If the majority of Police use Glocks...Arent they good enough for us ??

No police agencies can get their Glocks for free. Myth.

That practice would violate most ethics in procurement laws binding all purchasing professionals.

May they get some form of credits or allowances but freebies no. Many agencies sell to FFL for resale, destroy,m or sell at sheriff's sales themselves.

Next . . .
I, for one, do not care one whit what the police use. The police officers that I have observed are not firearms enthusiasts. As a result, many of them are woefully inadequate at actually hitting the target. If I recall correctly (according to plus-p), police officers missed their target during shooting conflicts with perps about 90% of the time (BEYOND BAD).

Further, it seems that Glock worshipper's think the only "reliable" handgun is a Glock. Well, as anyone with experience can relate, there are plenty of reliable wheelguns and semi-autos. I have never had reliability issues (and MORE importantly ACCURACY probs) with my 1911's, wheelies, Beretta and BHP.

Question: Has anyone ever won a target competition with a Glock? (I don't know the answer, I actually would like to know)
I have some comments with respect to an earlier post.

>First, Glocks are carried by the vast majority of American police agencies, federal law enforcement agencies, special forces groups, and elite forces.


>Many cop detectives cherish the Glock 27/26 for its small package but 10 round capacity plus one in the tube.

That is a size/capacity compromise that they have chosen to make, rather than carrying a full size firearm. It is a valid consideration.

>One of my best buds is a brick wall of a DEA agent who knocks down most doors without a ram, and his entry teams carry Glock 30s.

I do not see how this makes Glocks better, although it is a personal recommendation of a particular entry team that should be considered.

>Second, most purchasing depts for the government buy based upon "value" not price alone. For a gun with only 34 parts that is under $500 and known to be accurate and has survived incredible torture tests, what other gun COULD you spend taxpayer dollars on?

I think there's a little more to it than that. There are training, ammo and transition costs. There are litigation and judgment costs that often are not considered.

>Third, for most shooters' needs well beyond self defense/killing zone ranges, there are no finer tanks built than Glocks.

Maybe. They certainly are up there with the best.

>Fourth, I've had springs and levers break, slides rust, slide come off when the BG grabbed it, magazines eject in battle, etc in my Kimbers, Sigs, Colts, Berettas, and the like. But never in a Glock.

You are luckier or more skillful than me.

>Fifth, during the Desert Storm campaign, tons of Glock 21's were shipped to the Middle East for our folks in the armed forces. Nobody else's guns made the must have list.

The military has ammunition constraints that civilians and police agencies largely do not have. That limits firearms choices right from the start. I also should add that the public trough from which government feeds is usually deeper than the ammo budget of most non-LEO people, and Glocks may have a particular problem in that regard.

>Sixth, if you really want to know what the boys in blue want, its an HK MP5 not a pistol. Great for riot control, dynamic entries, and chicks really really dig those guns.
Pulse fire baby!

Actually, an MP5 is a firearm that shoots a pistol cartridge at a high cyclic rate of fire. I would prefer a rifle cartridge, or just give me a Remington 870 with slugs if I can't have that. I really don't care what chicks dig. (I'm just poking fun here, because I'm sure it was meant in jest.)

>I'd rather survive a gunfight with an ugly gun than die with a nickel-plated pimp gun in my cold dead hand.

I agree 1000%. I also agree with the converse, that I would rather survive a gunfight with a nickel-plated pimp gun than die with an ugly tank of a perfect gun in my cold dead hand.

>I've owned all type of semi-autos, revolvers, .32 acp up to 454 Causall, and if I can only have one gun, it's going to be a Glock!

Wow, that's a tough call. My choice might be a Glock, but it also could be a .357 mag revolver or a .44 mag revolver. Glad I don't have to make a choice!!!!

>As to training issues, we all know that cops these days are not shooting enthusiasts.

That is a good reason why the decision that an LE agency makes should not be an automatic reason to adopt a specific firearm.

