had sexual intercourse with her husband, boyfriend, possibly even girlfriend. After all, assuming that she had nothing to hide, why would it matter, one way of the other, except that it would be none of your business.

Of course, how many of whatever items of personal property you choose to own are nobodies business either, and as this creature might have learned, inflicting your opions on others, unbidden, can lead to unpleasantness too.

In closing, I understand that inhaling soft drinks, even inhaling good 12 year old scotch (Johny Walker Black)is not particularly good for ones system.
Dennis, you did so well. These are very tough situations.

This reminds me of two things I note in most of these conversations:

First, the more 'educated' the anti-self defense zealot, the more ignorant. Because of their PhD, CPA, law degree, medical degree, etc., they believe they must therefore be an expert in firearms, the philosophy and history of self defense and the logic of related laws. The more I learn about this philosophy and the technical side of firearms, the more I realize my 'education' never prepared me for the deeper truths of this study.

And second, following the first point almost as a corollary, the attacks by the ignorant are fast, furious and ... superficial while being inaccurate. They move quickly from argument to argument, because none of them bear close examination. They'll trash the 2nd Amendment 'individual rights' as a 'myth', but then retreat to asserting its obsolescence when they begin losing the historical argument. They'll assert the 'obvious', such as 'who needs an assault weapon', and then sneer with sarcasm as you begin to make clear their utter lack of knowledge about the terms themselves.

I've told my oldest boy to always watch carefully for excessively emotional arguments. They always point to a lack of substance and logic. They point to ignorance and lies.

You had a great comeback for her. Me ... I usually think of those 5 minutes later! ;)

Actually, one of my few hopes is that the anti-self defense crowd has enough 'witches' so that their bankrupt philosophy will become more apparent based upon the weakness of their supporters. Thanks for pointing out another one.
Sounds like the witch paid the tuition money, got her "receipt" but didn't learn a thing. I think the only degrees she sees as important are:
BS = bull $h!t
MS = more $h!t
PhD = Pile it High and Deep


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety
Dennis: I have nothing to add to what others have said but my own hearty endorsement of how you handled that situation. I'm just lucky to be working in a business where most folks are at least hunters if not real hardcore "gun people".

nralife: Also a great comeback- it is a shame , however, that concepts such as respect for others lifestyles and acknowledgement of diversity have take on a negative connotation because of the hypocrisy of those who call themselves liberals.

Trevor: Just a personal observation- I don't know what discipline your Ph.D is in, but I've noticed that you find some better attitudes towards guns in the sciences rather than arts and humanities. The group I used to shoot when I lived out in west Texas included not only my own thesis advisor, but the chairman of the department I was in and a professor emeritus of mathematics.

Bulldog: a Texas TFL bash to celebrate anything sounds great, especially one that includes any of the Shiner brews! It seems like most of us Texas members have SB as a favorite.
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