Ideas for ending the Iraq War.

We have got to put down al-Qaeda and restore the Iraqi Government. Once they're back to being self sufficient we can start pulling troops out. We will most likely have to keep some troops there for quite some time but once the country is stabilized IMHO it won't be any different than keeping troops in Japan.
We're now building the second largest airport in the world and a super-embassy complex.

Thats quite an embassy and on 104 acres!

Couple that with the airport and the super bases in the west and it looks like were planning to stay the 100 years McCain talked about.
This is all under the presumption that those in charge WANT to end the war.

When it's costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars, much of which is being funneled into no-bid contracts for companies that sell $500 toilet seats I don't see any reason why those in charge would want to end it.

Good points, sad to say. As to ending the war, or winning (whatever that means--when all Iraqis love us?), McCain said a few months back he expects us to be in Iraq for 100 years, and I assume this will be the case.

Did anyone see the recent tv interview with VP Cheney? The woman interviewer said that most Americans are against the war and think it wasn't worth fighting, and Cheney replied, in full: "SO?" that's all. She sat there kind of amazed, then asked something to the effect of: so it doesn't matter what the American people want? to which he replied, "not really."

When we toppled the Sunni dictator, who was a major enemy of Iran, we handed Iraq over to the Shia buddies of Iran. Now we wonder why Iran has so much influence with the new leaders of Iraq? Duh. So now we have to take out Iran too, I suppose. Endless war--oh boy! It's good for the economy, supposedly, although you'd never know it at the moment.
So now we have to take out Iran too, I suppose. Endless war--oh boy! It's good for the economy, supposedly, although you'd never know it at the moment.

Heading into a meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres, Cheney said the U.S. was dedicated to doing all it could to advance the peace process. He said the administration also was "actively involved in dealing with the threats that we see emerging in the region - not only threats to Israel, but threats to the United States as well."

It was clear that Cheney was referring to Iran. Peres was more specific, saying declarations that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made against Israel cannot be ignored.(so I guess that means we fight them like we did Iraq)

Late Sunday, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Cheney that Iran's military buildup "is endangering the stability of the region and the entire world"(read threat to Israel) and that no option should be taken off the table concerning Tehran's nuclear program, according to a statement from Barak's office.

There is no getting out or ending it. Its only just begun, will be there till the end of time. Israel dosen't have to worry they have us to fight their battles for them.
While I don't have an all-encompassing solution to the problem, I do have a few concepts that should be in place....

1. Less invasion, more destruction: If your country is harboring terrorist elements, we reserve the right to preemptively hit those harbors with all necessary force...from SOCOM missions to limited bomb strikes to ICBM's (non-nuclear warheads, of course ;) ). We don't have to put our troops on the ground....we can take your troops out from half a world away....

2. Reparations: If we have to expend military and civilian resources on your country, you're paying for it with seized assets. If we have to "liberate" your country, your natural and economic resources will be under our control until the "liberation" is paid off. If we have to nation-build, your nation is in hock to us until it's all paid off.

3. No long-term prisoners: If you're captured, you're interrogated. Once we get all the information you have (or determine you don't have any), you're executed. Gitmo gets a lot less crowded, and the marine life is happy and well-fed.....

Just a few things to consider....
Why the hate?

I would guess that about 50 to 75 percent of the people in the Middle East are like you and I, we just want to get up go to work, feed and clothe our families, maybe watch a little football (American or soccer) on our days off and have a little tickle pickle with the wife occasionally.

Don't be a hater Hawg Haggen
I love how we supposedly went into Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction...and all these people want to use a weapon of mass destruction on them, civilians be damned apparently.
All of you are dead wrong. I know the way to defeat Al Qaida and take out Iran and afghanistan and Saudi arabia.

1) Beam in free porn channels from satellite on the uhf frequency

2) Air drop cases of liquor and budweisser on a daily basis to all major cities.

3) Jam all transmission from Al jazzera or any other arabic

4) Jam all radio frequencies and play gangsta rap and rock n roll on every channel.

5) Air drop Sunny's baby back ribs and baked beans to the major cities

Sit back and watch the islamic countries be destroyed from the inside out.
No more Al qaida, no more islamic facists. They would be ancient history.
Worldly pleasures would wipe out their religion in no time.

This would be cheaper than the current $15billion per month we spend now. Plus we would see immediate and real results.
Is it the Iraq war, or is it globalization rearing her all too familiar head? Is the Iraq war something we can end, or is it merely a symptom of a much bigger problem facing humanity's rights to auto-determination?
There are no civilians in a war. Only enemies

No Hawg there are civilians in war.

I will try and keep it simple in case you are a product of the Missisppi Public Education System.

From the American Heritage Dictionary: ci·vil·ian- n.
A person following the pursuits of civil life, especially one who is not an active member of the military, the police, or a belligerent group.

You see we have combatants (soliders, Marines, ect..) , and non-combatants (civilians) in a war.

The combatants fight (they shoot, they blow up things, they make things go boom).

The civilians don't fight (the try to live, they try and go to work, they try to live through the madness of any war that happens to break out around them).

Sometimes, and I am hesitant to bring this up as it might blow you mind (if at this point in the reading you are starting to feel dizzy or have a headache go lay down and watch a Dukes of Hazzard reruns until you feel better).

Sometimes civilians are called allies. People who are friendly to one side or the other of the war makers (combatants).

Some of the Iraqs (that is people living in Iraq right now) are friendly and helpful to the United States Armed Forces.

Hopefully that clears some things up Hawg.:rolleyes:
Hawg Haggen wrote:
The perfect solution.

1. There are no weapons powerful enough to make a crater out of the entire middle east.

2. If there were, the material ejected into the atmosphere would have serious and devastating effects world wide; think no sunlight for a long time.

3. There are Al-Qaeda members who are not in the middle east, so with your plan we would get some of Al-Qaeda and all of the civilians in the middle east. Such a drastic bombing would not even eliminate Al-Qaeda, let alone all terrorism, and you could be sure plenty of new terrorists would spring up in their hatred for any country that did such a thing.

We take the oil fields, for the USA, fence em in.

Start pumping cheap oil for use here in the USA. Then we sell the Sunnis and the Shiaas weapons, all they want as long as they are made here in the good ole USA by american workers.

Then we sit back and enjoy the oil while we laugh as we watch them kill each other.

Thats my plan for Iraq.

If the Iranians or the Saudis dont like it, we take their oil fields too, and sell them weapons to kill each other with.

If they ask us nice we establish the PAX Romana for them, and give them a small cut of the oil profits. Putin, can stomp his feet and pee his KGB issued panties.

Thats my solution
Sometimes, and I am hesitant to bring this up as it might blow you mind (if at this point in the reading you are starting to feel dizzy or have a headache go lay down and watch a Dukes of Hazzard reruns until you feel better).

That's funny right there, I don't care who ya are.:D:D:D You're entitled to your opinion just as I'm entitled to mine. Nothing you and I do or say is going to change anything so why get so serious about it.?:rolleyes:
Thanks I needed to hear that, I am having a bad day and vented some additional anger towards you.

Glad you did not take offense. I was probably harsher and nastier than I need to be.