I wanna shoot somebody - tell me this is OK!

In Triumph the Comic Insult Dog voice ...

"And is this the button to call your mother to pick you up?"

That was really funny. :D

And yes, some people certainly seem to come across as being a little itchy for action. Good post.
I'm with Glenn

Good post. There was an article from Evan Marshall years ago about armed intervention. I wish I could find it and post it here. The desire to shoot someone is something that concerns me. Like Peter Parker said, "With power comes a great responsibility".
I have greatly enjoyed reading the responses of responsible firearm owners and CCW holders. I carry as a uniformed armed security officer and even though the chance of having to take a life or even just drop the hammer on somebody isn't something I anticipate or seek to create a reson that would justify such actions.
I read in someone's quote one time that....
"you can have an additude or a gun but you can't have both"
I totally agree with that.
That's all.
ccw vs. hunter killers

I carry when I travel on the highway, or when I'm going to be in the city at night.

I don't want to kill anything most days, not even bugs unless they're bitting me.

Some days I think about the terrible people in the world and wish I was on one of the Hunter/Killer police teams they set up here in Colorado after Columbine. You know, to actually do something tangible to clean up the world.

Instead I am a teacher at an inner city school, and have to console myself that I'm doing as much good as I can in an often sick society. Still, I can relate to people who want to take direct action to clean up the mess. That's real different from wanting to hurt someone for fun.

I think it was a letter in American Hangunner were a soldier mentioned that in the army there are about 1/4 of the people doing it for the country, about 1/4 to get away from whatever they had or didn't have at home, about 1/4 who take it as a job, and about 1/4 who want to kill, enjoy killing, and will do as much as possible.

I won't quibble with the numbers, but we have to accept that there are a certain number of folks in our society who are happy to be knee deep in blood. They will gravitate towards weapons and brute force occuptions or to violent crime. So, we get more than our share here, as do our friends in law and military circles, as do our fellow citizens in prison.

That doesn't change the fact that most of us are ordinary citizens who just like guns, want to defend our homes, and would never start trouble.

Beautifully put, kiov.
Wish more felt that way, next thing you know they''l be hunting pre-teens!! Oh, but their bad kids.......,
Hmm, nevermind I think they do that already. Makes it hard to tell who is the sick society, huh?? :(
Here's to all the wannabe Saturday morning cartoon heroes

Pythonman, you really know how to start one, don't you. For what it's worth, I'll join in and share my sometimes unpopular opinion.

Most of the people who run around acting like and saying they want to kill someone have no idea what they are saying. Believe me, put them in combat and a lot of those badasses just want to get home with no holes in them. It all sounds really macho when you say you want to kill someone, but in real life, you'll want to piss your pants or crawl home when you see a determined man on the other end of a gun who wants to stay alive just as bad as someone who may want to kill him. And believe me, he's usually just as scared as you are. You start to understand why the "right to carry" states saw such a dramatic reduction in violent crimes. Not that there aren't people who want to intimidate people into immobility then snuff them. It's just no fun when they shoot back.
Related to this, what trianing do police get about deciding when to shoot? Certainly the recent death of officer Hernandez in NYC (and numerous other situations in which the shooting officer was not in danger) makes one think that it consists of shoot first, ask questions later.

You'll note that most of these incidents occur in "big brother" states or cities that don't trust their subjects to provide for their own defense.

The cops in those areas, whether explicitly or implicitly, have been conditioned to believe that a civilian with a gun is automatically a bad guy.

Were I a cop in NY or Chicago or DC, I would think LONG AND HARD about pulling a firearm while off duty. That action can be hazardous to your health in totalitarian dictatorships.
It's OK!

Well put by most. They definately DO NOT NEED a ccwp. As I stated in other threads they can join the fighting forces of the U.S.A. and let them go to the middle east and shoot all they want. Get a life:rolleyes:
Is this thread downing just the silly scenarios or all scenarios? I like the scenarios and I think they are a great help. When you make the decision to carry it’s a huge decision. Talking about instances where you might be called upon to act IMHO is a great resource. Sharing ideas here could save a life someday.
Times have changed

Gone are the days when a person had to use deadly force and the Leos made the decision on the spot that no arrest was called for. Most places now you will be arrested, post bond, hire a lawyer and meet the Grand Jury in person. in many cases an overzealous prosecuter will go all out to get a conviction, another feather in his cap. If the shooting is out in public and the victim is of certain ethnic groups you will also likely be sued and he or his survivors will come up with scores of witnesses who will lie and say they saw the whole thing and that you are just a biased murderer.

