If someone is shooting at you with a .357 Magnum...where is the best cover?

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Another thing.

No matter what anyone says, a .357 will not go clean through an engine block. Very few rifles, even shooting FMJ, will go through an engine block. 50BMG will, anything under that and you'll be safe (MAYBE A .338 Lapula with FMJ, MAYBE). As far as that goes, you're pretty safe from .357 (or any other pistol cartridge) behind anything concrete or double coursed brick or block. A normal sheetrock wall won't help much, but a decent sized tree or anything pretty solid and thick and you'll be safe. Solid and thick as in a car door or two won't work.

Now, a rifle is different. Pray... Hard. And do what makes sense by at least seeking what cover you can and fleeing. Concrete should still do the job. Concrete 6" thick or so should stop most small to medium rifle rounds (.30-06 or smaller). The problem is that repeated hits will eventually eat through your cover pretty quick. Anyhoo, the rest should be common sense.
I doubt if Dumpsters will probably stop a 357 magnum. I have seen AKs go through better steel than that. I know a 357 isn't an AK but it's food for thought.
Actually, we have fired quite a feW rounds through, er, at an engine block, including .50 bmg ball, tracer, AP, and API at distances where the AP penetates 500 Brinnel steel targets. Engine blocks are good cover as the rounds have trouble penetrating multiple compartments of the cylinders, valves, oil, coolant, etc.
I think using a mailbox for cover would be a great plan because everyone knows that it's a federal offense to damage one. So you would be safe there..:p
Best cover

Just a few inches of earth will stop a .357, or most anything else. The best cover is behind some earth, ie. in a ditch, behind a mound, etc. Use some micro-terrain. There is a reason people who prepare defenses use sand bags. Masonry fractures, steel can be penetrated and sends fragments flying. Dirt and sand soak up rounds and stop them fast.
Hide behind the car engine and tire. If you are packing a firearm yourself wait till the suspect is at hitting distance and nail him.
Or just keep your head down and pray.
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