If ever there was a good time to have a CCW...

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Morals. You either have them or you don't. Good people don't and won't do bad things, bad people will. It really is that simple.
Anecdotes aside, poverty is the single most contributing factor to how likely you will be to get involved in a gang, commit a violent crime, spend time in prison, etc.

That is just the reality of the situation. To try and pretend otherwise is like trying to pretend strict gun laws deal with illegal gun use. It is self delusion for personal reasons.
Soylent Green

Ya all need a Soylent Green manufacturing plant in Portland.

Playboy - see where I live? Not the best reputation in southern Oregon.
Anecdotes aside, poverty is the single most contributing factor...

I would assert that poverty is the catalyst. Morals are the surface on which that catalyst acts.

Good people living in poverty do good things. Bad people living in poverty do bad things.

Anyway, not meaning to hi-jack your thread. Carry on.;)
Show Me The Gun Connection ?

We can debate city gang problems all day and just accomplish nothing. If poverty was the "single most contributing factor " money would be found and the problem solved.

Lets spare all the "self delusion for personal reasons";)

Talk about firearms:)
Lack of education, drugs and no parents cause more issues than just being "poor"

The South has traditionally been poor in lots of areas. Years ago, black or white, there wasn't this "gangsta" attitude at the levels we see today. IMO, society has gone downhill quickly since LBJ's "Great Society" and all of the subsequent gov't hand-out/take care of you mentality.

OK, off my rant:D
Let's not turn this into an unrelated rant session about why things are the way they are and let's not try and pretend the south was a utopia. I am from there and being a little different could get you killed 40 years ago (and sometimes even today)...and people condoned the violence.
Stop escorting her for free. By that I mean, the next time she calls tell her you will do it on one condition, that she apply for a CCW and let you begin teaching her to shoot. Bring the paperwork with you. Tell her if she renegs, not to call you again for an escort because there are companies she can hire for that. Tell her that her safety is her responsibility and that you don't mind lending a hand, which, in this case, means assisting her in obtaining the ability to meet the obligation herself long term. That is good friendship.
I would love to, but this lady is not likely to change her stance on owning a gun. She is willing to be protected but not to alter her own beliefs. Not everyone can be educated...or even wants to be. I did give her a can of bear spray. :)
NE is not dangerous. You need to get a lot further from downtown for it to get bad. The homeless stay close to the city for that very reason. They do not feel safe in NoPo, Gresham, or Aloha. I am at those camps all the time. I used to work for Streetlight and I still do outreach to homeless youths.

i'll have to pm you some of my pictures of the "bad" areas

Money is partly the problem... the real problem is where the money is being spent
Portland is dropping millions on green projects, artwork, new bike paths, and beautification... yet doesnt have a penny for youth programs, extra police, or schools.
The same thing is happening down here in eugene.

so i'd say that the bureaucracy and their control of the money, or lack there of, is at the root of the problem.
Personally, I would leave it at the bear spray and not take on any more responsibility than that. Not that I have a hard heart toward any of my anti-gun friends (trust me, I have plenty). It's just that their casual attitude and lack of understanding about personal security issues would raise my risk level. Have you discussed procedures with your friend about how she should behave if things got scary? Since she has turned her safety over to you, do you trust her to obey your commands in a hairy situation, or is she likely to get spooked and try to scare off some menacing gangbanger by telling him that you have a gun?

People only alter their own beliefs when they are driven to it. Some people are driven to such changes almost exclusively by strong emotion. Those of us who value reason are moved to change by emotion too, but also by logic and evidence. Sounds like your friend might fall into the former category.

Your protection makes her feel safe. Without the fear, she has no impetus to revisit her beliefs. This leaves anyone in your position two alternatives: withdraw your protective services, and leave her to face the fear, or continue to do what you can to keep her safe, knowing all the while that the first chance she gets, she will vote to take away your ability to provide that protection. Such is the insidious nature of that character type. It's maddening to watch.

Sad, I grew up in Portland, glad I'm down here on the coast now, big city sux. Astoria is pretty mellow. Main danger here is getting hit by a drunk driver.
Anecdotes aside, poverty is the single most contributing factor to how likely you will be to get involved in a gang, commit a violent crime, spend time in prison, etc.

No. Multiple effects. Same cause. Poverty is one of the effects.