With all that said, I had not rather be forced to kill another person, but I damn sure will if that is what it takes to perserve life, liberty, and property under certain conditions described in our statutes. I do pray that will never be necessary.
...to all who have supported what Glenn posted. The last person to be carrying a weap

The problem is, most of the angry itchy types already have guns, cuz theyre bangers or already cops. very thin line between good and bad, just a matter of oppinion! Nice vader gettup.. Raider fan or just nutz??:D

When you kill a man you take away everything he has and everything he will ever have. Sure you actually want this scene to occur?

There are better ways to release aggression that seeking to shoot bad guys. I suggest an enthusiastic woman (over 18) !

I have noticed these responses
I have always believed that these guys along with the ones that try to think up reasons to inform the boss or landlord that they own or carry are simply still impressed with themselves for having guns.
When they have actually been around guns long enough for them to become just tools they calm down.

But those guy's are effectively counter balanced by the ones that believe you need to be cut twice and shot once before you even begin to draw.

Raider fan or just nutz??
Maybe he's from Florida!:D
You know they do have that new "Shoot first, Ask questions later law" (I'm only kidding!)

It's a waste having all these guns and never ever getting to shoot 1 bad guy. We have to spend the rest of our life shooting paper targets and that gets very old very fast.
So why don't you grow some balls do exactly what 22-Mag sez:
join the fighting forces of the U.S.A. and go to the middle east and shoot all you want. Get a life.
And that I'm not kidding about!

This thread is one of the most ridiculous threads I've ever seen posted on TFL.
Just to remind folks, my post was to put a damper on scenarios that folks posted in which the main goal was to pose a situation where they would feel happy to righteously shoot someone.

Go back and read my original, my dear students of the art. :D
I personally think

shooting paper is much more preferable to people. I have carried two guns daily for the last fifteen years and have come quite,quite close to having to use one of them a couple of times at work. I have always been thankful that it did not come to that as I NEVER want to kill another human being. I made it threw 20 years of military service without having to participate in a war and I got out recently so that I would not have to unnecessarily. Killing is wrong, survival is not, but I don't think that will make you feel any better about it, unless your some kind of sociopath.
All I can say is that if, and I do mean IF I am suddenly attacked by a battalion of B-27 silhouettes, then I will be prepared and willing to defend myself with the biggest, baddest weapon available (as long as they come within 21 feet).:D
Just to remind folks, my post was to put a damper on scenarios that folks posted in which the main goal was to pose a situation where they would feel happy to righteously shoot someone.

Go back and read my original, my dear students of the art.

All these "hypothetical situation" threads that keep popping up seem a bit disturbing. It does seem like there are a few here who are looking for any excuse to pull out their noisemaker and act like Bruce Willis. Kinda takes away from the responsible mentality of using a gun as the last line of defense.

It worries me that so many people want to use their guns for their intended purpose.
I haven't noticed anybody (that doesn't mean nobody else is doing it) other than Doug .38 starting this sort of thread.

I read his scenarios as meaning only what the words on the screen are. I don't try to interpret what he's thinking. I haven't yet gotten the impression that he's out to shoot somebody, so I post responses when I think I have something to say.

I do notice that some posts that RESPOND to him seem like they're coming from people looking for an excuse.

When I respond, I say what I think I'd do. Who knows what I would ACTUALLY do. There are too many variables to predict that.

Since responding to the scenarios makes me think about them, I think they're useful. I try to respond using what I know about how various things work. It's a good mental exercise that's better done now than during an incident. Best of all, since I don't want to appear to be an idiot, I will often check the applicable statutes or other basis for my responses before I respond and learn something new in the process.

I tend to give responses that give attention to the law's requirements. I also tend to point out that sometimes the gun isn't the best solution to the scenario, and I've seen others do the same. Maybe Doug and others posing these scenarios just need to see what the range of possible responses is to help them do the right thing. I got no problem with that. Maybe they just want the entertainment of seeing the responses that come back. I got no problem with that, either.

Since we're on the general subject, there's a really good website (IMHO) that anybody who's truly interested in self-defense should look at.


The owner of that site does not discuss firearms at all. He talks at length about the guy who's going to be on the other end of your gun the day you have to use it, and how that guy thinks. A theme that permeates his site is that training in the martial arts can get you in more trouble than they get you out of. I have no opinion on that, but if you can mentally filter that out the site has really good information, and lots of it.