I wanna shoot somebody - tell me this is OK!

Funny, but I had replied to a "Scenario" post a while past regarding this same subject. My point was that I do not desire to shoot anybody and that most of the "Scenarios" seemed to be aimed at giving people only two choices...run or kill the BG, it really disturbed me! Then someone posted a response that pretty much said that I was crazy and that most people who own guns really and truley wish that they could shoot someone...CRAZY!!! After that, I took a long vacation from TFL.
Well said, Glen

I'll bring the aloe vera and ice if you get a flame, but you are absolutely correct. Some people are looking for an excuse to shoot a person, and that is scary.

You are so very right, there are too many posters living in Never-Never Land. Most times I just laught and pass on.
I dont want a reason to shoot someone,especially in my home,I have to clean up the friggen mess.I dont ask for advice on the best way to kill a bad guy.I think if you have to ask questions like that,you should'nt be carrying guns.I took training specifically for SD,i also have the mindset to shoot if i have to.I only hope that i never have to take another life.Good topic.Nice bait job too lol:D
It's easy to play hero from your keyboard. Nobody knows how they will respond after having to take a life. There have been LEOs who have had to quit the force or take a desk job after a justified shooting, because they couldn't come to terms with it. And they have training and post situational support.

People who want to fantasize about being a hero, should do so on a XBox.

Thanks, Glenn for putting into a thread what a lot of us have felt. I usually don't get past the initial post in those type threads.
Today, 11:19 AM #1
Glenn E. Meyer
Senior Member

Join Date: 11-17-2000
Posts: 2,117 I wanna shoot somebody - tell me this is OK!


Flame suit on!

It seems to me that we get scenarios where folks really want to get some justification in their reasoning to shoot someone in an ambiguous situation.

The drawing on a cop thread running has that flavor. I've seen it in others and in classes over the years.

It usually goes, what if some badguy stands up in the bank, the Burger Barn, holds my brother at gunpoint but says he is a cop, opens my front door, etc., etc.

There is a wave of reasonable responses that try to shoot only as a last resort but then some folks just want to SHOOT the guy and become angry if you disagree.

So there - flame me.

PS - in FOF - one of the risks is that it becomes a shootfest as it is fun for guys. I know an instructor who threw a guy out of class because he just shot all the times

Did you even stop to wonder if maybe somebody now wants to shoot you for bringing your view up ? :eek:
This thread brings up the point that has been kicked around a bunch, . . . but never enough: training and practice can make the correct difference, . . . no training and no practice will in all likelyhood make the wrong difference.

I enjoy the different scenarios mainly because in the military, . . . I always enjoyed the war games, . . . realizing of course it was not serious, . . . but if it led to my doing it better later, . . . thus surviving, . . . it was good. These scenarios sometimes make one want to barf, . . . but others make one think.

My best tip I think I learned was probably a year ago or so, . . . someone mentioned that if you moved away from a bg's strong side, . . . in the direction of his strong side, . . . it made it more difficult for him to track you. I hope I never use that tidbit of info, . . . but I tried it, . . . and for me it is true. Before trying it, . . . I would probably have moved the other way (on a right handed person) because it allows me to keep a better sight picture. Now I have a slim, slim edge that I practice, . . . hopefully never needed.

May God bless,
Yeah, I feel like that sometimes. Then again sometimes when somebody says/does something stupid I wanna punch him in the face, that dosen't mean I will!
Mr. Meyer What a way to word a post. Don't you know that the ANTI'S search these post like hawks. Give them some more ammo!!!!!!!! GEEEEEEE What you allege to is correct BUT,Let us not make headlines.:o
Let them come in... let them come in and see that not ALL of use are wild eyed fanatics to be feared. But just possibly are normal people that would prefer to defend themselves if the need ever arises! Sometimes you need different bait to catch more fish...
Take care brother..
Great Post....No Flaming from here.

I know some guys (personally) who walk 4" taller when they strap on their gun. And most of them grow a bigger mouth to go with it. My gun is bigger than your gun!!! I guess maybe we were all young and green at some point. I had my days when I first started working but after awhile, I think I forgot I was wearing a gun most of the time. I found I would rather tear someone’s eyes out that to draw on them. But yes there are times when that isn't sensible., but once you take that shot, you will pay for it one way or another for the rest of your life, even when you did the right thing they rape you in the courts. Now I am retired, and when I CCW, even my wife doesn’t know when I am packing. But I do love to read some of the shootem ups and I am sure I have put in my 2 cents more than a few times. Watching TV gets old after awhile so I stop in here for my daily education and entertainment. It reminds me of the conversations we often had after work, suckin a beer two with the boys.
Overall, I think we have a pretty damn good bunch hangin out in here. Talk is cheep so I usually don't take it too serious.

Thanks Glenn!
The shoot first, ask questions later people are the ones who give all those tree hugging, anti gun nut jobs all their ammunition for the more restrictive gun laws.

Keep on shootin first, askin questions later. Pave the way for no guns at all.

Hell, maybe we can have showdowns on the street like the old days.
Way to go Glenn! Good for you, a touch of reality is nice for a change! I hate to say it, but the mentality that is sometimes voiced here can be downright scary. It is not the way to influence lawmakers, or others to support or want to help change the CCW laws in their states.
Good One!

Yes there are many out there that fantasize about " what" they would do in a dangerous situarion, flinch or be the hero and to a point I guess this is normal, then you have the ones that actually want to get the opportunity to shoot someone.

I enjoy the scenarios because I have toyed and continue to do so with the idea of being a screenwriter and obviously I have a enhanced need for fantasy. I am aware of this and try to separate it from reality. Face it, I am a big teddy bear but then bears are deadly when cornered or hungry. (kidding ok!)

I worked at this store on a minimall where one of the guys, married to the owner's daughter carried a magnum 357, 24/7. This was a long time ago when owning a gun was very far from my plans. I come back from lunch one day, he is very depressed and I ask him what's up, he tells me that a few stores down a delivery guy was held up, he pulled his gun and killed the BG, he was almost crying because the opportunity to shoot a BG had been so close and he had missed it.

That is one guy I want to stay the hell away from. Yes there are out there.
Garand Shooter said:
It's easy to play hero from your keyboard.

Yes, I've noticed that many do...

Is this guy a TFL poster?:D :D


Maybe it's because I've been up all night, but that picture made me laugh for a good two minutes solid....Good stuff. So true, too.

...to all who have supported what Glenn posted. The last person to be carrying a weapon is someone who is perpetually angry, and just itching for a fight.

But they are surely in the minority of those who are concerned about personal defense and defense of loved ones. When I took a CCL class recently, everybody in it seemed like just "ordinary folks." Since I've started going to an indoor range, I'm always a bit surprised at the variety, and ordinariness, of the people I encounter there. Just ordinary folks, from all walks of life.

I wish there was some way to communicate to the anti-gun culture that most people who are interested in firearms for SD/HD are just ordinary folks, and not the Ramboized-Dirty Harry caricatures they often imagine.

Of course, the kind of postings Glenn is concerned about shows that there are probably a few Ramboized-Dirty Harry folks out there. I'm glad they don't seem to be much thought of here.