If someone is shooting at you with a .357 Magnum...where is the best cover?

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If someone is shooting at you with a .357 magnum or even a rifle, what is the best cover. You are walking down the street and some nut comes out of a bank with a magnum handgun or a full semi auto rifle. They start shooting. You duck out of the way. WHERE. Magnums and rifles can penetrate cars. Buildings? Of course the purpose of cover is also concealment not just barrier penetration. But where is sufficient cover and protection to be able to shoot back against such a powerful weapon?
It was my understanding that most rounds will penetrate a car body but they won't penetrate the engine block. That would be my second choice for cover.

My first choice would be whichever direction put the most concrete and brick between me and the barrel.
I just watched transporter2 and I almost roflmfao.
In the movie, a door and some wall was bulletproof.
The best cover is as much cover as possible.
A have read that most rifles shoot through one or even two buildings containing several walls. I dont know if this is true. :confused:
If you cant hide, you should kneal or drop to the ground to reduce the chances of being hit. But this will probably be your reaction whether you plan on it or not. If you are unarmed, ryao. Just a guess.

Do you lie awake at night thinking of these scenarios? ;)

You are walking down the street and some nut comes out of a bank with a magnum handgun or a full semi auto rifle.

Is a "full semi auto rifle" something different than a semi-auto rifle? Or were you describing a full magazine?

Okay, to be serious...
Most commonly available cover will be behind an automobile's engine compartment, usually aligned with the tire. The engine provides cover against most ammo and the tire/rim against rounds fired low from taking your legs or ankles out.

Thick trees are usually excellent cover. Wood is dense and will usually slow or stop many FMJ rifle rounds if it's big enough to hide behind.

Concrete walls or K-rail barriers will also work although a rifle with AP ammo may penetrate, depending on distance and angle. Concrete "planter boxes" filled with dirt will work well and some can be found at the base of lamp posts in parking lots.

If nothing else, a telephone pole works until you can spot larger cover (though some of us full-figure types will have to suck it in to hide behind one).

If you're in a shopping mall, strip mall or other retail store, don't expect those solid looking pillars to offer much protection. They're often cosmetic shells for looks. Likewise for pillars at strip malls -- they're stucco covered plywood. Even those "granite pillars" at office buildings are just a thin tile placed over plywood. Likely it will stop a .357 but not a rifle's FMJ round.
A gutter, a car engine may work but, many are aluminum and rounds will go right through many modern engines. Rims? 20" high riding spider rims don't provide much cover and your ankles would be easily seen. I would look for a heavy duty utility truck bed with tools in the box compartments, closest thing to a armoured car I can think of. An Asplund tree trimming truck or a plumbers truck.
Shoot back? I'm ducking around the nearest corner and keeping on going! (Call the calvary and tell 'em where to find the guy and what kind of cover they migh expect to find when they get there - or at least what worked for me to get out of there!)
I recently read a story about a guy who was fiddling with his SKS (7.62x39) when he had a negligent discharge. The round went through one interior wall, his exterior wall, his neighbors exterior wall, and came to rest somewhere in the neighbor's house.

The story didn't say if the houses were brick or not. Not sure how you hide from that.

I guess you should just hope the shooter has bad aim.
Sir William...you wouldn't want to hide behind my plumbing truck. the 10ft. box on mine is fiberglass over plywood! just busting your chops. I agree, one of those heavy steel utility body trucks would be great cover.
where to hide?

I would think .... anywhere my old arthritic feet and knees can carry me as fast as I can go!

Seriously, unless you are expecting that this guy is going to come out spraying and praying in a 360 degree arc, which is going to be pretty hard to do if he's running away also, ISTM that the best thing is to take a page from hunting and simply hold still and make yourself as small as possible behind SOMETHING. Anything.

Then run. Or, in my case, hobble quickly. :rolleyes:

If your not the intended target just get down. If your the intended target (or if everybody is the intended target), run, get behind something solid and shoot.
All this QB-ing...Too much supposition, not enough fact...

Heck, why not run around until you find a BRINKS truck to hide behind?


What would Chuck Norrisdo?

you may just need some concealment. I would rather put an inadequate barrier between me and the assailant if it gives me an escape route, rather than hiding behind a car. for example if I am walking down main street with plenty of store fronts and parallel parked cars, I would rather dash into then through the store and escape than stay behind the car. the store walls may not be bullet proof but you do not present a target, and would be hard to hit even if he is still shooting at you. if he just went "postal" he is looking for easy targets. he may even enjoy trying to shoot that foot under the car. if you are his target than he will walk around the cover and then shoot you.
I cast my "Wise-Crack Vote For:" Somewhere in the next County or even the next State over, away from that particular situation..!!" (erh)
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