If you always carry when out and about do you carry in your home

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No but only because I haven't found a pajama gun that I like. As I've gotten older, I've come to prefer comfortable clothes around the house and that usually means pajama, lounge, or flannel pants.

This is another chance to complain about how the tiny polymer revolution has largely ignored DA/SA. If somebody made a decent decocker-only DA/SA on par with the Sig P365 or some of the little polymer guns in .380; I'd buy one.

I almost bought a Taurus Spectrum right before the pandemic and now I wish I did. It isn't DA/SA but it is a true double action with no manual safety. That's the next best thing as far as I'm concerned.
If one occasionally wanders around scantily clothed, it lets everyone in the neighborhood
know that 1. they don't want to fight with a half-nekkid or more nekkid grizzley bear...
and 2. getting shot might not be the worst thing that could happen to them...
If one occasionally wanders around scantily clothed, it lets everyone in the neighborhood
know that 1. they don't want to fight with a half-nekkid or more nekkid grizzley bear...
and 2. getting shot might not be the worst thing that could happen to them...
Good one.
Yes, my KelTec PF9 is carried from the time I get out of bed until I crawl into bed, where it goes into a hidden drawer in the end table. When bathing it is in a folded up towel next to the shower.
Am always armed, but not out and about much. Being 20 feet from the main county highway in the county's largest city (2000 pop) provides incentive to be armed at all times. Am right on main conduit from the Cities to points in NW Wi, which includes main drug running / degenerate conduit, as well as constant stream of vacationers in warmer months.
If I believed there was a need to carry in my home...
I would either move or seek some therapy
A home should be a sanctuary
Not a paranoia filled prison
If I believed there was a need to carry in my home...
I would either move or seek some therapy

If I knew exactly when and where I would need a gun, I wouldn’t go there.

I carry everywhere precisely because I don’t know.

I would like to think my home is safe for myself and my family, but I cannot control the actions of others.
Nice safe neighborhood. Heavy steel doors with long-throw deadbolts and latches.
Windows are built with strong/thick shatter-resistant glass and are alarmed.
I am happy to enjoy a movie at home without a firearm on my hip. They are close enough.
If I knew exactly when and where I would need a gun, I wouldn’t go there.
Yup. That pretty much covers it.
Originally Posted by Crankylove View Post
I would like to think my home is safe for myself and my family, but I cannot control the actions of others.
Then you're doing it wrong
I suppose that if one has the mindset that they are able to control the actions of others, and the unshakeable confidence that they are doing it right, and those who are doing it differently must therefore be doing it wrong, that gives them an unusual perspective on things.

I agree that if one believes that it is possible to control the actions of others and to do so without fail, then carrying a firearm doesn't make sense.
As my mentor taught me. Pants on, gun on.

Home invasions are extremely rare but they do happen, even in nice areas. Besides if you carry all the time it becomes normal.
I don't live in fear, but it costs me nothing to keep my EDC on the side table next to my sofa. I don't carry it into the kitchen or bathroom.
We are old and retired, live out in a rural area. I do not carry in the house, but always carry when outdoors ...more for "targets of opportunity" (fox, raccoon, coyote, etc.) than for defense against humans, but that is one consideration.

Being old and not likely to fare well in a physical confrontation, nor have any at risk visitors, have staged guns. We also keep the doors locked and have security cams watching the likely entrance albeit the cameras were installed because I cannot hear the doorbell anymore and have frequent deliveries to the back door. The cameras have become more of a means of watching our cats, the neighborhood casts, opossums, 'coons, etc. that come for our cat food on the back porch...mostly entertainment. Therefore, carrying while inside is seemingly unnecessary inasmuch as I think I would have adequate warning of an intruder with nefarious intent.
Even if living in the country, would be carrying at all times. Being isolated carries a whole other set of circumstances. Some may think paranoia, others may think being prepared.

Would be pretty boring if we all followed the same standards.
Yup. That pretty much covers it. I suppose that if one has the mindset that they are able to control the actions of others, and the unshakeable confidence that they are doing it right, and those who are doing it differently must therefore be doing it wrong, that gives them an unusual perspective on things.