All of the points made are entirely valid, but they do not require a specific choice as a matter of general principle. If we went back to 1985 and relied entirely on what LE agencies were using, Glocks wouldn't even be considered. Every person has to work out their own salvation. While the choice that an LE agency makes is a valid consideration, it is not the only consideration. Popularity polls do indicate preference, but that does not automatically make them correct.
Just a slight correction. The Glock Model 26 has a magazine capacity of ten rounds. The Glock Model 27 has a magazine capacity of nine rounds. I know. picky picky picky.
I get it; this is a tongue-in-cheek question, right?

Because knowledgeable shooters use something else, unless they just need a shooting appliance.
You know, something to throw under the car seat, something that they don't really care about.


Because real shooters use a 1911, or SIGs, or H&Ks, or some other brand we can brag about LOL.

Most cops could care less about their gun.
Carlos Hathcock carried a Glock? If he did, it wasn't in Vietnam!!!!!

Glocks are my main belt guns now though I am currently going Kel-Tec for CCW.

For Glocks, the virtues outweight the vices.

TURN-ONS: Lightweight, reliable, accurate, and cheap to manufacture. (Same technology in a Glock frame as in a 2 liter Coke bottle.)

TURN-OFFS- GRIP ANGLE IS WRONG!!! Under adrenaline rush, grip it hard and it inclines skyward (for me, anyway).

Still have doubts about reholstering on rainy night carrying clipboard, flashlight, Dunkin Donuts and blowing big toe off.

Plastic sights suck, should not be issue.


Ain't nothing perfect but Glock gets job done. And it bears repeating, LIGHT WEIGHT!!!
WYO: I like your style.

And BTW: Glocks are combat guns, not target pistols. The 1911-style 45 is the best toy for that game.

i would like to hear the rest of the story where you lost your slide when the bg grabbed it,what type of weapon did you have and how did you stop him?
Cops use Glocks. That's good enough for me.

On a related note -- I just sold my wife's Mitsubishi and my pickup. I bought two Crown Victorias to replace them.
Glock would have never become so popular with LE and civilians if they were not excellent weapons. Love em or hate em. They are the best all around pistol.
Yes there are pistols that:
Cost less
More accuarate
Better looking
Better trigger

But most of these pistols:
Cost more
Harder to train large groups with
Less reliable
Less durable
Pain to repair

Glocks are the ultimate compromise in the many pistols that are available.
One other BIG THANG about Glocks.

Corrosion resistance!!!!

I lived for ten years about 30 yards from Long Island Sound. Salt air did number on blue steel guns. If you didn't relube every two weeks, there was real danger of rust.

I had Glocks I carried next to skin IWB, and sweat on in buckets. Nary a speck of rust.
OK, time to bust some bubbles....

I was involved in T&E/Procurement for my old department. We did end up selecting Glocks, but not for these STUPID reasons people are giving....

We tested the HK, the Glock, and the SIG against the then-current issue Sigma 40cal. The HK was (by quite a bit) the top performer, with Sig coming in second. The Glock came in THIRD. We got the Glocks because of the deal they gave us, and for NO OTHER REASON. It met minimum requirements, and Glock was willing to take our Sigmas and our adjudicated weapons in trade for the Glocks. HK wouldn't deal AT ALL, neither would SIG. Glock threw in Armorer's school, the advanced class, and free replacement parts.

Sorry, but I can't stand by and NOT say something after seeing this BS.
Hmm, everything was so wonderful, Glock was the best of the best of the best, now George tells us that it was just the good american style business and not the results of super-duper torture tests (tank is rolling over Glock, Glock is fine, tank is dead, everybody is impressed and stuff) that tipped the scale in favor of Glock. May be George is right.
Funny me, I don't like light guns (although that P32 has piqued my interest).

Or guns that go "doink".

Just me...
"Doink"??? That's it!!! For YEARS I have been tying to figure out how to describe the "Tupperware Wonder's" trigger sound/behavior to people...that's it!!! Oh, Boy!!! Hot Damn!!! Some local LEO's are gonna rue the day that they made fun of ....
Doink! LMAO that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. Thanks for giving me a word to describe the sound of me dry-firing my Glocks. My wife hates the sound, and now she yells, "Stop doinking!".