Statistics will lead you to some weird conclusions if you don't understand the phenomenon.
Portland is dropping millions on green projects, artwork, new bike paths, and beautification... yet doesnt have a penny for youth programs, extra police, or schools.

as someone who bikes a lot...I can appreciate how much cycling infrastructure portland has established in recent years. on the other side, portland is up there when it comes to bikes stolen per year. so while they've made their city very "green" and bike friendly...there is an inordinate amount of crime.

Top 10 bike-theft cities

Kryptonite's complete Top 10 bike theft cities 2007:

1. Philadelphia 1,517,550 people (2000)
2. Chicago 2,836,659 (2007)
3. New York 8,274,527
4. San Francisco 799,183
5. Tucson, Portland (tie) 575,930 (2007)
7. Denver
8. New Haven, Conn.
9. Cambridge, Mass.
10. Austin, Texas

Kryptonite is a manufacturer of bike locks BTW.

So basically portland is 5th behind 4 other cities that have significantly larger populations.

IMO too much spending on green space, bike lanes/paths/infrastructure and too little on education, police and "real" social services. But what would you suspect from such a liberal "intellectual" city. They'd rather spend their money on things that makes them feel like they are more evolved individuals while closing their eyes to the real problems of society.

/rant off
Quote:NO!, money is not the root of the problem----that's a knee jerk reaction and an easy out.

So a tyrannical capitalistic government and the Federal Reserve aren't out to do just one thing? MAKE MONEY?!?! Lemme guess, you still think our money is backed by gold?:rolleyes: Everything that this country is about involves the mighty dollar, to say otherwise is ignorant...a knee jerk reaction would be to blame the problem on anything but the problem.
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First, on a personal note, it's nice to see a class of crime for which Detroit isn't top 10 ranked! Huzzah!

Second, (and this is really aimed at keeping this thread vaguely handgun related) does Smith & Wesson still make bicycles? Maybe if you had one of those, the thief would think twice; worried that either the owner owned some other products by that manufacturer, or that it was a cop bike.

...sounds like Five Corners in New York; turn of the century. I wonder if things really have changed that much?
...sounds like Five Corners in New York; turn of the century. I wonder if things really have changed that much?
The reality of the situation is "no...the world has not changed that much." Except for that fact it has actually gotten safer. The "idealic American Way" of the 40's and 50's only exists in movies. You were actually more likely to die violently in much of this country's past than you are in it's present.

The population has changed so the dynamic is a bit different but otherwise things have not changed that much. This country's freedoms have always come with a price. One of those prices is that there are all kinds of bad people along with the good. This has always been a country where the ability to defend one's self and their family has been of great value.

If you live in a country where a harsh government executes and deports anyone it finds undesirables you have less of a need for defense while walking the street. Here in this country you have always needed to care for your own personal safety...against both government and fellow citizen. That is why firearms are such a bio part of our culture.
So a tyrannical capitalistic government and the Federal Reserve aren't out to do just one thing? MAKE MONEY?!?! Lemme guess, you still think our money is backed by gold? Everything that this country is about involves the mighty dollar, to say otherwise is ignorant...a knee jerk reaction would be to blame the problem on anything but the problem.

No, I know my money is not backed by gold.

You can't see the forest for the trees my friend.
I'll just say this, that money DOES NOT make people do the right thing----never has never will.
I know plenty of poor people that are great upstanding citizens and many that aren't.

Doesn't cost anything to watch your children and raise them properly, just time and effort----tired of the "I'm a thug because I'm poor" BS.
Contrary to what the bleeding heart liberals who are just after your votes and willing to OK any kind of behavior for your vote, MONEY isn't the problem.

Maybe not attending high school or drinking 40s with your friends in the parking lot or worrying about gold teeth and chains and air jordans or fathering multiple children with different mothers and then not supporting them either financially or emotionally etc. etc. are some of the problems.

No, it's easier to just blame the government than to take ANY personal responsibility ----that way, you can live your life the way you want and there is always someone else to blame.

Hey, I got an idea, why don't we just raise taxes to 75% and give these thugs a paycheck....lets BUY our safety...what ya think??

Give me a break!!!

Oh, and your right, most everything in this country does revolve around the almighty dollar, but your CHARACTER, ETHICS, and MORALITY should not!!!
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