I wonder where America went?

I want to clear something up. I never intended to insult Democrats that are in the military fighting for our country. They are my hero's. I was making reference to the Leaders of the party.
I want to clear something up. I never intended to insult Democrats that are in the military fighting for our country. They are my hero's. I was making reference to the Leaders of the party.

I still don't entirely get it. Are you creating an entire battlefield metaphor for Congress, where the 'wounded Republicans' are Republican Congressmen? And expecting Democratic Congressmen to risk their political 'lives' to pull them out of the political 'line of fire?' Because politically that's pretty silly anyway.

Or implying the the Democratic political leadership won't pull Republican soldiers out of the line of fire? Because more Democratic Congressmen than Republican seem to support the idea of pulling our soldiers (Democratic and Republican alike) out of the line of fire.

It's not a great analogy any way you slice it, and it was an especially poor idea to use it when actual Democrats and Republicans are being wounded and pulling each other out of the actual line of fire on an actual battlefield.

Of course, considering the level of demonization (directly and indirectly) of Democrats in your two "main" posts (1 and 39) I'd not be surprised if you actually did mean it literally and are just backpedaling now that you've been called on it. Either way there is plenty of other silliness in those two posts that I guess it doesn't matter anyway.
Some democrats have done far worse than leave someone on the battlefield. They've fragged them. On purpose.

Hillary, for example, once endorsed General Petraeus as the expert. Now, in her typical political machinations, she, with her nose in the air, haughtily declares that a "suspension of disbelief" is required about his testimony.

I have ZERO respect for someone like that.
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When I thought about the O.P.'s question, I remembered a piece written that my grandmother gave to me when I was 16. Now. more than ever, I think about it as well:

Can You Remember When?
You're old enough to remember the real America if you can remember when you never dreamed your country could lose.
-When you left your front door open.
-When you went to church and the Preacher preached from the Bible.
-When a girl was a girl - a boy was a boy - and you could tell them apart.
-When even the word 'Socialism' was a dirty word.
-When the poor were too proud to take charity.
-When you bragged about your hometown, your state and your nation.
-When the flag was a sacred symbol.
-When this government stood up for Americans.
-When a man who went wrong was blamed - not his mother's nursing habits or his father's income.
-When everyone knew right from wrong.
-When things were not perfect and you didn't expect them to be.
-When people still had the capacity for indignation.
-When sick meant that you weren't seeing well.
-When people expected what less and valued what they had more.
-When everyone was not entitled to an annual wage whether he worked or not.
-When a man's word was his bond.
-When America was the land of the free and the home of the brave.

I know some people think these values are from a backward and narrow minded way, but I would go back to them any day.
When all the states on the map were green instead of red or blue.
There's only a few places that are red or blue anymore. Now much of the country is purple:

2004 Congressional voting

2006 Senate voting
Defjon said:
Because we can all imagine Cheney or Rumsfeld storming machine gun nests...
Much more so than John Kerry (who "served" in Vietnam) or Harry Reid ("The war is lost") or Dennis Kucinich (Syrian buddy) or Ted (hic) Kennedy.
Maybe its time to break the country up into smaller pieces along idealogical lines. We can put all the people with socialist tendencies in the Northeast, all the people with federalist tendencies in the Southeast, all the people with strict constructionist tendencies in the Midwest, all the people libertarian tendencies in the West, and all the escapees from the corrupt Mexican state in California.

Think everybody will be happy then?

Uh, no, I wouldn't be very happy at all.

What if we all just relaxed a little more.
If we broke the country up into smaller regions along ideological lines, all the major metropolitan areas would be one ideology, Washington DC would be it's own ideology, and then the rest of the country another ideology.

It would be a bunch of heavily populated islands of liberals (for lack of a better term) amongst a sea of conservatives (again, for lack of a better term). Although the largest island in the sea would be along the east coast.

Note: this is only a generalization and there would probably be a lot of libertarians peppered throughout.
please do

Actually, FAR more democrats have served in the military in our present government then the current crop of Republicans/chicken hawks. I can go grab a source if anyone cares to disagree.

Really? Never seen that stat. Do share
The problem with America as it stands today is that our Politicians and Special Interest groups have begun to run rampant with their urge for money and power. They use Political Correctness and playing the emotions of their constituents to further their agendai while the majority of America and it's people are left out to dry.
Power and greed, profit at any cost to family, country. It can be controlled but it will require sacrifice and it will only come when problems become so great there is no choice. America will be here for sure but what will quality of life be, this is not a doom and gloom belief it is with the hope we can change and be what America was meant to be. Profit can be made folks without stepping on your fellow human.
The problem is exactly as the Founders saw it: it's profitable and desirable to be in public office, and that maintaining power is THE primary goal of those elected and is completely disassociated with abiding any moral or civic responsibility.
Really? Never seen that stat. Do share

Regarding military service in Congress, the best I've found is this link. I actually tried to find a simple list, but for the life of me couldn't manage (and simply looking at the "former occupations" lists given by Congressmembers is no good, because many that have some military service don't list it).

Regardless, assuming this guy's facts are right it appears that this is not the case. In the 109th Congress, Democrats enjoyed a lead in members with prior military service: 59:51 in the House, 17:13 in the Senate. In the 110th Congress, the Republicans have actually taken the lead with 10:10 in the Senate, and 37:33 in the House.

Though the numbers are small enough that really that's a pretty even Representation during both sessions.

Now, keep in mind that's military service in general. The numbers might change (either way) if you start talking about active-duty service or combat service. I believe Democrats may hold a lead on members with combat service, but I'm not inclined to chase down the numbers so I certainly won't state it as fact. I could easily be wrong, and again you're really getting into numbers so small that you'd be lucky to get a 50:50 (or generally proportional) split with such a small sample.

Are there any other current members of Congress with immediate family (son/daughter/brother/sister..or mother/father, I suppose) serving now or recently in Iraq aside from Webb? Note that this doesn't suggest anything about either party either...even smaller numbers, even less significant sample...just curious.
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Manedwolf wrote:You think NH, ME and VT have anything to do with socialist tendencies, you come visit and go to a gun store with hi-caps of any flavor to purchase right there, to a gun range with people firing full-autos, or realize you're not paying sales tax on any purchases in NH!

If memory serves me correctly, Bernie Sanders, the only representative from Vermont in the 108th US Congress, was an avowed Socialist. I hear he ran for the Senate.
Juan! Democrats of the past are not the same animals as the Democrats of today!

Yeah, I'm going to need some context there. I'm not seeing how this relates to any of my comments in this thread. Generally when it's not immediately obvious what you're responding to it's best to quote a bit. I don't see anywhere where I've mentioned "Democrats of the past."