If you have nothing to hide....

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Staff Emeritus
If you have nothing to hide...(a short story)

Every once in a while, something beautiful happens. This was NOT one of those occasions.

Yesterday I went to the doctor (sore throat, fever, etc.) - nothing serious - but I felt really rotten.

Shortly thereafter, I visited a friend (a Paramedic) at his office. I wanted to
set up a class and borrow some first aid equipment from him.

A fellow instructor was there. She’s about 5’5”, 103lbs (she says), bleached blonde (a truly artificial shade, by the way), with a hairdo about 2” long.

She is painfully thin, brags about it, and insults anyone large enough to cast a shadow by referring to them as obese slobs. I weigh nearly 250lbs so you can imagine how she attacks me about my weight. (She's NOT wrong about everything, I suppose.)

She is ugly. Not so much physically as “clear to the bone”. She lords her PhD
degree over all listeners. She belittles everyone with a verbal ability that borders on physical violence. She uses her PhD like a club, her vocabulary like a hammer. Behind her back, she is called, "The Witch"!

She is universally despised for her brutality towards all “lesser” people - of which (obviously) I am one.

Naturally, she is a ranting & raving gun control nut who won’t give it a rest.

Yesterday I politely said hello to her as I passed by and she started in on me about gun control. I felt rotten so I asked her nicely to skip it for today and she foolishly considered that a sign of weakness. She escalated her attack, following me to my friend's desk. (Strike one.)

I told her I was busy and suggested we discuss it later, but she had an audience and would not be put off. As I tried to conduct my business with my friend, she kept at me and kept at me - making it impossible to conduct business. (Strike two.)

Same old stuff, guns being a substitute for real manhood, immature expressions of sexual inadequacy, trying to put guns into the hands of every child, etc.... I was starting to reach “critical mass” when she found a hot button. She stated it was MY fault that the kids at Columbine were killed.
(Strike three!)

I locked up, nearly had a double hernia trying to control my clenched fists as
she continued, “If you have nothing to hide you can not make any rational argument against gun registration. What’s the matter? Are you afraid to let anyone see how many guns you have in your feeble attempt to be a man? ...”

I missed the rest because of the roaring in my ears....

I turned, she grinned expectantly waiting for me to bust loose.

“So,” I started, “if a person has nothing to hide he should let everyone see what he has?”

“Yes,” she replied, “you don’t have to hide what you’re not ashamed of!”

I looked at her 32AA chest and said, “So your blouse is merely for decoration?”

There was a millisecond of total stillness, broken only by the sound of my friend suddenly blowing Dr. Pepper out his nose, then all hell broke loose.

Two men and a woman at the counter began laughing hysterically, my friend began a realistic demonstration of a man choking to death. The Witch stood there stunned, displaying the widest eyes and mouth I have ever seen on a supposedly human being.

I began to expect she would slap me. I began to HOPE she would slap me. Frankly, I have no idea what I might have done in return.

I don’t remember much of the next few seconds. She stood there in shock as
my choking friend stepped between us in, as he later put it, “trying to save her life and keep Dennis out of jail!”

His words, if any, were unintelligible as he tried to speak through the choking and tears generated by soft drink-filled sinuses.

I vaguely noticed he was shaking his head violently, no! no!, and realized he
thought I was out of control. I felt out of control. I turned away and walked into an empty office, slammed the door and locked it.

There was a short pounding on the door as I leaned against the far office wall
wondering what I might have done if she had slapped me. The shrieking voices outside the office quieted and I was left alone.

I guess it took four or five minutes until the roaring and pain in my head subsided. Then I walked out of the office.

The three people who had been at the counter were gone now. My friend had survived and was now able to speak. As soon as he saw me he grinned and started to laugh. I didn’t laugh.

Finally, he calmed himself enough to complete our business and I left. I was
startled and disappointed that I still can be pushed into being verbally nasty. Worse, I was frightened, because if she had slapped me, I think I might have hit her.

But there was good news:

1) My friend admitted he despised the woman. He explained he had warned
her repeatedly about her nastiness and this was the final straw. He simply would not schedule her to teach any more classes for him.

2) More important: as angry as I was, it never entered my mind to pull the .45 I had concealed under my jacket.

Training and forethought apparently are of some value after all.


I agree the Witch should wear a blouse. Not just for aesthetic reasons.

Just because you “have nothing to hide” does not mean it should be studied and documented - by the public or by those who are supposed to represent the public (our government).

There is only ONE reason for gun registration - subsequent confiscation.
Crime-fighting arguments are mere ruses - sheeple food.

Never register guns!

