If you always carry when out and about do you carry in your home

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Given that you've firmly established that you believe only your definition of "reasonable" could possibly be correct, this comment has no applicability except to someone else who shares your exact definition/assessment of "reasonable".
By all means, feel free to cite where I stated any such thing with regard to being "reasonable" in the above context...
In fact, how about just citing where I provided ANY definition of "reasonable"...

No, it's not a non sequitur.
It clearly is
And you doubled down on it in your very next two sentences as follows...

The idea that it is possible to control other people's behavior to the point that there is no chance of having a home compromised isn't realistic. There are many ways that someone can get into a house and a lot of them can't be prevented with gates/locks/doors/the actual physical security of the house.
At no point did I say a word or even imply anything about controlling someone else's behavior to such a point
Let alone state/imply something such as "no chance"

Your reply/replies are the very definition of a non sequitur... with some projection thrown in as well... and it continues...

The idea that the only reason a person would carry a firearm is because "they believe they have to", is quite restrictive.
Only if you want it to be
I clearly stated... "if I believed there was a need"
Note the >I< in there?

And clearly you missed the part where I stated...
Everyone is free to do as they like
My opinion is just that, an opinion
Agree or disagree

Ironic that you would mention this in the context of making a number of modifications to a house, many of which modifications would complicate rapid exit significantly.
Cite where I asserted any such modifications that would "complicate rapid exit significantly"

Why wouldn't it?
If you can provide the citations I'm asking for, I would be more than happy to re-evaluate my position

It's not at all surprising that a person who feels like their way is the only right way, that anyone doing it differently is doing it wrong, who believes they can control the actions of others, and who states that anyone who disagrees with them is incompetent or mentally defective, wouldn't understand or consider the perspective of others.
The above is nothing but more non sequitur and projection
Again please cite where I stated ANY of the above things

I'm providing this as a counterpoint to your screed
I simply responded to your clear non sequitur
You clearly don't believe it is, but by all means feel free to provide the cites I asked for and prove me wrong
If you cannot provide them... then that should be a clue for you

it's clear that you are completely impervious to other points of view
See above... I'm all ears :)

You seem to be taking this VERY personally
I'm not sure why
I clearly stated these were simply my own opinions, take them or leave them
None of what I said is meant to be taken personally
Heck you yourself are free to disagree all you like... I even invited anyone to do so
You can even call me a Bozo to your hearts content if you please, I don't take such things personally

But I will say that your non sequitur and projections are quite disheartening at best :(
Which is the only reason for my "screed" as you put it
I invite you to prove they are anything but, by citing as I requested

If not, feel free to :) and have a nice day
100% of home invasions occur at home.

Yes, carry at home if only to keep your back muscles in shape for daily carry.
By all means, feel free to cite where I stated any such thing with regard to being "reasonable" in the above context...
Like when you made this tautology?
But reasonable people do take reasonable measures
Or when you stated that anyone who wasn't doing it your way was doing it wrong or was paranoid?
At no point did I say a word or even imply anything about controlling someone else's behavior to such a point
Let alone state/imply something such as "no chance"
You responded to a comment by a person who said that "...I cannot control the actions of others." by saying: "Then you're doing it wrong"

When you were called on making such an obviously ridiculous statement, you tried to make it seem like it should have been clear that you weren't saying what you clearly said but rather that people should take those 5 words and automatically form them into a fully fleshed out philosophy of home security.

Well, it makes perfect sense that you would do your best to try to walk back such a ridiculous statement, but unfortunately what you followed with didn't make much more sense.
I clearly stated... "if I believed there was a need"
Note the >I< in there?...
You clearly stated:
The subject is about carrying inside your home
You are responsible for the safety and security of your own home
If one cannot maintain a level of such so that they believe they have to carry a firearm on their person while inside it...
Then YES that person is doing something very wrong
Or simply paranoid
I don't for a moment believe that you are incapable of keeping track of what you said, even when I quote you exactly. What do you think it is called when someone quotes a person EXACTLY, and then responds to the EXACT quote and then the person being quoted EXACTLY tries to pretend that the quote was not correct?
And clearly you missed the part where I stated...
Everyone is free to do as they like
My opinion is just that, an opinion
Agree or disagree
I missed nothing. And this is a ridiculous statement in the context of your repeated accusations that anyone who doesn't share your opinion is paranoid or "doing it wrong".

In fact, it would be comedic if you weren't dead serious. :D
Cite where I asserted any such modifications that would "complicate rapid exit significantly"
"... physical barriers and obstacles, properly secured windows..." Virtually anything that makes it harder to get in, makes it harder to get out. Not a difficult concept.
The above is nothing but more non sequitur and projection
Again please cite where I stated ANY of the above things...
--"I would either move or seek some therapy"

--"Then you're doing it wrong"

--"If one cannot maintain a level of such so that they believe they have to carry a firearm on their person while inside it...
Then YES that person is doing something very wrong
Or simply paranoid"

---"I would either move or seek some therapy"
You seem to be taking this VERY personally
But I will say that your .... projections ...
You can even call me a Bozo to your hearts content if you please...
Ah. Right on cue--I figured we were getting close to this phase.

The "Someone disagrees with me, therefore it must be personal." philosophy is completely consistent with your position so far that "reasonable people" do as you do and those who don't...well... :rolleyes:

In case it's not obvious, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. And to state it. Where things start to get sticky is when you can't leave it there and you have to take the next step of saying that you believe that those who don't share your opinion aren't reasonable, are paranoid, need therapy, are incompetent, etc.

If you feel that your opinion needs more than just reasoning/logic/facts to support it, and you must resort to insulting those who disagree, what does that say about your opinion? What does it say about you?
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