I was shocked to learn.............


New member
............that the head of the NRA (Wayne LaPierre) draw a compensation of $6 million per year! I looked up the highest paid non-profit charity CEO compensation and it appears to be the CEO of the Boys and Girls Club of America at about $1.8 MM per year.

I am now on the horns of a dilemma! One the one hand, I fully appreciate that without the NRA or an equivalent lobbying effort, the Second Amendment would long since have been scrapped from the Bill of Rights and gun owners would be outlaws in the U.S. On the other hand, I think it is unconscionable that the head of a non-profit organization should draw such an exorbitant salary.

Perhaps it's time for the NRA to clean house and get a leadership willing to focus on accomplishing gun rights objectives instead of feathering their own nest on the donations of members?
What's unconscionable to me is that after that compensation, I get dozens of phone calls and hundreds of emails begging for more money or they won't survive.............
I thought I read somewhere that LaPierre's total compensation was around $2 Million per year. This is the first I've seen $6 Million. Any links to verify? If true, this is ridiculous and things need to change real quick.
Especially when we haven't been hearing anything lately about anything they are doing.

When you are in "Damage Control Mode" other items get placed on the back burner.

The NRA is now a shell of what it once was, and it's only going to get worse unless they get rid of LaPierre.
the45er ............that the head of the NRA (Wayne LaPierre) draw a compensation of $6 million per year!
According to Guidestar, the most recent IRS Form 990 shows Wayne LaPierre earning $1,433,977 in compesation.

I looked up the highest paid non-profit charity CEO compensation and it appears to be the CEO of the Boys and Girls Club of America at about $1.8 MM per year.
First, the NRA is not and never has been a charity. It's a nonprofit, tax exempt organization.
If you REALLY knew how to Google you would find that LaPierre is not even close to the compensation that the top ten nonprofit CEO's earn: https://www.causeiq.com/insights/highest-paid-nonprofit-ceos/

I am now on the horns of a dilemma! One the one hand, I fully appreciate that without the NRA or an equivalent lobbying effort, the Second Amendment would long since have been scrapped from the Bill of Rights and gun owners would be outlaws in the U.S. On the other hand, I think it is unconscionable that the head of a non-profit organization should draw such an exorbitant salary.
"Unconscionable"? If it was a for profit business would you be so horrified?
"Non profit" is the IRS category for this type of business, it doesn't mean employees must accept minimum wage jobs or volunteer to work for free. Hi pay is commensurate with other nonprofit CEO's.

Perhaps it's time for the NRA to clean house and get a leadership willing to focus on accomplishing gun rights objectives instead of feathering their own nest on the donations of members?
Great idea! I'm surprised no one else has thought of this.

If you really want to stroke out, compare executive compensation vs revenue of all the Second Amendment advocacy organizations:

You'll see that the NRA provides far more value for the $$$.
Shadow9mm According to wilipedia, in the career section, they separate salary and "deferred compensaion" according to that his total annual compensation is just a touch over 5million per year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayne_...45,110,985.

Take into account this is wikipedia and could be totally bogus
It is accurate, but very misleading.
From Wikipedia:
In 2014, NRA contributions totaled $103 million and LaPierre's compensation was $985,885.[13] In 2015, NRA contributions totaled $95 million. In that year, LaPierre received a $3.7 million deferred compensation distribution from his "employee funded deferred compensation plan", which was required by federal law, and according to the NRA raised his total annual compensation to $5,110,985.[13]

If you click on the "[13] reference
Silverstein, Jason (February 9, 2017). "National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre saw compensation jump more than $4 million as revenue soared". New York Daily News. Retrieved February 22, 2018.

Buried in that article is this: "Most of LaPierre's new cash stockpile came from payout of a $3.7 million retirement plan."

In short, it's NOT his salary, it's a 65yr old man cashing in part of his retirement plan.
But it does get folks excited.
Liberal gun control people would like nothing better than to separate gun owners from the most powerful gun lobby in the world, just say'in
Liberal gun control people would like nothing better than to separate gun owners from the most powerful gun lobby in the world, just say'in

Very true, and the NRA is doing it's best to see that it happens.
When you are in "Damage Control Mode" other items get placed on the back burner.

