If Ron Paul Gets the Nod

Would you support Ron Paul if he gets the nod, regardless of who you now support?

  • Yes

    Votes: 96 72.2%
  • No

    Votes: 21 15.8%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 11 8.3%
  • Would vote Democrat

    Votes: 5 3.8%

  • Total voters
Knew very little about Paul until I watched the last debate. Based on that I think it's very unlikely he'd be nominated and equally unlikely I'd vote for him (though I would vote for him vs. Hillary, Gulliani, or Edwards).
Theres an example of why he is totally unqualifed to be president. letters of marque indeed

Right. We can't have a president who upholds his oath of office by only exercising powers granted by the Constitution. We need a president that acts without that darn Constitution in his way.
If he gets the nod I'll volunteer for his campaign. With Gravel's chances lower than Paul's I'm afraid I'll wind up writing in Paul or hoping the Libertarian Party puts up someone decent to vote for.

I will not, however, give my vote to either the giant douche or the turd sandwich.
apr1775 said:
Right. We can't have a president who upholds his oath of office by only exercising powers granted by the Constitution. We need a president that acts without that darn Constitution in his way.

i think its pretty well established that mr alaska holds little regard for the constitution. as such, trying to claim that something violates the constitution is little more than an appeal to authority in his mind. personally, ive added him to my ignore list. im tired of all the baiting and dont trust myself to hold off from responding.
i think its pretty well established that mr alaska holds little regard for the constitution.

Mr Alaska holds little regard for folks who ignore reality.

Letters of Marque indeed.

WildthankyouforignoringmeAlaska TM
"Letters of Marque indeed."

OOH! Can I have one?

There's a really nice sloop anchored along the DC waterfront that I've had my eye on for awhile!
He wants to talk to our enemies? I don’t think that’s a good idea! That's what got us to where we are today... impotent giant and soon to be former world power. "Talk to our enemies"? No... don’t say a word; just bomb the crap out of them!

Vote for Paul??? … I don’t think so!

Right, I guess we should not have talked to the Soviet Union for all those years during the Cold War. Better to just let tensions escalate and keep no clear lines of communication!

Impotent Giant... I guess when you spend all your military force pursuing a dead on delivery democracy in the middle of a civil war you can gain that title. Was that Paul's doing?

Right, bombing the snot out of the Mid East would solve all our problems... the rest of the world's Muslim population, as well as anyone who was not American, wouldn't be worried by this!?!? I guess we will also bomb Indonesia, since they have a larger Muslim population than the Mid East, we will need to get nearby Malaysia as well and better also take care of any neighbors in the area who might have a problem with the fallout. Great policy, right up their with the caveman who brained all his rivals with his new club, then eventually had to go to sleep only to be killed by the surviors. Brilliant and about as evolved.
In no particular order.

Impotent Giant... I guess when you spend all your military force pursuing a dead on delivery democracy in the middle of a civil war you can gain that title.

I’ve not claimed that invading Iraq was a good idea.

…bombing the snot out of the Mid East… guess we will also bomb Indonesia, since they have a larger Muslim population than the Mid East… need to get nearby Malaysia…

I've stated nothing of the kind. I said we should bomb our enemies.

Right, I guess we should not have talked to the Soviet Union for all those years during the Cold War.

Maybe if we had bombed them shortly after figuring out they were our enemy, we’d have saved trillions of dollars in Cold-War effort and may have precluded the now increasingly likely scenario of Cold-War II.
I get the distinct feeling this guy would probably make a case for letting Osama himself onto a plane without a pat-down.

No, that is not what he has said on the subject. Here is what he said:

A strong case can be made that the Government regulations, along with a lack of private property responsibility, contributed to this tragedy, but what is proposed? More regulations and even a takeover of all airport security by the Government.

We are not even considering restoring the rights of pilots to carry weapons for self-defense as one of the solutions. Even though pilots once carried guns to protect the mail and armored truck drivers can still carry guns to protect money, protecting passengers with guns is prohibited on commercial flights.

