If you had a time machine

Somehow.... I just can't get the Archduke Ferdinand out of my worry box.

I remember hearing about a British publication back in the 1920's that ran a contest where people made up fake headlines and the winner was:

"Archduke Ferdinand Found Alive! World War One a Mistake!"
^^^ :D ^^^

WW-I --> Fall of the Tsar --> rise of Lenin --> Treaty of Versailles --> German Econ Collapse
--> rise of Hitler --> WW-II --> 85 million Dead --> Atom Bomb

no need to play what-if...
all because of the murder of a single backwoods minor 2-bit tuberculer decaying aristocrat
Yeah, you can't really summarize history like that since there are multiple things happening at the same time. For example, you could try stopping Hitler, but then Stalin might have some new plans. So you see what I’m saying? There was never just a single thread but multiple ones. You would need to be everywhere all the time. Not even with a time machine would you be able to change anything
All op sit came as direct result of the latter.

Break ONE element in the chain and you have a dramatically different
starting sequence "most likely" then moving in a different direction