I agree that if one believes that it is possible to control the actions of others and to do so without fail, then carrying a firearm doesn't make sense.

Non sequitur
And a big one at that

The subject is about carrying inside your home
You are responsible for the safety and security of your own home
If one cannot maintain a level of such so that they believe they have to carry a firearm on their person while inside it...
Then YES that person is doing something very wrong
Or simply paranoid

Fences, dogs, lights, motion sensors, alarms, cameras, physical barriers and obstacles, properly secured windows and doors, pre planning, etc, etc, etc...
Are all things that are under the occupants control and NOT the whims of others

A person is FAR more likely to be injured or killed in a house fire than they are from a shootout inside
So do you carry a 2.5 gallon fire extinguisher strapped to your back all day?

A person is FAR more likely to slip and fall in the shower/bath smashing their skull open than they are of dying from a shootout inside
So do you strap on a helmet before stepping into your shower or tub?

Much of the gun community is out of shape to morbidly obese, thus far more likely to die getting up in the night to take a leak than from a shootout inside
So do you four o'clock an AED right next to your pistola?

I would imagine its a firm "no" to all of the above

But reasonable people do take reasonable measures
We mitigate fire risks with alarms, extinguishers, pre planning escape, routinely check for hazards, don't store filled gas cans inside a garage, etc, etc, etc
Why not do the same with regard to the security of your home and property so you don't "need" to be so paranoid while inside

Fix those issues that make you feel vulnerable

Everyone is free to do as they like
My opinion is just that, an opinion
Agree or disagree ;)

But my original opinion stands...

If I believed there was a need to carry in my home
I would either move or seek some therapy
A home should be a sanctuary
Not a paranoia filled prison
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Stationing quality firearms all over the home is expensive, it’s easier to just carry and practice with the same one. Not to mention if you station a firearm there is a chance that a real home invader (if you are unfortunate enough to experience that) could potentially find your stationed gun and use it on you.

POGO, pants on gun on. A gun that is not on your person should be locked up when at your home. A quality biometric or RFID safe can open in less than 1 second, keep a small one in reach.
But reasonable people do take reasonable measures
Given that you've firmly established that you believe only your definition of "reasonable" could possibly be correct, this comment has no applicability except to someone else who shares your exact definition/assessment of "reasonable".
Non sequitur
And a big one at that

The subject is about carrying inside your home
You are responsible for the safety and security of your own home
If one cannot maintain a level of such so that they believe they have to carry a firearm on their person while inside it...
Then YES that person is doing something very wrong
Or simply paranoid
No, it's not a non sequitur.

1. The idea that it is possible to control other people's behavior to the point that there is no chance of having a home compromised isn't realistic. There are many ways that someone can get into a house and a lot of them can't be prevented with gates/locks/doors/the actual physical security of the house. As just one example, I've seen video of home invasions where the person had a high fence and an automated gate on their driveway and the invaders were still able to get in by merely timing their arrival so that they were able to come in the gate and into the garage behind the homeowner before the gate/door could close. They waited on the opposite end of the street and came down it so that they arrived at the gate about the same time the homeowner's car did.

2. The idea that the only reason a person would carry a firearm is because "they believe they have to", is quite restrictive. I suppose some people carry because they feel they must. or because they're afraid, others carry just to be prepared--because they can, more than because they feel it's a necessity. By the way, that goes for outside the home as well as inside the home. I see people who obviously feel like the only reason someone would carry is because they're afraid or because they feel they have to. It's simply not true. When I can't, or don't carry, it doesn't bother me at all--because I'm not carrying out of fear or due to a feeling of compulsion.

A person is FAR more likely to be injured or killed in a house fire than they are from a shootout inside.
Ironic that you would mention this in the context of making a number of modifications to a house, many of which modifications would complicate rapid exit significantly. Don't you think?
But my original opinion stands...

It's not at all surprising that a person who feels like their way is the only right way, that anyone doing it differently is doing it wrong, who believes they can control the actions of others, and who states that anyone who disagrees with them is incompetent or mentally defective, wouldn't understand or consider the perspective of others. I'm providing this as a counterpoint to your screed for others who are following this thread or who may read it in the future--it's clear that you are completely impervious to other points of view.
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