Idiot creates close call on range today

If I do any rapid fire (10rnds/2 mins) practice

that's rapid fire?

10 rounds... 2 min.... 120 seconds... 1 round every 12 seconds.

that's not rapid at all on a pistol range. it's not even moderately rapid on a normal rifle range either.... you must have some real range nazis where you shoot!
1 round every 12 seconds is silly. Find a new range or at least one with a qualified RSO. I practice double and triple taps. How would that work on that range? LOL!

Favorite posting is the guy muzzling himself because he forgot ear-pro, while rocking an ATF hat. Life is good.
try a shooting range in Alabama or Mississippi, you would be amazed at all the things you may see. One time I saw a guy shoot himself in the leg with a Ruger Mark 2 loaded with hollowpoints
reds here in austin is like that you cant rapid fire you cant quick draw and fire
then again they had a comleate failer of a person get stupid there the other day

From what I heard they had a young lady come in pay to take to shooting lessons rented a gun bought ammo took the shooting course. When the instructor turned around she put the gun to her head pulled the trigger and missed. she did manage to take off a piece of her scalp and give herself a haircut. (im still trying to figure out how she missed)


as an add on there is to much "combat" style shooting,the new shooter wants to shoot fast and many why??learn to shoot acuratly then and only then move on to the next stage.

The problem with eliminating any kind of rapid fire from ranges is that it keeps people at the basic level. When people are ready to advance, often they can't because many/ most ranges only allow slow fire.

Good shooters, if allowed to become such, can still maintain a high degree of accuracy while shooting quickly.
Its really up to all of us to keep things safe. If a range has multiple shooting areas/ranges, a single RO can't be everywhere at once, and there are more folks that are new to our sport coming to the ranges than ever. I find that small public ranges that don't employ an RO can be the most dangerous, and thats where the more experienced folks need to step up and help educate the less experienced with safety issues.
On the other hand, some folks are indeed simply dangerous to be around. Wether it be in a car, at the range, or in hazardous working conditions. They don't want your help, and things can escalate quickly with this type of person. In this case, you just have to use your own judgement. I have packed up and left public ranges more than once. Self preservation has to kick in at some point.


Was that Red's North or South? I've been to the Suth location...kinda creeps me out for some reason. I'm still a newb, but I am vigilant about gun safety, perhaps to the point of paranoia.

I even point loaded magazines away from others!:D

The RO at Red's south didn't seem to pay much attention when I was there. As for rapid fire, 1 round per second appears to be fine at Reds...
From what I heard they had a young lady come in pay to take to shooting lessons rented a gun bought ammo took the shooting course. When the instructor turned around she put the gun to her head pulled the trigger and missed

I've known some really bad shots in my life, heck, my brother couldn't hit a deer broad-side at 15 yards, but how in the world do you miss YOURSELF? That seems like an "I don't r-e-a-l-l-y want to die." moment.
Mail Call

I have the greatest respect for R Lee Ermy and I always watched Mail Call. But,I wish he would of put a disclaimer on his show that instructed people to have some respect for their shooting ranges by cleaning up after themselves.There are some fools that try to imitate R Lee by using watermelons as targets. That can be fun as long as people remove their targets when they are done shooting. I just can't stand having gnats and fruit flies hovering around me while I'm trying to site in my rifle. If these people would use alittle common sence and show some respect by helping to keep the range clean,then we can all enjoy our shooting time.Also if people would act responsible and mature when handling firearms then we won't have any incidents that will give the Antigunners any ammo to use against us.
a couple of months ago I was at my CPL class, we got down to the range for that portion of the class there was some idiot spotting a target from three feet next to it for a guy trying to site in a scope on a .22 rifle! :confused: . Could not beleve it, They left after a short conversation with the instructor. :)

arm does not have to clean up it is done by others after the shooting stops.
NRA match rules =low fire 30 minutes/timed fire=30 seconds/ rapid fire 10 seconds.
better to be slow and accurate than fast and miss.
many police shoot as fast as they can and dont hit.
50 shots fired two hits,woonsocket RI.
can you keep all shots in 4" at 50 ft?
no wonder there is a shortage of ammo.:rolleyes::eek:
There is a free range about 60 miles away. It's a pretty long drive to shoot. It's in the woods and most of the time it's great. There were these morons that couldn't shoot a broad side of a barn. So, they threw some can's about 10ft on the ground and started shooting. Sand and dirt flying everywhere. And all over everyone shooting. I'll give him credit, he did hit it twice out of 11. LOL! The last few times, it has been packed and you have to wait.

That was just the last straw. Now, I shoot indoors where the lighting is bad and your gun get's too hot to fast. It's only a max of 50 yards. But, I will take what I can.

Yes, double tapping is rapid fire.
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I must be living in a closet. The worst thing that I have encountered was a fat bubba with a tacticool AR-15 shooting at one of my targets.
Seems like you run into 3 types of people at ranges. Fake thugs/gangsters who shoot sideways and out of their lane and are removed quickly, tacticool folks who are more or less safe, but you still have to laugh at the 10 pounds of junk bolted and taped to that Ruger 10/22, and then the average shooter. Everyone has accidents, but in my experience the fake thug gangsters ans guys trying to show off for their girlfriends are the most dangerous.