Idiot creates close call on range today


New member
While I was on the range today, I was setting down my case to unpack my gun, until I heard frantic yelling all around me. I looked down the range and I


I stood there awestruck while stood there. There was a ceasefire for around 20 minutes after that incident, and to my suprise the guy just was joking and laughing around with his group of buddies like it was nothing afterwards with no ear or eye protection on the range.

*Face palm*

safty is every bodys responsiblity!!!!!I have been on range and saw a safty violation and had a talk with the person.It was settled right then.If the person had given me a hard time I would walk away and call police.:rolleyes:
This is why I've been going to the NRA range as of late. Dont have to worry about that kind of garbage. They dont put up with stuff like that.

as an add on there is to much "combat" style shooting,the new shooter wants to shoot fast and many why??learn to shoot acuratly then and only then move on to the next stage.:rolleyes::eek:
I hang a darwin award underneath the range rules.
Below the darwin award is a sign that reads, To be awarded to the next person who is stupid enough to break these rules"

Some people just ask for it.

I was once on a large range in the UK called Bisley. We were shooting at 600yds when a numpty from the 300yd range decided to take a short-cut to the food stall by walking right through our range - half way down!

My mate confessed to letting a round off just as he saw a dark blurr enter his scope picture.

I had the exact same thing a few weeks back. Then the guy put 0/100 into the target but 100/100 into the dirt in front of the target. I gave a little free coaching and politely recommended a shooting class for him. He was absolutely green by his own admission. He was an eager student. He kinda ticked me off initially with his safety issues but he was willing to learn and had a good attitude. A promising shooter.
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I had the exact same thing a few weeks back. Then the guy put 0/100 into the target but 100/100 into the dirt in front of the target. I gave a little free coaching and politely recommended a shooting class for him. He was absolutely green by his own admission. He was an eager student. He kinda ticked me off initially with his safety issues but he was willing to learn and had a good attitude. A promising shooter.

each range has a different set of safety rules. new people can't be expected to follow everything exactly right, as they're programmed to act in the way they were previously told.

At a range I visited in Geneva, the rule was "muzzle up" or downrange. At the range where I am a member, you are either pointing "muzzle down" or downrange. Which one is safer? They both have pros and cons.

Being ticked off at someone over a "safety issue" means you got way too personal. Let them know, and then let it go. There are only a few universal rules, but much of it depends on range rules and the environment.
People never cease to amaze me. I guess there's always going to be a crazy or two. If I ever committed a safety infraction I would probably be too embarrassed to ever show my face at that range again.

+100 on your post :D

People doing the wrong thing at your range, but is perfectly legal and correct at his home range is a fair mistake, and he/she be asked to conform to the range ruled at the range he is visiting.

But a clown doing something so stoopid as to walk on a live range...... well, as the saying goes.... You cant fix Stoopid!

That would be an instant "Get the flock out of here, and dont come back" at any range I have ever been to :eek:

I mean, what other basic safety rules would he forget to exercise?

Afraid he is an accident looking for a place to happen :(

Ticked off

Hey Lone Wolf , If somebody pointed a condition one weapon at you two different times with their finger on the trigger and also constantly putting them in the dirt and the RO nowhere to be found.( If I do any rapid fire (10rnds/2 mins) practice or hit the berm too high I get stood behind by the RO) you would probably take it a little personally. Besides, the behavior of walking around with your pistol saying , "there's something wrong with this thing." and pulling the trigger. I am one of the most easy-going guys on the range. I have a pet peave about a condition 1 weapon being shoved, handed, pointed etc in my or anyone's direction. I am not a part time shooter. I have carried a CHL for over 15 yrs and competed for quite a while as well. I have no problem taking time out of my range time to help somebody else. I let people try out some of my interesting guns on a regular basis. There needs to be a minimum skills check off when you sign in a range if you havent been there before. I think you missed the point of my original post. His behavior ticked me off when it appeared to be stupidity but when it became obvious that it was an experience/ignorance of range etiquette issue it became a teacheable moment. Kinda like right now....CW
I quit going to one particular range because of knuckleheads like that. I was shooting one day and heard a guy a couple of stalls down, shoot, swear, rack the slide, shoot, swear, rack the slide, over and over.

I stepped back to reload my mags and looked at him. He had a 1911, with his finger on the trigger, trying to rack the slide, all while pointed at me. I stepped back up into the stall and yelled for him to point the weapon down range and I'd help him with it.

The range master wanted to know what was wrong. When I told him, he just shrugged his shoulders and said "No harm, no foul, he didn't know any better"

I called him several choice names, packed up my gear and left.