I was shocked to learn.............

I'm not in America so the only real gun advocacy group open to me with any clout is Firearms United, so I have no horse in the NRA race, but I will say that at least one article I read was an expose of the NRA's inner workings and it did seem grotesquely corrupt.

It may do some good for the 2A but the NRA seems to do a lot more for its board: lots of lining of lots of well-tailored pockets.

Meanwhile existing laws aren't being applied, checks aren't being done, nasty people get guns and do hideous things and more laws get passed to appease the public anguish.

Out of interest, what is the deal with the Second Amendment Foundation?
(I think that's its name)
The NRA is now an ironclad bureaucracy,,,

The NRA is now an ironclad bureaucracy,,,
They have succumbed to Pournelle's Iron Law.

In my university sociology classes we were shown,,,
This process only takes 7-9 years to happen to any organization.

Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy

States that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people: those who work to further the actual goals of the organization, and those who work for the organization itself.

Examples in education would be teachers who work and sacrifice to teach children, vs. union representative who work to protect any teacher including the most incompetent.

The Iron Law states that in all cases, the second type of person will always gain control of the organization, and will always write the rules under which the organization functions.

I still see good works being done by the rank and file of the NRA,,,
But the "Board" simply wants to keep their cash cow well fed and producing for their benefit.

Still, they are just about the only game in town,,,
So I'll keep my membership current.


Seems I just read he recieved a 57% raise.. True?? no idea.

Join GOA and your local state shooting assn(s) for sure. Local gun club is also a must. Get active and get them involved.

I suggested at 2 clubs that they (we) have a legislators day. Invite em all out shooting. Supply the guns/ammo. Make the gun grabbers say NO..... also invite the newspapers/TVs that day also. Let em all shoot. Will be the first time for some.
I have gotten "infraction" points for criticizing the NRA on this forum in the past...:eek:

Bump stock has always been a "Red Herring" you cant do much past 25 yards with one, which is why it's always been a lie.

That being stated....nobody here wins.

We all lose when one very big pro-self defense Org. goes down. The fact that NYS thinks it can disband an association of ( mostly) law abiding people tells you how bad things are.
$300,000 on fancy Armani suits? What are they made of, good and platinum?

Nah, good olde Wayne shot himself in his crotch this time.

Shoot me if you wish, but the NRA isn't what it was 40 years ago. NOBODY in the upper end were millionaires. Well ok Charlton was, but he made his acting. Wayne Lepewp is only in it for the money.
