Idiot creates close call on range today

Range safety officers have two sets of rules, the first are written and the second are good old common sense. For example, a grown man with a hi cap semi who is practicing for a match loads a 15 round magazine and proceeds to fire in a safe manner at approved targets and a grown man loading 15 rounds into a hi cap and handing it to a young son or daughter who can hardly hold the gun. Which is safe? In the second case I would instruct the adult to limit the magazine to 5 rounds as a safety measure for the child as well as other shooters. The child cannot hold the gun long enough to "target" shoot the rounds and is not strong enough to control the weapon for rapid fire.
You want a thankless job, be a RSO.
a while back 4 guys went our local shooting range and proceeded to set up targets but some how missed placed their brains and started shooting at each others feet while setting the targets.I quietly packed gear and left.

The range where i go has no range officer so it's up to individuals on their behavior,thats why there was a shooting back last year that lead to the murder of a preacher at one of our local churches.I do still go from time to time but i always take someone or if i see anyboby that looks shady i don't stay.
Two weeks ago I was shooting on the 7 Yard Range it was just me and another guy at the other end. I was shooting a new .40 I had bought, next thing I see him packing up to leave and his target is gone. The only way he could have gotten his target was to get it while I was shooting. But worst thing is I never even saw him do it.:eek::(
I have never been to a "real range"... I go out where someone dug out the side of the hill... more for hadguns but I take my shotgun and .22 mostly... that and the people I go with cant shoot like I can:cool:... but my "friend" had my shotgun I was loading my .22 mag. and he thought it was empty... (I did give lesson on safety because this guy acted like he knew everything but was in fact an idiot) well he had pointed the muzzle down for some reason and "accidently" pulled the trigger because he thought it was empty... well the was a loud boom and a hole in the ground less that 2 feet from is foot... and he was wearing sandals... which had I realized he was wearing sandals I would have made him wear boots. so it scared the hell out of him and I was ******... this is from a guy that also said he "forgot" how to load a revolver even though that was his "primary weapon"... I was also amused to his reaction when looking over the box of .38 shells and said "wow. centerfiring shells, those are the good ones.":barf: needless to say I know why his girlfriend wont let him have a gun... along with all of this he thinks the judge is a .44 mag that takes .45 colt AND the the .410 shot shells... hes not going shooting with me again... oh and he kept crossing everyone with the muzzle...
All this rapid fire talk.......

I'm so glad I go to a very casual outdoor range (locked gate w/ membership key). I love setting up a pie plate, and unloading a 30 round magazine from my 10/22 into as fast as I can. I'm not going to rip out the bull's eye, but I can keep them in pretty close proximity.
Its called "natural selection" for a reason. The sick, and sometimes the stupid are "supposed" to die off before they can breed and pass their defective genes off to their children.

That means that guys cave man ancestors were really lucky for the past 100,000 years. But their luck is gonna run out sooner or later.
didnt happen to me, but a was talking to the guy working the cun counter at sportsmans wharehouse (defor it closed:mad:) and he said he was at the local game comission range about a week befor we talked, there was a guy there at the 100 yard range, where he was, there was very few people there that day, and the guy was shooting alot, they called clear but he didnt stop shooting, he went down and asked him tp stop because they called clear, he said " dont wory about it, im down hear by myself so just go down and i wolnt shoot at you". needless to say he left. thats why i usually go to the hawthorn rod and gun club, its got a locked game and doors on the 2 ports, there are very few rules, the only one is " no shooting befor noon on sunday" you could take an M60 with all the ammo you want on linkeed belts and blazer away if you wanted to, the game caomiision range is 3 rnds in a rifle and 6 in a handgun. having gone there for many years, its a rare ocassion that you see another person there, i went the sunday befor deer season started last year, and there were 2 other people there.
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That means that guys cave man ancestors were really lucky for the past 100,000 years.

Actually, it means that the stupid gene is (thankfully) recessive and doesn't show itself in large numbers until civilization "progresses" to the point where stupid and/or lazy no longer has negative consequences.

BTW.... that's where we have "progressed" to today.
The range I go to mostly has people who can't seem to keep their long arms in their hands. About every time I'm there, some guy is dropping an AR, AK or shotgun. I avoid the rifle side of the range for this reason, even though I enjoy being able to fire my pistol at more than 50 feet (the limit for the pistol range, indoor ranges heh).
children at Range

Where my home range is in Missouri we had something similar like this happen a couple months ago. Me and my son were sitting down on the rifle range and a older gentlemen hollered if he could go down range to put up some targets. We made sure everyone was clear so he could walk down. Here is the interesting part, his grandson was with him at the 25 yard line and we were down the 100 yard line. Well as the older gentlemen reached the 50 yard line to put up his target we looked down the line to see his grandson scoped in on him with a .22lr. Needless to say the grandson not only got yelled at by us but the grandfather about went off the hinge and thanked us for noticing this.

This is why no matter who's kids it is, it is always a good idea to be aware of your surroundings no matter where or who you are with.

If there had been one joking idea or harmless error from the grandson this could have been a major incident.
The only rule infraction i've ever seen at my local range was a guy rapid firing(about 8 rounds in 5 seconds). The RO spoke with him and explained that it was against the rules which he signed before he was allowed to enter the range, the guy told the RO it was his first time and he apologized to the RO. The range now has a new rule that they don't allow any new shooters unless they are brought by a former customer/shooter. After another local range had a suicide by rental gun, they also started a new rule that you cannot rent guns to shoot unless you brought another gun of your own to shoot.
Man, that no rentals without bringing a gun of your own rule is a bummer (understandable considering the history behind it though).

When I finally went shopping for my first handgun, those rentals were incredibly helpful. It let me realize my like for the feel of subcompact semi-autos more than any other size or style handgun.
You ever wonder why the packets of silica gel say "Do not eat"? Because at some point, some idiot did it. Same goes for a lot of other warning labels that seem silly; they're silly to anyone with common sense, but some dumb*** actually did it. And for all you know, that person could be shooting in the lane next to you.

She didn't miss, what she did was put the muzzle up against her head, pulled the trigger and the gas leaving the barrel prior to the bullet, pushed the gun away from her intended target area and only grazzed her scalp. She had watched to many movies or TV shows.

It's the same reason you put your Chrony 12 feet out instead of next to the barrel.

Had the same thing happen at one of my local ranges recently. I started yelling at the guys shooting (there were only a couple) to stop. Anyways we ripped the guy a new one telling him to yell cold and make sure everyone understood before he decided to walk on out.
I'm thankful that our outdoor range is members only and you've got to have a key. Getting the key requires a training class that the training officer makes you take seriously.

You've got to be sponsored by a member for membership, so that's another degree of responsibility that is enforced - peer pressure.

We share our range with a couple of local law enforcement agencies. Although the club doesn't have an RSO at the outdoor range, when the LEOs are there, they watch it like hawks.

The indoor range...well, three times a week it's open to the public. I have a great deal of respect for the guys who volunteer to be RSOs. I couldn't do it. No way.