The NRA is now a shell of what it once was, and it's only going to get worse unless they get rid of LaPierre.
Even if La Pierre were out, the power structure in the NRA would remain and whoever was given the reins would be corrupted quickly.

I've given up entirely on the NRA and think it needs to disappear entirely or go back to being a gun safety and training organization. It's easy for me to say I want to see it disappear, but if the NRA didn't exist other groups like GOA would be flocked to by millions of NRA refugees and turn into the next NRA making promises they don't keep.

I'm not even sure with how SCOTUS continues to refuse 2nd amendment cases what NRA or GOA can get done judicially, so it's up to lobbying politicians and when Republicans aren't in control of both houses and the Presidency at the same time, there's nothing that can be done other than bribe RINO's in the Senate to keep them from voting anti-gun.

It all seems pointless, but the one thing I do know is the NRA in its current form can go to hell.

It's easy for me to say I want to see it disappear, but if the NRA didn't exist other groups like GOA would be flocked to by millions of NRA refugees and turn into the next NRA making promises they don't keep.
Never. GOA makes WLP look upstanding. If you don't know why GOA is MORE corrupt than the NRA ever will be you have not done much research.;)
Never. GOA makes WLP look upstanding. If you don't know why GOA is MORE corrupt than the NRA ever will be you have not done much research.;)
I don't see how an organization that begs for money and pays the VP 6 million bucks (in salary and retirement benefit) while continually telling us they're fighting for change, but change never comes is something to say isn't corrupt. The GOA as an organization makes and spends literally half of what Wayne was paid.

You can throw stones in the glass house all you want, but to see a failure like Wayne LaPierre make that kind of money for being unable to deliver promises he always makes at the annual NRA convention is proof that Wayne's job isn't to protect gun rights, it's to keep money flowing, squeeze even more money out of the members.

It's pretty simple to; by continually promising change and not delivering means you can keep asking for more money. All the money that the NRA raised during the Obama years went where exactly in 2017 and 2018 when it had two branches of gov't controlled by Republicans and what got done? The House passed HPA and it died in the Senate.

Instead we got bump stocks taken away and now we're all cowering over the ATF walking back on braces and now we're looking at Anti's taking over the Senate and White House in 2021.

If that happens, the NRA's bank account is gonna crash over how many millions of dollars get donated and the cycle of failed promises and half-assed lawsuits begins again.
There are two different federal tax terms associated with the NRA:

1. Tax exempt- The NRA Foundation and others

2. Exempt from Income Tax-The NRA

In 2018 Wayne La Pierre's salary was $2,150,634.


Yep, the NRA files a Form 990 for the NRA Foundation-a tax exempt organization. The NRA Foundation provides all the good stuff like gun safety classes, money for firing ranges, training of range safety officers, etc. The NRA charges the NRA Foundation for services rendered, etc.

There accusations that the NRA has "borrowed" NRA Foundation tax exempt money and used it for political trash. For whatever reason the budget for support to ranges, training, etc. has been drastically cut. The AG for the state of New York is investing.

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We just had a massive surge in gun ownership. And all I'm hearing from the NRA are the sounds of crickets. That's a wasted opportunity, the other side doesn't do that. Are they paying Wayne to keep his mouth shut now?
Hmmm ...

NRA said:
Contributory Life Memberships
(Offered to Fully Paid Life Members)

Endowment Member $1,000
Patron Member $1,500
Benefactor Member $1,500

Endowment, Patron and Benefactor members are eligible to vote in NRA elections, receive special recognition at NRA events, and are sent credentials including a certificate suitable for framing, a lapel pin, a decal, a patch, and a new membership card so you can proudly display your membership status.

Please contact Membership Division at 1-800-672-3888 (option # 3) between the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM EST, Monday through Friday to become an Endowment, Patron or Benefactor Member.

Outside of those business hours, please leave a message and a Life Membership Specialist will return your call the following business day.
Life members are already entitled to vote in elections, so basically for $1,000 or $1,500 you get a certificate suitable for framing, a lapel pin, a decal, a patch, and a new membership card.

Sounds like quite a deal.