By the same token, there must be a better way to stop crime than to assume guilt until innocence is proven. Unjustified search and seizure can be taken too far!

Do you believe Americans should submit to searches of their homes, cars, offices, etc. because of "If you have nothing to hide...."?

If so, I would point out that sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS can kill you just as dead as a gun. Should we stop cars on the interstate to take blood tests?

Herpes can blind an infant during birth. Should we have pelvic exams along our highways?

The difference between these stupid examples and unwarranted car stops to check for illegal drugs and drunk drivers is only a difference of extent - not of philosophy.

We never can be completely safe. We either must shoulder the risk of living, or suffer the checks and supervision of a tyrannical government.

Let's stop this madness. We are supposed to be a free people. Don't give it all up. Let "The Witch" wear her blouse.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 06, 1999).]
Remarkable self control Dennis. I don't know if I could have done the same. The voices in my thick skull say you did the best thing you could have but there is still a whisper saying "hit her."
Once in a while, one comes up with the PERFECT comeback.

Dennis, you rock. Truly and completely, now and forever.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Wow....there is a lot to be said about the wisdom of age, I don't have that kind of restraint. I live to destroy people like the Witch.

Trust me Dennis...she is a horribly insecure creature, needing public ego gratification and takes advantage of male/female mores. She knows you have a societal disadvantage...wonder how she'd deal with someone like me? (evil grin)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
If I could get enough Nomex padding to protect me, I would love to see you take on The Witch. hee, hee!

The term "fillet" comes to mind. ( :D :D)
There is this notion that the perfect comeback hits a second before they hear it...

However, I admire your quick thinking -- well done...and she can't use it against you.
Dennis, I think you did just perfect. THe reaction from the observers was most likely unexpected by her, and only underscored that her argument was specious.

Good one.

My only question is, Does she even have a clue that you were carrying? ...

What is probably amazing to her is that you demonstrated your superior (or is that lack of) masculinity through complete restraint, limited only to a calm (altho perhaps agitated) *verbal* comment.

My hat's off to you, sir
Awwww Dennis!!!
I would love to have your wit and quick thinking. I never know what to say to a person until the argument is over.

Excellent story of self control in the heat of the moment.

I'm afraid I would have been the one with the Cola coming out my nose. While it is true you were upset, I would have been ROTFLMAO. Don't worry about Miss Toothpick, she is just seeking self gratification for an obviously inadequate life.

Hey! Maybe her father and grandfather had open arguments while she was a child and now she is punishing the entire male population!!! Grin….
That another over the fence for Dennis. Good Job!
That deserves a cold Shiner Bock! Next time I make it out to Comal County, I owe you one.

Now, DC vs. "The Witch", say 10 rounds on Pay-Per-View, with the proceeds going to the winners favorite charitable organization. That would be good television!

"I am convinced that we can do to guns what we've done to drugs: create a multi-billion dollar underground market over which we have absolutely no control."

George L. Roman

"The U.S. Constitution may be flawed, but it's a whole lot better than what we have now."

"If we can put a man on the moon, why can't we put Clinton there?"


You sure know how to bribe a guy! Mention Shiner Bock and my head comes up like a startled prarie dog’s!

“What? What? Shiner Bock? Where? Where?” :D :D

If you come to Comal County, let me know ahead of time. I'll have a supply on hand (so we can return each other's "favor" several times ;)).

Thanks for the support but I must confess. Thinking had little to do with it. I’m not very glib. My comment just sort of popped out!

I don’t believe ANYone knew I was armed. I try to keep that “my little secret”.

The Witch is well-named. She uses femininity as her defense as she uses nastiness for offense. Had she been a guy, it never would have gone that far - for any number of reasons. Guess it's good that I still consider women to be ladies - something special.

The Witch is a small person but she is BIG on gun control. Like our government, she believes she must force her enlightened version of safety upon the ignorant masses.

I find that offensive.

I also find it offensive that I am treated like a criminal until proven innocent. I must be stopped and searched because I “might” have consumed alcohol or other drugs, or “might” be some kind of smuggler,
or (horrors!) “might” have guns!!!!

Our government is no less offensive than the Witch. It just hasn’t contacted all of us yet. It will. Our government is getting bigger and stronger daily.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 06, 1999).]
I had a similar situation happen about two years ago. I hadn't really thought about it in a while. A little, nasty, short-haired, feisty, educated, and I daresay bitchy woman trying to convince me (with an audience, of course) that the founders were dead and with them, their philosophy. I don't like debating with zealots, as you can never convince them, but I explained that it (RKBA) has little to do with the founders - it's just right, and a short explanation of why (along the lines of A Nation of Cowards, which I hadn't even read yet). I capped it by saying that only a coward is afraid of arms and won't defend themselves when attacked. So... She attacked me! She started slapping me as hard as she could! With all of 95 pounds behind it, it wasn't actually painful, but god, I was angry. After about four vicious slaps, I flicked my cigarette butt off her almost shaved little head, turned on my heel, and walked away. I guess my friends had to physically restrain her from jumping on me from behind and trying to claw my eyes out.

