I think I'm going to buy a Hi Point 9mm pistol,,,

I own all kinds of hand guns. Revolers, autos and BP, and all brands Ruger, SW Springfield, Glock and military surplus. I bought 2 Hi-points a 380 and a 45. They are what they are, inexpensive guns that work. Yes some have issues but how many expensive guns have problems and the answer is "need to break them in". People are ok with that answer because the guns cost alot? Makes no sense to me, they should work out of the box. My two Hipoints have worked well, I had to tweak the extended mags on the 380 but other than that zero issues. The 45 hasn't missed a beat. So I pull the trigger, it goes off and I hit the target. How is that bad? They're not trying to be the fanciest race ready gun out there, they are made to be affordable guns. And they have a lifetime warranty, no matter h ow !any people.owned it before you.
the hi point is a "pot metal" economy pistol thats not even designed to be field stripped
Field strip? Just doesn't need it. Try shooting your Star or Tokarev with just cleaning what you can get to without field stripping for several thousand rounds, if it makes it that far, and send it to the manufacturer for free cleaning, repair, or replacement if it fails. I'm sure those "higher standard" companies will take care of it just like Hi-Point does. Probably include a spare magazine for your trouble when they return it too.
Gun snobbery has no place in my safe.:D
> It's a love 'em/hate 'em kinda thing.

Honestly, I was on the hate 'em side until I took pity on a friend who had a Hi Point .40 with function problems. I took the gun home, took it apart - you have to drive a roll pin out, just like a Smith & Wesson Sigma - and cleaned a bunch of "lubricant" someone had filled it with, that had dried out and turned gluey. It took solvents and scraping just to get it apart; that it fired at all was astonishing.

The more I looked at it, the more impressed I became. There's some interesting engineering in there. What needs to be accurately made is, what isn't, has generous clearance. It's designed to be inexpensive to make, but the designers did it be careful attention to where the money needed to go, not by just making it as cheaply as possible.

The Hi Point has a blowback action. It has to be strong where it counts when it's chambered in .40 or .45. The Hi Point is a big, beefy gun to make that work without beating itself to death. It's not a small or light gun; that's your trade-off.

I function-tested it at the range before returning it to its owner. I've shot guns that cost a lot more, that weren't as accurate or comfortable to shoot. I've considered purchasing a couple for myself, as car and truck guns.
Well, I'm a little bit bummed,,,

I just got off the horn with The Evil Pawn Shop Guy.
And I'm a little bit bummed.

He has tried all three of the distributors he deals with,,,
There is not a Hi-Point C9 pistol to be had.

So I thought I would order one from budsgunshop.com,,,
All of the models they have listed are "out of stock"

This leaves me only one place left to try,,,
But dang I hate spending money at Academy Sports.

I know they had one in stock about three weeks ago,,,
But if they are out my SteamPunk rig might have to wait a while.


I know they had one in stock about three weeks ago
Bet it's gone by now!
Gun shops in my area have lines out the doors. First Covid-19 lockdown, food andesentialshortages. Now riots. People are buying any gun they can find!