I think Hillary just got a lot easier to beat...

Even CNN's drones threw in some nicely nasty slaps at that. Like:

"So everyone is required to have insurance? Or what, they're arrested?"

Hillary Clinton announced a plan Monday that would require all Americans to have health insurance.

Clinton unveiled her "American Health Choices Plan,"

Uh, where's the choice not to participate???
Circumstances have changed since the 90's. More people are uninsured. Medical costs have greatly increased.

So what's the Republican solution for the 40+ million uninsured? Perhaps it'll be more than a tax-free savings account. We'll see.
As long as the Republicans offer a choice to not participate, they have a winner. We see Hillary's true colors as a "we know better than you do what's good for you, here's your leash" liberal.
Why don't these 40+ million uninsured just buy insurance? Because nobody in this country is denied care, so why pay when you can make your fellow citizens pay for you? Fact is, we already have a national healthcare system.

The Republicans deserve plenty of bashing on many issues, but don’t point to an idiotic plan of Hillary’s and bash the Republicans for failing to come up with their own similarly stupid plan.
So her people compare it to mandatory auto insurance. I have auto insurance to cover liabilities that I may cause other people; auto insurance to cover what I do to myself is optional. I also have the option not to drive. Under her plan, if I don't have health insurance, am I no longer allowed to live:eek: or do I become a ward of the state so I'll receive government health care? (go to prison).

Sad part is, she thinks Americans are dumb enough to fall for this. Or even worse, what if she's right.
She may well be. :mad:

Just asking, but how many of those 43 million uninsured earn comfortable livings but choose to spend their money elsewhere? I was one of those once when I was young and immortal. My only health care expenses were for rugby injuries - I paid out of pocket. Thank God I didn't break my spine, or get hit by a bus, or develop cancer, or my health care would have been provided by . . . you.

And does the 43 million include illegal aliens, who know full well they will receive free health care at the nearest hospital or urgent care center?
don’t point to an idiotic plan of Hillary’s and bash the Republicans for failing to come up with their own similarly stupid plan.

At this point, I'd settle for any kind of a proposal from the Republicans that will provide health care to those without insurance, and that'll do something to control health care costs. Something other than, "Hillary's plan is terrible!"

We'll flash forward to a year from now: Hillary tells the debate audience that she has a plan, and it'll cost a lot of money, but it'll provide health care to those without insurance. The camera pans to the Republican nominee for his response. Other than attacking Hillary's plan, what should the Republican's proposal be?
I have heard estimates that the "Plan" would cost taxpayers 110 BILLION a year. Ha... Have you EVER seen a Gooberment program that ever came in at the budget. The 110 billion would be for openers and would rapidly escalate to billions more a year. I am retired now and I have to shell out a BUNCH of money for my health plan, do I like it?? Hell no, would I want tax dollars to be wasted on this kind of program? Hell no.
At this point, I'd settle for any kind of a proposal from the Republicans that will provide health care to those without insurance, and that'll do something to control health care costs.


Why do you want anyone to designate someone else to pay for the health care of those without insurance?

And how many of those uninsured either already qualify for government freebies, make above $50K a year and pick the "pay as you go" method, or simply choose to spend their income on manicures and payments for their new 2007 Mustang instead of health insurance?
Instead of creating another expensive, unorganized, endless, and massive government bureaucracy, why the hell can't the governemnt just give us a BIG tax cut and allow us to keep more for of OUR hard earned money so that WE can buy OUR own healthcare.... I prefer that opposed them starting this insane program and then noticing that its going to cost umpteen billion $ a year to run and then saying "Awww shucks you sheeple.. we have to raise your taxes again".

Just look at Medicare- it's a flipping disaster. I work in the medical field... I deal with medicare everyday. Most of the people that are on it have become totaly dependant on the federal government. We are well on our way to a becoming a socialist/welfare state. The Federal government gives SS and Medicare to everyone thats on disability or over 65. The state governemnts spend billions on Medicaid and state welfare programs. The elderly and the 'poor' are already dependant on the governemnt on some level-- their next goal is to get the working and middle class totaly dependant on them... and a health care plan like the one Hillary wants is the way for them to do it.

Hillary, scratch my name off your list... I don't want your socialized medicine.
so does it mandate you have health insurance or does it provide health insurance? I would imagine it provides some sort with what it is costing, so what is going to happen to all the insurance companies?
At this point, I'd settle for any kind of a proposal from the Republicans that will provide health care to those without insurance, and that'll do something to control health care costs. Something other than, "Hillary's plan is terrible!

Why does the federal government need to come up with any plan to solve the "health care crisis"? I don't see why the federal government thinks it has the power, right, or reason to dabble in things like health care and education. I believe the Republicans would be better off not to address the health care issue at all.

I think this will effectively squelch Hillary from getting elected.
I do not have a clue to solve the health insurance issue however I do feel the system is broken, I pay larger and larger premiums and still coverage is poor while others use the emergency room as primary care. Cost are inflated to cover those not paying there certainly needs to be an answer, as our population grows much of it from other countries the problem will only increase. If someone has an answer I will listen regardless of politics.
Cryp, HMO's will take over. Stay away from HMO's... you don't get to pick your Dr... they pick it for you by giving you a very limited choice of where to go.

When you see the HMO commercials with the 'freedom to choose' sales pitch.. it's all a load of crap... theres not much to choose from with most HMO's... they keep a very limited network for a reason.
So what's the Republican solution for the 40+ million uninsured? Perhaps it'll be more than a tax-free savings account. We'll see.
Well, first, eliminate the multi-million illegal alien population draining the coffers of federal and state revenues. There 1/2 of your 40 million gone.
Next SERIOUS tort reform, eliminate the incredibly high damage awards that drive up insurance costs - every penny of malpractice insurance is carried on to you, the consumer. One doctor I know paid $90,000 a year in malpractice insurance.
Then, identify the elements of society who don't WANT insurance, the filthy rich, the insane, the inmates, (who pay a $3 copay, BTW), the homeless-buy-choice types, take them off your rolls.
Last, find the lazy lay-a-bouts who whine, suck off the public payroll, drink up thier welfare checks, pop out kids for more handouts, and tell them - 1 year to get a job, be productive, or be deported to Mexico.
Also allow the insurance companies to be more stringent in judging risk.

Prove you go to a gym? Get a discount. Morbidly obese by your own hand holding the spoon? Pay a lot more.