I just saw "Waco - Rules of Engagement"

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Ivan is correct. The Nightstalkers Web Site did contain passages from Revelation with a few words changed to fit. The general idea was that they were the instruments of the death and judgement spoken of in Revelation. Pretty demented sick stuff. As soon as the Web Site achieved notoriety, this was removed.
Let's keep this in perspective guys.....

I saw the Nightstalker site last year and yes it was different and more "whup ass".
However, it is unofficial...if official it would have a gov't domain. Thus its made by members, or family of members. Its a purported elite unit just like the SEALS, and you tend to get over-enthusiastic and bombastic rhetoric.

What really bothers me, is that the extreme conspiracy advocates believe that the "enemy" intentionally mocks us with sacred writ and slogans...thus that seems to be conclusive evidence of Satan, NWO or whatever.

Listen up...only a fool broadcasts and mocks before they have won. Further, slogans are slogans, be they biblical or made up. My enemy can quote whatever they want...I'm right, they are wrong, capishe?

"I am become Death, the Shatterer of Worlds"....are ya'll scared? ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Been away from TFL for awhile and just read your posts.

You made some valid comments. I always say, one needs to listen to both sides because the truth lies someware in between.

Thanks for your input :)

Does anyone dispute the fact that military personnel and military equipment were used against peaceful, unthreatening US citizens at Waco? Or that most of these citizens ended up dead?

Better days to be,


I dispute the claim that military personnel (SOF) were used to assault the compound at Waco.

Were military personnel used (at some point in time) to train any of the BATF or FBI personnel who participated in the assault? Probably. I have an acquaintance who underwent the delightful experience of playing "20 questions" with the Senate/House committee that investigated the entire affair.

As for the M88 Recovery Vehicle used to breach the building's walls and the Bradley IFV...you can train a chimpanzee to drive one of those...much less a BATF or FBI agent. It's really not difficult at all.

Oh one more thing for Colin...I guess in a way, the 160th did accomplish it's self-appointed METL task of being an instrument of apocalyptic death and destruction per the Book of Revelation...just ask the surviving family members and friends of approx 1000 Somailis they helped TF Ranger smoke in Mogadishu one day in October 1993.


[This message has been edited by Mike Spight (edited August 19, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Mike Spight (edited August 19, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Mike Spight (edited August 19, 1999).]
Wait a minute, Mike, nobody has to explain to me the symbolism of a scantily clad young lady painted on the nose of a B-17... ;)

Also, typical of the "bombastic BS" we espoused when in the Army was such a paraphrase of holy scripture: Yea, though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death... I will fear no evil... cos' I'm the meanest m/f in the valley!

Non-military types will find such things unbelievable, but we ex-GIs just laugh at 'em (don't give a rat's @$$...). ;)

[This message has been edited by BigG (edited August 19, 1999).]

Absolutely correct...I can still remember when we could do "real" Jodies when marching or running...those days are long gone, unfortunately.

When I was in CAP, and later USAF, we sang "Napalm." What do they sing/holler now?

"I don't know but I've been told,
Better leave that barrel cold!
Guns are evil, killing's bad,
Cower behind Mom and Dad!"

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.

The Jodies for today's modern, PC military have been cleaned up (under threat of UCMJ action) so that more "sensitive individuals" will not be offended. They're not worth the air wasted in singing them.

The ones I remember as my favorites were "Up Jumped the Monkey", "A Yellow Bird" and one about a warrior who was "...born on a mountain top, raised by a bear, had two coats of hair.." etc. They are not PC...they were intended to boost morale of male warriors while running and marching as part of an overall bonding/forging process. Sorta along the lines of getting "blood wings" and "prop blasts". Anyone who spent time in the Army (especially airborne units) or USMC in the old days has probably heard them.

What Mike??? Just titles...no singing for us??? :D :D :D
This thread is getting long. They will close it soon. Nice debates guys.

[This message has been edited by LadydeeJ (edited August 19, 1999).]
Well, gee whiz, Ladydeej, I guess that's a hint!
Thaddeus, good thread! Gonna start off part 2?

This thread's longer than Clinton's nose,
I guess it's time for it to close.
But don't be sad and don't be blue,
Someone soon will start Part Two!
(gimme yur left, left, left, right, left....)
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