I have this cannon can anyone tell me about it?

Reason im asking is because I want to know. Another cannon website seems to think it might be for cleaning out smoke stakes in the 1920's. Nobody seems to know for sure.

Micheal Wittman was a natural born hunter. I wouldnt call him a nazi but as a member of the SS he sure did believe in the party line. Try reading a book written about him called "Tiger Ace" great book for military tactitions. I use his avatar because Im Micheal Wittman in a game called "operation art of war" forwhich im the number three ranked player in the world. Ah to make money playing video games for a living. Seriously if you have the time read the book.
Given a day and a metal lathe I could make a dozen just like this. 2 years in the ground under the eves of my barn and you couldn't tell the difference. This thread has has been viewed over 800 times by people who have spent their lives going to gun shows, collecting every firearm and military object ever made, it is safe to say that some of the lookers are experts in cannons and ancient armaments. For you to disregard everything in this thread and still believe you have a gold mine is no different than people who believe grandma's china is worth thousands even though nary a china expert is interested in buying it at any price (happens all the time). Kid yourself all you want, it doesn't change the fact that even if it was some obscure highly valuable relic if the provenance was known and provable, without such provable provenance nobody but a fool would pay more than $20-$30 for it, and that just to play with it. I learned a long time ago that 'one of a kind' is the kiss of death in collectibles. Collectors (those are the people who pay big money for rare items) pay for name brands, makers marks, undeniable provenance, cataloged verification, etc. They don't waste vast amounts of money on speculation nor do they kid themselves or let others influence their buying decision with wild unsubstantiated stories.

Let's see if we can agree on a few things. 1. Somebody made this. 2. It was likely an individual not a company as a company would have put their name on it. 3. Probably not a known craftsman because he too probably would have put his name or makers mark on it. 4. It is simple in design 5. It could be easily reproduced in quanity 6. It is not a salesman's or company sample as it is not detailed enough and wouldn't be functional as it is in a larger scale 7. You have no idea the items history. All of these factors point to something made by a machinist or school kid as a toy (adult or child).

Edit: A better example than the china for this site would be great grandpa's Crescent double barrel. It is over a hundred years old therefore priceless right? While it may be priceless to the beholder because of the sentimental value, it doesn't change the fact that the gun would scarcely bring $100 from anyone on this website. This happens all the time here in Harley's forum, some of the people go away disappointed but understand others go away mumbling, "those guys were just trying to rip me off" even though nobody even offered to buy the old tomato stake.
You know your trying to treat me like a child PIPOMAN and nothing you have said makes me believe your solution is the right one. What is fact is two different web sites this one and Graybeard Outdoors says two different things they say its a stack gun for cleaning out smokestacks in factories in the 20's. Their solution quite frankly fits better than yours. Im not a newbie to antiques and have a policy from Lloyds of London for three paintings in my house. I also am no newbie to militaria and can say without boasting that I have the finest Nazi collection on the east coast only one person in California has a better one. I also have one of the finest collections of J Edger Hoover documents ever assembled including personal letters to his Mistress Miss Daisy (his secretary). So when you want to see who can urinate the farthest I think I will beat you everytime. Now thats a fact believe that. Sorry everyone else I just had to beat down this punk some his manorism and lack of cuth just irritated me to no end.
Attack the poster not the merit of the post huh? I frankly don't care what you want to believe. And hey with your L of L policy you are saying, "Im starting to get the feeling im going to have to call my insurance agent and up my antiques coverage." when you are claiming, "I also am no newbie to militaria [sic] and can say without boasting that I have the finest Nazi collection on the east coast only one person in California has a better one. I also have one of the finest collections of J Edger Hoover documents ever assembled including personal letters to his Mistress Miss Daisy (his secretary)." it is just laughable. Assuming it is some sort of industrial tool the value is still negligible pocket change compared to your claimed trove. Hey at least I didn't accuse you of being a troll as someone earlier did. Good luck with your early retirement.
PIPOMAN I am retired and money isnt a problem hense the collections. But that assumes I bought everything I collect. Which is not true in the least bit. But I do have some experience in collections that nobody has ever seen before thats why im here trying to learn about what I have or not have. It would not be the first time I have researched something that has no monetary value. I simply donot know what this item is and basically want to find out. Its been my experience when nobody can figure out what something is then its something worth something. Of course if nobody wants the item then it has no value. But I really dont care about the value im researching the history. Ive got a room full of items I simply dont know the history to. I have a stack of medieval swords that came from the nazi occupation of yugoslavia. So im trying to learn as much as I can about metallurgy. Im a bit off subject here but basically I do the same thing as the experts here for German WWII collectibles on their sites. I never talk down to the most basic of questions or assume because I know the difference between one dagger and another that everyone else does also. So I would recommend you get the chip off your shoulder and calmdown or simply dont answer questions fair enough?
I think this thread should be locked, however if the moderator does decide to lock the thread I would like to add one more little comment then I promise I will go home and be good. Something smells in Denmark. I'm ou'ter here, Vaya con Dios
Look, I have over 800 posts on this site you can go look at. You will find not only do I not have a chip but I have chipped in my $.02 many times. Re-read my 1st post to this thread. What in that post is rude? Which of the 7 points I made do you disagree with? Now you may disagree with my conclusion but that doesn't make me rude.

