If ever there was a good time to have a CCW...

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Hey PBP,

I feel your pain. I lived in Portland for about 4 years spanning 1990 when the gangs were just getting big there, and were very out of control. I went to Madison H.S. and was there for a shooting and stabbing, as well as many-many beatings. I was robbed at knife-point, then at gunpoint within a year. Fun, Fun.

My brother works in Lloyd center and lives very close nearby! I don't think he would carry if the gun was free!

I thought that the city cleaned that stuff up in the late '90s. I guess not.
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Quote: Maybe not attending high school or drinking 40s with your friends in the parking lot or worrying about gold teeth and chains and air jordans or fathering multiple children with different mothers and then not supporting them either financially or emotionally etc. etc. are some of the problems.

Wow I'm impressed that you're not being too sterotypical...:rolleyes: So in the history of America, there hasn't been any racial oppression? :mad: You need to watch something other than FOX news, or you probably think even that is unbiased, eh? The media spends billions on propaganda and you, like a LOT of americans are why they spend that kind of money...cuz apparently it works.
history....racial oppression...

That's exactly what it is too. History. Ironic that we would still be talking about that 3 days before we inaugurate the first black president.

There are plenty of reasons things have happened IN THE PAST. The single largest problem today is lack of morality and personal responsibility. Oh, and using things like "racial oppression" as an excuse for lack of personal responsibility and morality.

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That's exactly what it is too. History. Ironic that we would still be talking about that 3 days before we inaugurate the first black president.
There are plenty of reasons things have happened IN THE PAST. The single largest problem today is lack of morality and personal responsibility. Oh, and using things like "racial oppression" as an excuse for lack of personal responsibility and morality.
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Not before I give you a +1!

Wow I'm impressed that you're not being too sterotypical... So in the history of America, there hasn't been any racial oppression? You need to watch something other than FOX news, or you probably think even that is unbiased, eh? The media spends billions on propaganda and you, like a LOT of americans are why they spend that kind of money...cuz apparently it works.

Stereotypes usually have some basis in reality, even if they are not true entirely and for every case. Why are violence portraying, Ho slappin, 40 drinking rappers so popular if they reflect nothing of certain segments of society? FOX news is fairer, even though they are more right leaning, than any other major news network. I love it when a liberal says fox news is soooo biased when they have BOTH acknowledged conservatives and Liberals on staff. I guess the only definition of fair liberals will recognize is when there are only unacknowledged liberals on staff, with nary a conservative voice to be found.
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Actually, it just needs a few posts deleted. Most of the posts are on topic regarding the climate we live in and why a means of self defense is so needed these days. It just seems some people want to pretend skin pigmentation plays a role in societies ills. That is all well and good but society had the same disease when almost everyone was the same color. It is a matter of character and means. Money does not make you do good, but lack of it will make you do bad. A starving man is more likely to steal than one with food on his table. A man with no sense of self worth is more likely to join a gang than a child with a strong family support system (and parents working multiple jobs to survive have less time to spend with their children).

The end result is the same regardless of the cause though. We need to be able to defend our own.
funny u guys didn't mention anything about the propaganda...no rebuttals? And all the oppression is over now because it all happened IN THE PAST! I guess having your head in the sand makes it ok to spout nonsense.
Wow I'm impressed that you're not being too sterotypical... So in the history of America, there hasn't been any racial oppression? You need to watch something other than FOX news, or you probably think even that is unbiased, eh? The media spends billions on propaganda and you, like a LOT of americans are why they spend that kind of money...cuz apparently it works.

Yeah, right.

But you haven't addressed what I said, are YOU saying that what I wrote is not true??
You saying that Fox News (and others) are just a " vast right wing conspiracy" and that none of these people exists?
Were have I heard that before---Oh, yeah Hillary----EVERYTHING was a conspiracy.

