I wonder where America went?

We could start by ending the use of words like 'leftist' or 'right-wing'.

We Libertarians especially hate these pigeonholes.

Democrats hate us because we're anti-tax anti-government-program gun totin' conservatives, Republicans hate us because we're anti-war drug-legalizing liberal hippies!

Good News!

I looked on Google Maps and America was still there. It even survived a Civil War, imagine that!
Only if it'd be ok for them to do the same to the righties in states they don't like.

The righties are armed. The lefties cannot counter a row of ARs and AKs with a cloud of pot smoke. Thus, the righties are safe. :)
ah so when compromise, compassion and a general sense of humanity are too hard one can always resort to brute force

thanks for reminding us why some people don't want us to have guns! :D
Nope, that's just reality...of the sort that leftists can never quite deal with, why I used it as a metaphor. :)

When push comes to shove in the harsh realities of the world, a well-oiled rifle and a full battlepack of ammo is a much stronger defense than singing kumbaya and visualizing world peace.

That's how it is for most of the world, actually.
Just because visualizing world peace isn't a good defense doesn't mean it's not a damn good idea that everyone should be tasked with visualizing. :cool:
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Whirled peas instead?

I would rather be alive here today, in the USA, in the late 2oth century to 21st century, than in any other age of mankind before.

WildamericaishereAlaska TM

Okay, let's build a really big bulldozer, push all the leftists into the ocean, then repopulate the state?

The repopulation part of your proposal is underway, even as we converse.:eek:
Corn Dodger I agree with your original post while some good has taken place in the past 50 years especially with technology in others we have failed.

To be a cheerleader for our present path is being naive or perhaps very young, for certain there are tough times ahead and the WW2 generation is no longer here to fight for freedom it will be interesting..
Were in that place where groups (the left and the right) of every kind can use the power of the Govt to put limits on other groups. Individual liberty...yeah he just doesnt come around anymore.
Advance time 50 years

In 50 years or so the next generation can look back and say:

I wonder what it was like when citizens could actually own guns.

I wonder what it was like before "hate crimes" and "hate speech" laws, when people could say whatever they wanted, even against the glorious state.

I wonder what it was like in America, when people mixed up with the vast right wing conspiracy, were allowed to besmirch the name of the great one, Hillary Rodham Clinton?

I wonder what it was like when the capitalists allowed the people to leave large carbon foot prints and actually own SUV's and other motor vehicles?

I wonder what it was like when we still had capital punishment? (except of course for tax evasion and other "crimes against the state)

I wonder what it was like under the "old Constitution" that was framed by the racist, sexist, European white men (our so called founding fathers) Before the newer, more modern and kinder "NEW PEOPLE'S CONSTITUTION was passed into law?

I wonder what it was like when the Christian Right was allowed to congregate in places called "churches" and plot against the glorious state?

I wonder what it was like before Mexico annexed Kalifornia?

And last but not least...I wonder what it was like when Geronimo said "Once I moved about like the wind." This was before people were assigned city and work locations for the "common good."
So we're going to do away with the death penalty, except for tax evasion? Oh, and ban churches? Oh, and speaking poorly of Hillary Clinton will be illegal too? Also, we're going to adopt outright communism as well, right?

In the next 50 years?

The only one of those that I think might happen in the next 50 years is a gun ban. Maybe. The rest, not so much...and most are unlikely to happen in the next hundred or two years.

Lastly, spelling California with a 'K' is trite.

EDIT: On the plus side, at least you didn't personally offend me by suggesting that I'd leave my Republican comrades to die on the battlefield. It's an improvement.