If Ron Paul Gets the Nod

Would you support Ron Paul if he gets the nod, regardless of who you now support?

  • Yes

    Votes: 96 72.2%
  • No

    Votes: 21 15.8%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 11 8.3%
  • Would vote Democrat

    Votes: 5 3.8%

  • Total voters
The question starting this thread:
Would you support Ron Paul if the Republican Party nominates him for the office of president?

So to those of you who say no, I'm curious as to why. Why you'd support another candidate for the nomination over Paul is the topic of another thread.
Ever talk to Muslims that live in this country? There's a reason they come here, and it's NOT to blow up buildings, or behead "infidels".

Yep. The muslims your refer to are the one's the jihadists call "mushrikum", which means "polytheists". The idea is that if you are one bit westernized or tolerant of non-muslims, you are a backslider and should be dealt with like a "kifr" (infidel).

How about you? Have you talked to all muslims in this country, or are you just hoping that the more civilized ones are representative, or somehow going to stop the islamicists they fled from?

Back on topic: Ron Paul doesn't get it either, but at least he is alright on most other issues. If the choice came down to RP or Billary, (and it won't) I'd vote for Paul, simply becasue he is less bad on other issues.
I'm not sure Paul or Billary could ever develop the moral confidence to win a war. In response to Pearl Harbor, was anyone concerned about the "root cause", whether the Japanese needed more land, whether the Germans had been treated unfairly in 1920?
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In my opinion, Ron Paul has little understanding of middle east history. Any office higher than congressman eludes him. He parrots leftist ideologue when it comes to foreign affairs. To run like hell from an aggressive enemy, only encourages violent and deadly reaction. In war, a small breach in the line can cause a full blown rout. The enemy will respond with a bloodthirsty attack to kill as many as they can. This can happen in a tactical situation as well as a strategic one.

Most of us here on this site enjoy shooting firearms. How many would refuse to use a gun in defense of their own life or the lives of their loved ones? Very few I think. Yet Sarah Brady would have us cower in our bedrooms and call 911 in hopes that the Police might, and I say might, arrive in time to save the day if we were invaded in our own homes.

The same thing is happening to our nation. Who would Ron Paul call to save us? The French? I think perhaps he is a "mental pygmy." He needs to get a haircut with John Edwards, and they can have a drink together and discuss world affairs.
I just watched a segment of the O'Reilly factor. He was talking to Ron Paul. If you support Paul you might as well support Hilary

...like Bill O'Reilly is an authority on anything that doesn't involve sexual misconduct. :rolleyes:
I don't think Ron Paul understands why the Muslims don't like us. He thinks it is because we maintain a military presence in the Mid East.

Last week Osama Bin Laden released a videotape, and he explained very well why he and the islamists are at war with us. It is because we are not Muslim. He asked the American people to convert to Islam, and that would end the war.

Also, Ron Paul is totally wrong about Iran. He thinks we can negotiate with Iran. The President of Iran thinks the world will end in his life time. He is insane, and we must use any and all means necessary to prevent him from getting nuclear weapons. You can't negotiate with insanity.
Corn Dodger said:
Most of us here on this site enjoy shooting firearms. How many would refuse to use a gun in defense of their own life or the lives of their loved ones?

would you go to the house of someone you thought might assail you in the future and shoot them? ill remind you again that ron paul voted in the affirmative on authorizing the president to go into afghanistan after those who attacked us.

Ron Paul doesn't come across as the brightest fellow around. He sounds like he is a hamburger short of a "Happy Meal."
I don't think Ron Paul understands why the Muslims don't like us. He thinks it is because we maintain a military presence in the Mid East.

Yes it is. We are UNBELIEVERS according to the militants and we are in their holy lands. That pretty much sums it up. They would dislike us if we weren't there but would they really feel like commiting suicide to kill us if we were on the other side of the globe and not in their face, I don't think so.

The "They hate our freedom" mantra really is pretty hollow. Hating and doing something are two different things.
Ron Paul doesn't come across as the brightest fellow around. He sounds like he is a hamburger short of a "Happy Meal."

Better if he talks about "strategery" or even better if he can purse his lips, look America in the eye and say "I did not have sex with that woman."
would you go to the house of someone you thought might assail you in the future and shoot them?

No, but if a psychotic murderous madman kept screaming over and over again I have an gun in my house and someday Im going to shoot you, I'd send the cops over wouldnt you :)?

WildtakethatmustacheAlaska TM
No, but if a psychotic murderous madman kept screaming over and over again I have an gun in my house and someday Im going to shoot you, I'd send the cops over wouldnt you ?

But the cops could fax you over a letter of marque and you could take care of it yourself, and keep the guy's house.
Yes it is. We are UNBELIEVERS according to the militants and we are in their holy lands. That pretty much sums it up. They would dislike us if we weren't there but would they really feel like commiting suicide to kill us if we were on the other side of the globe and not in their face, I don't think so.

Osama seems to disagree. He said the only way the war would end is if we all converted to Islam. He said that in the last video. Do you think he is not serious? Osama really doesn't seem like the type who would clown around a lot about things.

Why do you think they would not want to kill us if we just left the middle east, especially considering that Osama said they would continue to do it?

Its not about them hating our freedoms. They hate that we are not Muslim, and think we should die for it.
No, Christians have not been saying that.
But I will humor you... if you can name two or three mainstream Christians in leadership positions who believe that the world will for certain end in their lifetimes.
If Ron Paul Gets less weird, learns how to speak, decides whether he is republican or libertarian, decides negotiating with Iran is bad policy...........

Would you support Ron Paul if the Republican Party nominates him for the office of president?

I fixed your question for you and I just can't see me doing it, but given a choice of him or Hillary or Osama; I would have to bite my tongue and either vote for him or not vote. I don't like to not vote.

All of this is hypothetical though, since he is sitting at 3% in the polls. I guess that's why I can't see me doing it.
This is why I think if I had to MAYBE vote for Paul AND he keeps to his word...

So, he has the military withdraw. We sustain the size of our military until the borders are sealed. He repeals all gun laws that are unconstitutional. The illegal immigration issue would be under control. Any law abiding citizen can not only own just about any kind of firearm, one can carry concealed.

Several taxes would be lowered/repealed. That means more take-home money for blue-collar workers like me. The economy in general may get a good boost and most people can have a better quality of life.

This is a very broad generalization of hypotheticals that MAY happen if Paul can actually get congress to act on his wishes.

So, talk to Iran? Well, some have posted what I somewhat believe. But, how does Paul really think he can keep that maniac from acquiring and developing WMD's that could reach us in 5 to 10 years if force isn't applied? See my signature below. That should give a clue on what I think about Iran's dictator and also North Korea's madman...

Still give him the nod? Probably so. I'd bank on nothing else would really get worse and at least if he did do good on the 2A issue, I'd have a better law of probability of protecting myself and earned property...

Just a thought...I know there's other considerations such as social issues, etc...
I still think no matter who gets the nod I'm going to see how much I can stock up on that I might want later. I don't count ANYTHING is safe with ANYONE in office. Nobody seems to want to vanquish the antis rather than merely keep blocking them and occasionally picking bits here and there.
Why do the Ron Paul supporters imagine he would be so great. When I worked in the House, Ron Paul did absolutely NOTHING. He would like to introduce a grandstanding bill now and then but wasn't serious about pushing them, would never talk to anyone or try to advance them. All talk, no action. There's just no there there.