Ron Paul would make a case for letting the owner of the aircraft decide on the level of passenger scrutiny and the means of protecting the plane and passengers. Some airlines might disarm the pilots and focus on getting every last fingernail clipper from every grandmother, while others might arm the pilots and search for real weapons and other threats.
Would you support Ron Paul if the Republican Party nominates him for the office of president?
(quoted just in case the muddy waters here are blinding readers...)

I think I would. It would be a difficult thing for me to do, but I see that IF he was nominated....

...he probably won't win. Call it shallow, but I'm at the point of going down standing, not on my knees...

He may be viewed as "out to lunch", but I do like some of his principles...
Besides, both Hillary and Barack are waay smarter than the good doc

Although I strongly disagree with that statement, intelligence has very little to nothing to do with it. Who's going to do what's RIGHT, GOOD for the people, and Constitutional has everything to do with it. If that's Forrest Gump, then I'd vote for him. As is stands, Mr. Paul is brilliant and at least the equal of, and probably a good deal smarter than Obama, and likely the equal of Hillary.
Why are folks picking on Ron. Poor little feller. Someone said that he was one taco short of a combination plate. (some actor dude said it) I think it's wrong to say such a thing. (I agree with it, but still think it's wrong to say it) Someone else said Patton would have slapped him around a bit. But who could say. I think we should keep all this civil. Poor guy.
O'reilly Factor

I just watched a segment of the O'Reilly factor. He was talking to Ron Paul. If you support Paul you might as well support Hilary.
In 1998 Osama declared war on the US. He finally got some people's attention in 2001. RP still thinks jihad is some kind of yoga. Instead of boasting about reading the 911 report, maybe he should take a look at a few more sources, e.g.:

Future Jihad, Walid Phares
Hatred's Kingdom, Dore Gold
Fighting Terrorism, Benjamin Netanyahu
Unveiling Islam, Ergun Caner
The Sword of the Prophet, Serge Trifkovich
Epicenter, Joel Rosenberg
Here we go again. We're still getting a bunch of "no way I would vote for Ron Paul, he's nuts (or stupid)." The best that I can tell, many people are hung up on his foreign policy. Back in post #19, I went into some detail about this issue, thinking it would stimulate some debate. Instead we've gotten a bunch of snide remarks. Especially when I read statements about "rather vote for Hillary". Please share some reasons why. Also I ask anyone still uncertain about Dr Pual to go to ronpaul2008.com and read his positions or go look up his voting record in congress.
This made me laugh...

the O'Reilly factor.

Fair and balanced.:barf: Don't trust everything on TV.


In 1998 Osama declared war on the US. He finally got some people's attention in 2001. RP still thinks jihad is some kind of yoga. Instead of boasting about reading the 911 report, maybe he should take a look at a few more sources, e.g.:

Future Jihad, Walid Phares
Hatred's Kingdom, Dore Gold
Fighting Terrorism, Benjamin Netanyahu
Unveiling Islam, Ergun Caner
The Sword of the Prophet, Serge Trifkovich
Epicenter, Joel Rosenberg

Nice book at the end there, last I checked jihad didn't mean kill everyone that disagrees with you, a violent religious group that's always shown on TV doesn't mean it represents everyone of that faith. Ever talk to Muslims that live in this country? There's a reason they come here, and it's NOT to blow up buildings, or behead "infidels".
We're still getting a bunch of "no way I would vote for Ron Paul, he's nuts (or stupid)."

...and your point is?

The best that I can tell, many people are hung up on his foreign policy.

I assure you, it's not a single-issue thing.

Please share some reasons why. Also I ask anyone still uncertain about Dr Pual to go to ronpaul2008.com and read his positions or go look up his voting record in congress.

Look, it's not about his platform (okay it is to a great extent), it's about his charisma, or total lack of. Ron Paul wouldn't last two seconds in a verbal sparring match vs. Hillary or Fred. In this day and age of 15 second sound bites and sneaky media, Ron Paul is not capable of performing at such a national level. We've seen Guliani spank him, we've seen moderators mock him, we've... seen him conduct interviews with RogueGovernment.com: EXPOSING THE NEW WORLD ORDER!

It takes a whole lot more to be a President than a great platform. Otherwise, I'd be your President.