I wonder where America went?

Corn dodger

New member
I wonder what it was like when someone called you a Christian, it wasn't an insult.

When we were at war, a Democrat would risk his life to pull a wounded Republican out of the line of fire.

When we lost an entire division at the Battle of the Bulge, it made us more determined to win, and the thought of surrender was not even considered.

When we were at war ALL the people actually sacrificed, not just the soldiers and their families. AND thought it their duty to do so.

When the Boy Scouts were encouraged and not run off by the City of San Diego.

When the members of the NRA were thought of as good citizens and not attacked by the President of the United States as a bunch of rednecked, gun totting whacked out right wing freaks.

When you could go hunting and not be stalked by animal rights activists that spooked off the game.

When there was a fight at a party, the winner would shake hands with the looser after the fight was over....instead of coming back later and doing a drive by on the whole party.

Where "honor" meant just that. Like a Marine that was willing to give up his life for his country. Not just Presidential candidates that are the guest of "honor" at a Daily Kos convention.

When it was OK to argue a bit over politics, then go have a beer. Instead of differences that turn into pure hate.

When all the states on the map were green instead of red or blue.

When a few American hostages were taken, Teddy Roosevelt sent a fleet of war ships to go fetch em.

And most of all, where is the America where you could find a machine that you could get a coke in a bottle for a dime. Where the hell did that go?
When negros were not allowed to use white people's water fountains or bathrooms.

When Sen McCarthy conducted a communist witch hunt persecuting people across the nation and people thought this acceptable.

When businesses would hangs signs saying "No Irish Need Apply".

When the big three auto makers could collude to keep cars classic... meaning no safety glass or seat belts.

When you didn't have to worry about the house on your block being sold to a Black or a Jew.


As Billy Joel sang: "The good old days weren't always good and tommorrow ain't as bad as it seems."

I love these "yesterday was better" threads. It is easy to ignore all the things that were bad and paint today as doom and gloom. Anyone who would think a democrat in uniform would not help a republican. Of course there were also no war profiteers or black market during WWII.

When all the states on the map were green instead of red or blue.
Funny. How do you think elections were handled 50 years ago, 100, 150?
How about...

"When, if someone worked hard and built themselves from nothing to wealth, they were admired, instead of vilified by those who demand a share of the wealth for doing nothing at all."
I wonder what it was like when someone called you a Christian, it wasn't an insult.
Too bad many of those same Christians use the word "Muslim" as an insult. But both are still quite wrong.
When we were at war, a Democrat would risk his life to pull a wounded Republican out of the line of fire.
How dare you insult the honor of liberals and registered Democrats in uniform? When was the last time a Democrat actually failed to pull a wounded comrade out of the line of fire? And I'm not talking about that metaphorical load Manedwolf yanked out of the aether, I'm talking about real combat.
When we lost an entire division at the Battle of the Bulge, it made us more determined to win, and the thought of surrender was not even considered.
Because that was a battle in a war that people actually agreed with. A war that was actually justified.
When we were at war ALL the people actually sacrificed, not just the soldiers and their families. AND thought it their duty to do so.
Once again, this would happen if the war was justified in the first place. It's nice to conveniently forget things, ain't it?
When the Boy Scouts were encouraged and not run off by the City of San Diego.
The Boy Scouts receive funding from local townsfolk. No government, be it federal, state or local should be allowed to willingly participate in discrimination. Private organizations can do it all they want but the BSA receives numerous benefits, discounts and straight up cash from local, county and state governments.

I enjoyed my time in the scouts but they can't have it both ways. Either they're a public organization that deserves support from the public kitty or they're a private organization that can discriminate against whoever they please.
When the members of the NRA were thought of as good citizens and not attacked by the President of the United States as a bunch of rednecked, gun totting whacked out right wing freaks.
Bush called the NRA rednecks? :confused:
Where "honor" meant just that. Like a Marine that was willing to give up his life for his country. Not just Presidential candidates that are the guest of "honor" at a Daily Kos convention.
Yes, words get overused, misused and generally have their meanings altered over time. This is the way of language and it's been happening for thousands of years of human civilization.
When it was OK to argue a bit over politics, then go have a beer. Instead of differences that turn into pure hate.
Oh don't get me started on which side of the fence tends to exhibit the most "hate" when confronted with issues they don't like.
When all the states on the map were green instead of red or blue.
Agreed. Sucks. Let's do something about that, shall we?
And most of all, where is the America where you could find a machine that you could get a coke in a bottle for a dime. Where the hell did that go?
I've always preferred the glass bottles myself. Cans tend to add a bad taste and plastic bottles are just awful. I should pick some up today, those are awesome.
How about...

"When, if someone worked hard and built themselves from nothing to wealth, they were admired, instead of vilified by those who demand a share of the wealth for doing nothing at all."
Yeah, some things are better some things are worse. Overall they are better because people are waking up to the fact that we should all be treated equally, that peace is actually something to strive for instead of fear and that it's important to take care of our planet.

