I think I'm going to buy a Hi Point 9mm pistol,,,

I have a 9mm Hi Point carbine too I honestly can't find one bad thing to say about it. It's fun and it's solid & reliable.
Oh, gawd no!

The .40 and .45 Hi-Points are simply huge, as a result of their construction and blowback operation. I've held them and they feel top-heavy in extremis. They're bigger than my grandfather's old, first-generation electric drill.

The .380 and 9mm Hi-Points are a more reasonable size. I'm not going to rush out to buy one, but I wouldn't get the vapors if someone gave me one.
Ah, but you're not thinking it through. Because the 9mm requires less slide mass they'd have to lighten the slide to make it the same weight as the standard 9mm, but be the same size as the .40/.45 slide is, so they'd either have to add some cuts to the slide to reduce the weight or use a different material for the slide entirely, maybe use a cast 7075 Aluminum for the slide instead.
My first handgun was a Hi-Point C9 and it is the reason I have bought more handguns. My latest "cheap" gun is a SCCY which weighs 15 ounces and has been totally reliable with the same warranty as a Hi-Point. I got it on sale with a $25 rebate so it was a $135 gun. they are normally under $200 and I think they are worth every penny.
This is a somewhat light hearted but I think fair review of the Hi Point that I’ve posted in the past:


I don’t have anything against Hi Point. Firearms that are affordable for people of all income brackets are a good thing for the second amendment. I do think the cult following they’ve developed has a tendency at times to exaggerate their attributes, but to an extent that’s true of other makers and their fans.

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I'm doing it.

Well I've mulled it over and have decided to go ahead with the purchase.

Tuesday morning I'm calling The Evil Pawn Shop Guy and have him order one for me,,,
Academy Sports has them in stock but I'd rather spend my money locally.

One thing I've noticed about Hi-Point comments,,,
There are very few sitting on the fence,,,
It's a love 'em/hate 'em kinda thing.

I also decided to heck with buying an Uncle Mikes tactical rig,,,
If I can make a $500.00 rig for a pair of airsoft guns,,,
I can do the same for a pair of hi-points.

Something like this I believe.


It'll be a fun project,,,
Does "lipstick on a pig" sound right?


Double shoulder holster stainless USP with match weights? A Tomb Raider homage?

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Hello TunnelRat,,,

"Double shoulder holster stainless USP with match weights? A Tomb Raider homage?"

You nailed it except it wasn't a shoulder rig.

Several years back a young lady (college girl) wanted to do Halloween as Lara Croft,,,
Since she had been schlepping beer to me for years I said I would help.

We ordered the Lara Croft Airsoft guns off the web,,,
Then I made the gun-belt and holsters for her.

It really was sort of silly for me to do that at the level I did,,,
The belt and holsters were hand carved, hand stitched, and lined with pig skin.

She did win first place at the restaurant/bar where she worked though.


I gave her the rig and pistols as a graduation gift.

For the Hi Point rig I think I'll try and style something "SteamPunk" looking.

Back in the late 70's through the 90's I used to make a lot of custom leather for the medieval and fantasy costume play crowd.

I think the Hi-Point will fit the bill very nicely,,,
Besides I'm getting bored in my old age.

Time to do something whimsical and fun.


My first Hi-Point was a C9 bought strictly out of curiocity. Could they possibly be as bad as the hating gun snobs claim?
I was delighted to find the answer was a resounding NO!...

Buy it! I have one for the same reason- curiosity. It hangs in the safe between the FN High Power and the Sig P226, and right above the Detonics Pocket 9 which is the only other blowback 9x19 in my accumulation. How do you know the truth about the C9 without first hand experience?
Just got off the horn with the Evil Pawn Shop Guy,,,

Just got off the horn with the Evil Pawn Shop Guy,,,
The order is in for a new C9 pistol.


For the Hi Point rig I think I'll try and style something "SteamPunk" looking.
That sounds really cool. Got my gears working though. A steampunk rig for my 1895 Nagant. With it's sliding cylinder, and recessed bullet gas seal cartridges it starts out a little steampunk.
Being an 1895 era design it fits!
My original 9mm HiPoint is now with its third or forth owner and still does nothing but eat everything & spit out empties. Best $149.00 semi 9MM ever offered and a life time warranty. I want another but I want the Yeet Cannon G-2.
I am also one of those folk who question the Hi Point bashing. I have a 9mm, .45, and a carbine. All of them eat everything I feed them and keep on ticking. I've noticed that most of the Hi-point bashers don't actually own one. They comment on the weight, the ugliness, and the one time that they rented one that hadn't been cleaned in a year and had issues. Methinks that their noses are so high in the air that their eyesight is blocked.:D
Despite having a guns that are more mainstream (Glock, Beretta, S&W, Taurus, Ruger, & Colt), Hi Points have a special place in my heart. I mean where can you get a new pistol that actually works with a lifetime no questions warranty that is made in the US for less than $200 out the door.
Last summer I was sitting at pool reading a gun rag. I saw a add for Hi Point. I called and asked why they dont make them computable with Glock mags. The lady laughed and said "WE GET 10-15 OF THESE CALLS A DAY. SOMEDAY IT MAY HAPPEN BUT NOW WE HAVE A 8 MONTH BACK ORDER ON EVERYTHING." They must be doing something right.
I recently returned to this forum after several years away and a computer melt down. I couldn't scare up my old info so created a new account an am going to chime in with my 2 cents on the C-9. I bought one quite a few years ago just to play with and see if it was as bad as some claimed or as good as some claimed. First off is looks. Yeah, it's kinda ugly but not quite as ugly as a Glock in my eyes. It's grips are slick and the trigger is heavy. I tweeked the trigger on mine and helped the trigger quiet a bit. I stippled the grips which made it easier to hold on to and then shot the heck out of it with cheap ball ammo and even some handloads. I could shoot it about as accurately as any of my much more expensive guns using the same quality ammo and it never hiccuped once in the time I owned it. I grew tired of it eventually and used it for trade goods. With a lifetime warranty why not buy one if you want it? Don't work? Send it back.
I have a Star BM I picked up a couple years ago. Great little shooter for a good price and built like a tank. I got lucky, not only is mine mechanically in great shape but even cosmetically it’s pretty decent.
Last summer I was sitting at pool reading a gun rag. I saw a add for Hi Point. I called and asked why they dont make them computable with Glock mags. The lady laughed and said "WE GET 10-15 OF THESE CALLS A DAY. SOMEDAY IT MAY HAPPEN BUT NOW WE HAVE A 8 MONTH BACK ORDER ON EVERYTHING." They must be doing something right.
Idk if they'll ever do that, but I'd like to see them do a few things with their guns and the first is to make the mags between pistols and carbines the same. However, I would like to see an option where the carbines would be fitted with some sort of an adapter like Ruger uses to also accept Glock mags.

Would really make the 10mm a must have at that point.