They aren't flummoxed at all. Their idea of compromise is that we lose something, and they do nothing in return. It can only
be a zero-sum game if our opponents can be dealt with in good faith.
Sure, they might promise something in return, but it won't ever materialize. Assuming it will is a very bad idea. There are no trades to be made on the issue.
Oh they have been flummoxed on national UBC -- over and over. That is probably the the single largest divergence from public support and leglistaltive success in the last couple of decades.
I think we all agree the gun control lobby is not acting in good faith. Did I day they were? Nor that they will engage in actual compromise. But compromise is common on the hill, be it to actually compromise, or more often to inject language that guts or poison pills a leglistaltive effort.
We have certainly flummoxed them on UBC with quid pro quo (let's not forget with HR 8 that we drove them nuts with inclusion of illegal alien getting NICS hits via 4473 amendment), just as we have on other occasions with brute strength.
The flummoxing on that had to do with damage of an important relationship between Bloomberg's groups and the strategic coalitions they have made,
A lot of key vest pocket pro immigration groups went ballistic
and withdrew support of HR8, because of the illegal alien compromise. EG "Immigrant Defense Project" and "United We Dream." The AOC "Squad" was only retained in supporting the "compromise" HR8 because Pelosi assured them McConnell would not even hear in it the Senate. That is a sound flummoxing.
For god's sakes they were CRYING in the House gallery:
I hope people understand
I am not talking about sincere compromise, nor am I suggesting the other side is working in good faith. Rather about a strategy that works very often and has worked multiple times when we are on defense.
The professional staff in gun control groups, and I know several staffers, absolutely think they have been flummoxed over and over. They think the NRA 100% won the instant background check law construction, they think the NRA spun them like a top with grandfathering and sunsetting of AWB, they can't believe how little they got after Newton and Parkland. The outright consensus among those groups that the NRA outplayed them over and over at the national level is why a good part of their strategy and resources shifted to the state-houses.
As I said the entire thing depends on Georgia. Taking the two seats in Georgia will give one party three out of four (WH, HR, Senate). UBC very likely will not get thrown out, by even the current court and if they have three out of four they can, and I think will,
pack the court giving them four out of four and all the gun control they want. At the very least what they can get past either Sens. Manchin or Collins which certainly does include UBC
If they do not take the Senate, they they also lose the court near tear since they cant pack it, each side two out of four.
If they take Georgia, then amendments we
present as compromise, but are actually functionally quid pro quo or poison pills (either is ok) and are the rational response compared to stonewalling on the likely first potentially amendable* early legislation -- UBC.
This will not be Harry Reid running the Senate, but Chuck Schumer. He doesn't think you should be able to own a sling shot, comes forma place where you need to register pepper spray, and he is going to play severe hardball. Exactly how many blue dogish members are left in the Senate? Answer: one, Manchin. I'd pick Schumer in a fight against Manchin in minute.
*The earliest legislation may be will be the repeal of lawsuit protection and I don't think we can stop that. That is actually much more dangerous since a) you don't need court standing to provide money and legal assistance, or to fully fund, persons suing gun makers or sellers; and b) there are thousands of potential cases per year. And we all know chilling affect works with large corporations. But that will be harder to poison pill.