Yeah, I've seen the racial oppression of today----section 8 housing that puts uneducated women that are to stupid to not get pregnant to 4 different men in houses that many working people can not afford.
I see the food stamps and free lunches and free health care and free day care etc. givin to people that don't appreciate it.
I see some women who don't work get their nails and hair done for big money while my wife who has worked hard all her life doesn't.
Yeah, real freakin oppressed.
Feel free to make up for people who made **** poor life choices if you want, there are plenty out there that will take it.
AND, don't assume that what I have said is limited to one race or ethnic background because it isn't.

I grew up with people that WISHED they were that freakin oppressed.

My family came here from other countries and I can tell you that my grandparents were not so warmly welcomed here at the time.
The Italians, Polish, Irish , Chinese, and others faced oppression too at one time or another in history.

Hey, by YOUR way of thinking, the JEWS could make a pretty good case too.

Wake up.
Could you two take your racial oppression/propaganda debate to PM please?

There are some pretty good things being said and considered here regarding the reasons behind the societal ills that cause a need to carry...but those are not some of them. I actually agree with parts of both arguments but this is not the place to properly address them.
It just seems some people want to pretend skin pigmentation plays a role in society's ills.

Racial and cultural variations in rates of crime and other social pathologies are among the more conspicuous phenomena in the world.

And while a starving man will steal, even a starving man won't kill you. Unless he's a vampire, I suppose. That is, you won't need a gun to deal with him.
No problem PB, BUT, like I said, this IS NOT a racial thing---it applies to all races.
If you choose to take it that way I guess your free to do so.

Also, like I said, I couldn't resist a comment after you made your comment that it is all about lack of money ....it isn't....it's all about lack of character and ethics and morals...that simple.

Again, I have seen what I described in most all races and ethnic backgrounds and was not implying what I said to any one race.

Also, consider the fact that in my immediate family, there are three races represented!:)

I'll leave you to your thread.
You're right, I'm done with some of the racial comments on here, first the blacks now the jews..

Don't put words in my mouth, I never mentioned blacks---you did....I guess it's in your mind.

I only mentioned the Jews as another race that CAN talk about oppression----plenty of oppression to go around in this world----no race has the market cornered----GET MY POINT??

GOOD, I'm done.
I only mentioned the Jews as another race that CAN talk about oppression
Jewish isn't a race it is a religious identity, but I digress.

We all have the right to protect ourselves (trying to keep this thread on topic) against whoever we feel is a threat.

Some people are more threatened by those of another race, whether it is because of past experiences, anecdotal stories, media bias, or plain bigotry. The beauty of America is just this: you have the right to judge people based on anything you want. Just like we all have the right to choose whatever (legal) gun we want to carry...we can like/dislike a person for whatever reason we want.

If I want to dislike some person because they have red hair, or a southern accent...it is well within my rights. As long as I do not discriminate against them in regards to providing them with a home, or a job, or some other protected privileges spelled out by the government, then I'm good to go.

I understand we all want to live in a society where there is no hate, bigotry, ignorance, etc....but that is not going to happen. It is basic human biology to be more accepting of people who have a similar genetic makeup. Skin color, hair color, height, build, facial features. I don't think any of us (who live in the US) are afraid that if we marry someone of a different race we'll be persecuted or harmed. Yet statistically speaking almost all of us will marry (if you get married) someone of the same race.

Only 8.5% of (married) black men are married to NON black women (white, asian, other). Does that mean that 91.5% of black men are being racist for not choosing a mate of a different race? Of course not. You can't really control who you are (physically) attracted to. Humans have evolved in a way that we are more comfortable with people who are similar to ourselves and visa versa.

It doesn't make you racist, it makes you human. End of story.
Well obviously the solution is banning all firearms in Portland, because as we all know if you take them away from ordinary productive citizens, the criminals will surely see the error of their ways, find Jesus and turn themselves in.:barf:

It really takes on a whole new dimension of stupidity when you put it in writing doesn't it? Yet there are those out there that actually believe that.
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