I too have been an antiquer for a long time. I have bought several collections and estates. I do not itemize when doing this because everyone, especially older family members have heard tales about the pricelessness of this item or that when often that item is only priceless because nobody will pay a price for it. The reference to the Crescent shotgun is a valid one, a family double barrel is more often a Crescent than a Parker or an ElCee though everyone has illusions that their family gun is worth a small fortune.

Again, I don't care what you want to believe, nor do I care what you think of me. Maybe your item is Captain Hook's bug, I hope it is extremely valuable. Your refusal to even acknowledge that anyone who has offered an opinion here might be right and continuing down this path of mysterious ancient origins is what brought me to post in this thread the first time. I read the thread a month or so ago, then returned and this thread was still at the top. Your statement that such an item couldn't possibly be a child's toy, just too dangerous indicates a person who is not very old. As has been stated several times in this thread, black powder toy cannons were popular toys in years gone by. You have essentially told everyone on this thread, "you are wrong, wrong, wrong. I don't know the answer, but your explanation is absurd!" So there you go.
Are you implying Hoover was gay? Thats a load of bunk started by the opposite political party after he died as they wouldnt seriously say that while he was alive. Hoover would have a detractors birthday erased for a lesser comment.

Have the threat locked? Well in a free society you have to have free thought unless your from Denmark like you imply maybe they dont allow free thought there. Usually when someone says lock the thread they simply cannot hold up their end of the conversation which is ok but dont imply everyone else here is stupid because you cannot respond to the questions. I promiss you Bill the next post will be in crayons and have lots of pictures.

800+ posts and so now we must believe everything you say because I have 5 posts I couldnt be possibly saying anything intelligent. Do you realize what your saying makes you look foolish and everything you say after that is just disregarded? I remember taking tests in highschool when you saw the question that started blah blah blah ALWAYS does something you always answered false. I kept on reading because I like picking on you and found more to make fun of like:"...Your refusal to even acknowledge that anyone who has offered an opinion here might be right and continuing down this path of mysterious ancient origins is what brought me to post in this thread the first time. I read the thread a month or so ago, then returned and this thread was still at the top." Nope sorry I just didnt like your opinion it was rather childlike and not believable.
Im not very old? Thanks I feel old I have underwear so old its made by jordache remember those man do I feel old. Did you ever play with those toy cannons as a child? During the 1800's? Now put your teeth back in gramps and get me a link to a picture of those child cannons otherwise I dont buy it. I would settle for that B-17 junior had parked out back behind the nazi pillbox with working MG-34's yeah like I believe they let kids nurse on flamethrower nozzles at feeding time. Do you really want me to believe junior played with hand grenades as a way of learning how to fight jerry in the upcoming wars? Man I could go on with you all night long. Stop watching reruns of Lawrence Welk on PBS and get me a picture of these child cannons then you will have something to show me up with.
Yes, J. Edgar was gay. The History Channel (I believe) even had a show about it.
Perhaps you should read my posts again. You have your posters mixed up.
I'm 52 years old, and yes-I played with muzzle loading cannon when I was a kid. We made them in high school machine shop. Most were nicer than yours.
Because something is rusted does not mean it is hundreds of years old.
It's obvious that you have your mind made up, and no one is going to confuse you with facts.
BTW- you are pretty condescending to people who try to help you, and you get confused easily, and you should buy new underwear.
Believe what you want the history channel has made many mistakes in the past. Remember that the shows they air are not always made by the channel and are bought thats why they use a disclaimer. Anyway there is no way to prove one way or the other (gay not gay).
"...Because something is rusted does not mean it is hundreds of years old.
It's obvious that you have your mind made up, and no one is going to confuse you with facts.
BTW- you are pretty condescending to people who try to help you, and you get confused easily, and you should buy new underwear."

LOL, yeah I know how to use brewax to make porcelain crack and look old. I also understand how to make things age by using acid and or buring them in the yard.
Condescending? You think hmmm just putting the little people in check. Confused? Example?
My wife says the same thing but im Atypical and tend to hord things so the underwear stays until it blows away in a dust storm. But I will pass on your suggestions for my underwear at least it will get her interested in who im talking to about my underwear on the internet.
"AND, you're an arse."

Ah common you can do better than that. You just now found that out? Im also filthy stinking rich and hated that Leona Helmsley just died. She knew how to treat the little people.
p.s. I dont pay taxes
"I can smell a charlatan a mile away. Smells like chicken and arse."

Thats the smell from your double wide. Its almost saturday night wash day all clean all clean.
Huh, I was just browsing your gallery: . A few observations. 1. Nary a priceless Nazi or Hoover item in the gallery. 2. Gallery photos really don't look like those I would expect from a older tycoon. 3. Are those hands holding that video camera yours? What about the wet suit, Grand Theft Auto game and in line skates? And since you mention a double wide in your last post, that linoleum flooring in the pics of the compound bow and telescope is reminiscent of some I have seen in a trailer and it certainly doesn't look like any flooring I have seen in mansions. :D:rolleyes::o
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LOL your an idiot thats my sister in laws house. She has a nice house though 4200 sq feet. I think its nice. Notice the hands are female. LOL