I wasn't armed at the time (wasn't even a "gun guy" yet), and it actually never crossed my mind to strike back. My friends said they were afraid I would kill her, though (I can be pretty hot-tempered, especially back then, and the drinks were flowing freely that night). Some people are just nasty, and even more so when they think they can push your buttons. I've not spoken with this woman since (she just disappeared from our social circle), but I can only assume that she was trying to provoke me into hitting her, or had absolutely no control over her anger that I was thinking for myself, expressing myself (I like to think) eloquently, and wouldn't bow to her socialist ideals.

It's scary how vicious, violent, and angry these people are.

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited August 06, 1999).]
So true! Some of these anti gun people are Hitlerian...they would literally exterminate folks with opposing views and feel completely justified in doing so.
The irony is that once that type of power is used, they become worse than even they portrayed their enemies, yet they would still do it.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Reading this post brings up several lines of thought;

First, Dennis you did well. All of her ranting was put down by one sentence from you. She in not worth any more than you gave her. True masculinity is the ability to restrain yourself from violence when it is not warranted.

Second, I believe that much of the gun control debate is predicated on people like the witch who see firearms as a White male thing that has to be destroyed in the name of advancing their leftist agenda. Look at the people who espouse gun control, how many percieve themselves to be victims of the Mean spirited white male dominated society. The witch's attacks on your masculinity under the guise of gun control are an obvious example.

Third, the obsession with being thin in this society really *%^&$#'S ME OFF! I have been heavy most of my life (Well all of it really) and know how it can be used as just another form of discrimination. Even when I graduated from OCS in the Army I was still overweight by their standards, eventhough I could Kick the a@@ of every skinny jackass who reminded me of it, and run circles around them all day. I would rather have a few extra pounds than look like a "Musselman" (This was a term used by concentration camp inmates to describe a poor unfortunate who was so emaciated that they were about to die). My aunt told me many years ago that during the depression the skinny ones gave up and died, the heavier ones were survivors. She lost half of her family.

Sorry , didn't mean to make this another non gun rant.
You go boy!

And here I thought exotic sports cars and cigarette boats were an extension of one's manhood. Guns are too? Hmmmm.

The comment made identifying this person's lack of self-esteem, self-confidence, or insecurity would have hit the nail on the head. Although it is difficult to identify these zealous fanatics by sight, as soon as I have learned their religiously rabid anti feelings on any specific subject that I am passionate about, I avoid them as if they had the plague.

This happened recently at a Christmas party where a very attractive blond woman and I made eye contact. She made her way across the room and we began conversing. As soon as I told her I hunted deer, she became vile. I excused myself for the washroom, and ignored her the rest of the night.

I avoid confrontations with people in public (where there's an audience), preferring those types of discussions in privacy or an alley. You'd be surprised at how cowardly people get when they are alone, with no witnesses.
fight fire with penguins!

the only other defence to this attack is a well sung hearty rendition of i'm a lumberjack & i'm OK...

the target might see the point, that your inanity is an attempt to cancel out their own rehearsed blather,
they might not...

now everybody sing!

(what would be really cool would to be in cohoots with the other people in the room and start singing at a pre agreed keyword)

the target would assume that they had fallen into a dada nightmare

after one hazing run
a couple of hummed notes would nullify the witch...

she turned me into a newt...

i got better

doc Zox
Dennis, ditto on all the kudos above. I would have loved to see her face when you nailed her with that comeback!

The rest of my post was somewhat interesting but not too relevant to the topic of ranting antis, so I edited...

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited August 11, 1999).]
Unfortunately, your experience with this PhD person is not unusual. Having a PhD myself and working in higher education (for over 10 years) has been a nightmare for me as a gunowner. I cannot mention anything about what I did over the weekend (hours on the shooting range, etc.) without taking much abuse for it. Thus, I have given up on higher education as a career (although I still teach one class at night when most people are not around) and am looking for something else.

There is a growing division in the U.S. between those who own guns privately and those who wish to ban them. Expect the rift to only get nastier in the next few years. You too may have to be making some major lifestyle changes to honor your commitment to the right to bear arms.

It only takes one bullet to change your life.
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