I had to clear leather today

The vast majority of people don't realize that the single most dangerous thing that they do on a daily basis, is to get into a car and drive.

Staying at home and watching tv is a walk in the park.
A definite agreement up on the getting into your CAR comment.

Visiting my local bank a couple of days ago, we needed a form signed.

I observed two old lady's, in a new Cadillac, parking,unlimbering a walker, and enter the bank, I was sitting, waiting.

Our business finished, we went for the door, exiting at the same time, the aforementioned Old Lady's. I held the door, and guided the walker lady, to the lowered kerb way off the exit kerb. She could have fell.

While my Wife made sure she mailed the correct form, I sat in the A/C cool.
Watched the complex folding of the walker! And seating of the oldest Lady.
Walker into the trunk. It just so happened that we followed the Caddy out of the parking lot.

This is were it got a little dicey! After the stop sign, the Cadillac turned left, into the entrance side of the exit street! I drive a marked Security vehicle, I started to hit the horn, short beeps!

The driver stopped, and slowly reversed, and then went into the correct exit side.
I could see the absolute disgust on the face of the man in the car behind me! Very impatient. At the age of 81, I drive well, have been doing it, in England, Australia, and Canada as residents of those Country's for over 60 years. Lived in Florida since Dec. 2003. Now a Citizen. Both my Wife and I.

I would have loved to have followed these two old dears home, to see how I could have helped them, but that is just not possible in our society, is it?
I never did call the police. A police officer lives in the building, and when they got to his apartment, they went running. So, it wasn't necessary.

Don't need to call the police because some one jiggled your door knob. I think you did well. You could have a problem if the police got involved. Maybe a lecture, maybe charges. Who knows. Not worth the hassle.

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If I go to the door past dusk my pistol is in my hand. Granted its obscured behind my leg but its not in a holster. Do I expect anything? No but I also doubt many victims actually do.
In our local area we had a pregnant 19 year old and her unborn baby murdered in the parking lot of their apartment complex. the reason for carrying a firearm is so that you don't become a statistic or abberation.
Don't need to call the police because some one jiggled your door knob. I think you did well. You could have a problem if the police got involved. Maybe a lecture, maybe charges. Who knows. Not worth the hassle.

From the OP, it was more than jiggling the doorknob and from the description he gives us when the LEO's knob was jiggled, would make me think it was something nefarious. How hard would it have been to walk the few doors down and confirm the incident with that same LEO? Would that and the description of what happened before they approached the LEO's door be helpful in solving the situation and maybe preventing it from happening again? Afraid to talk to a cop that is your neighbor for fear of a lecture/charges when you yourself have done nuttin' wrong but report suspicious activity? All I can do is shake my head and wonder how we got here.
REALITY CHECK: Cops will not respond to your home and dust for finger prints cause someone "jiggled" your door knob.

But, when word about the request gets around, they will have a good laugh over it. :D
The murder rate in this country is currently lower than it was in the early 1950s and about the same as it was in the late 1950s and the early 1960s.
Fewer people, as a percentage of total population, die as a direct result of criminal violence.

A much higher percentage of victims survive today, due to major changes in medical care.

Many crimes that would once have been classified as murders now fall into the category of aggravated assault.

We're currently living in one of the safest periods we've seen in the last century.
Somehow that does not affect my assessment of risks.