I just drew my revolver on a guy

Why do all these people need to know that you are carrying?

For what it's worth, I do try to let very few people know that I carry. It;s the smart thing to do for several reasons.

However, I probably wouldn't be carrying if it weren't for the fact that several people shared with me that they carry. I just didn't think it was socially acceptable, until I realized half the guys I worked with were carrying." - wayneinFL

I've only had one family member ask to see what I was carrying - a 16 yr old nephew. I cleared and then showed him my 1911.

IMO it would be nice if more of my extended family showed an interest - especially the adults, who all know I carry (talk among themselves over the years, I suppose). I wish they all had CCWs and carried concealed.

P.S. - - well actually I just recalled that recently one adult relative asked me about concealed carry - (but not to see my handgun) - so maybe the situation is improving
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Notifying someone who does not know you that you are about to pull out a weapon before you do should foll under general politeness in my opinion. =Not to mention the safety issue. But maybe I'm old fashion.

Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball

And Tom Servo wins the thread with the obscure SNL reference lol.