Some things have gone down the crapper, no doubt. But in the grand scheme of things society is much better for people that aren't white male landowners and still slightly better for the latter group as well.
we should all be treated equally

That depends. In basic human rights, yes.

But all people are NOT of equal ability, and that's what the left has changed that to mean. Read Kurt Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron".

Saying that "everyone is special" is another way of saying that nobody is. I was delighted to hear that bit of objectivism snuck into The Incredibles as quiet social commentary. Along with the wonderful line of "Every day, they come up with new ways to celebrate mediocrity."

In schools now, every kid is "gifted", even if they're too dumb to figure out the doorknob.

Genius and special abilities are discouraged now, because it makes those with lesser abilities "feel bad"...and that's counterproductive to an advancing society.
Actually, FAR more democrats have served in the military in our present government then the current crop of Republicans/chicken hawks. I can go grab a source if anyone cares to disagree.

Because we can all imagine Cheney or Rumsfeld storming machine gun nests...:rolleyes:

ED note: Also, I thought we weren't at war...couldn't be at war, being that Congress never declared it. Oh, the President, you say? That little WMD, Saddam-ties-to-Al-Quada scuffle four years back or so? No, you musta missed it! Mission Accomplished! Top Gun style flight suits and everything! Complete with wailing guitar solos in the background, and Kelly McGilis to boot...
That depends. In basic human rights, yes.

But all people are NOT of equal ability, and that's what the left has changed that to mean. Read Kurt Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron".

Saying that "everyone is special" is another way of saying that nobody is. I was delighted to hear that bit of objectivism snuck into The Incredibles as quiet social commentary. Along with the wonderful line of "Every day, they come up with new ways to celebrate mediocrity."

In schools now, every kid is "gifted", even if they're too dumb to figure out the doorknob.

Genius and special abilities are discouraged now, because it makes those with lesser abilities "feel bad"...and that's counterproductive to an advancing society.
I agree. However my point was in regards to basic human rights. Just fifty years ago that was something the majority tried to keep from various minority groups and it still happens to this day.

That being said the gifted classes when I was in school were actually limited to gifted students. Such things are not necessarily discouraged but they are downplayed for the reasons you mentioned. It's a sad state of affairs, no doubt, but in the grand scheme of things these "it was better in the old days!" threads conveniently forget that women and people with odd skin tones and funny accents don't have the same rosy view of "the old days".
AWWW Here come the sour grapes. You boys read into this exactly what you want. How about this/

Remember when Rodney Dangerfield said "My wife and I made a deal to have a cigarette only after sex. I still have the same pack since 1957....she is up to 2 packs a day."
How dare you insult the honor of liberals and registered Democrats in uniform? When was the last time a Democrat actually failed to pull a wounded comrade out of the line of fire? And I'm not talking about that metaphorical load Manedwolf yanked out of the aether, I'm talking about real combat.

Oh, I'm sure it's happened at some point in this conflict (and others). And I'm sure it's gone the other way around too. And I'm sure Democrats have failed to pull Democrats out of the line of fire and Republicans Republicans. The question really is why.

To imply that I (as a soldier who generally votes Democratic) might treat my fellow soldiers any differently because of their political affiliation is deeply insulting. That, and it's the very definition of partisan bile.

I mean, the OP was in general pretty lame and eye-roll worthy (reminds me of a lame email forward...heck, might even be one). But that tidbit both disgusted, infuriated, and also at the same time saddened me.
Remember when Rodney Dangerfield said "My wife and I made a deal to have a cigarette only after sex. I still have the same pack since 1957....she is up to 2 packs a day."
Well perhaps that was Rodney's failing as a man. :D
The historian reports to us, not events themselves, but the impressions they have made on him. ~Heinrich von Sybel

History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there. ~George Santayana

The past is really almost as much a work of the imagination as the future. ~Jessamyn West
Maybe its time to break the country up into smaller pieces along idealogical lines. We can put all the people with socialist tendencies in the Northeast, all the people with federalist tendencies in the Southeast, all the people with strict constructionist tendencies in the Midwest, all the people libertarian tendencies in the West, and all the escapees from the corrupt Mexican state in California.

Think everybody will be happy then?
Absolutely NOT!

Slice CA off and give THAT to the lefties!

You think NH, ME and VT have anything to do with socialist tendencies, you come visit and go to a gun store with hi-caps of any flavor to purchase right there, to a gun range with people firing full-autos, or realize you're not paying sales tax on any purchases in NH!

South of those is a belt of socialism. But the Northern New England mindset is best summed up as "leave me alone!"
Imagine the economic effects. Regardless of what anyone thinks of California it's still the richest state in the nation and responsible for a larger percentage of our nation's wealth than many of the square states put together.