I had to clear leather today

Well I guess I am one of the paranoid ones because I carry most of the time at home. And if someone comes to the door and i'm not expecting them I have a pistol in my hand behind my back always. My family is worth the second it takes to pick up my living room gun before I anwser the door.

Glad you were ready, things can happen anytime, anywhere. Being prepared is not the same as being paranoid in my book.
It's the ill or non trained who are the most likely to panic and over react to threats, real or imagined.
Being prepared and confident to be able to deal with the world requires the training most folks never get.
Chaim seems to have done everything right for the circumstances he describes.
Causing bad guys to go away is about as successful as we need.
Statistics are applicable to populations...not to individuals. Whatever situation you are in, an event will either happen or it won't. That's a coin toss. :cool:
Hello Chaim, If you thought it serious enough to clear leather, I hope you made a police report, regardless of whether or not a police officer lives in your building. If nothing else, call it in as a suspicious person/s and provide whatever information you can. An officer living in your building is not the same as documenting the incident with a report. That report may have little significance today, but may take on more importance in future. FWIW, I became a police officer in 1973. It is not just media reporting. Violent crime became progressively worse during my time in LE, and is much worse today than when you were growing up. This is from personal experience, not what I "feel", want to believe, or heard somewhere. There really are more bad guys willing to take you on, just as they are more willing than ever to take on the cops.

OK, saw you didn't call police. Should have, and hope you will should anything similar occur in future.
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You should have called the police. They left their fingerprints on several doorknobs. It looks like a clear case of attempted burglary to me.
Yeah, have the police dust everything. Then they can totally ignore the evidence they pull b/c they are very unlikely to bother with a few knob jigglers at all, and you can spend a few hours cleaning up the mess they made dusting.
OK, next time I'll call the police. I figured with the commotion after they got to the cop's apartment near me that he either caught them, or didn't and reported the situation. However, another person calling can't hurt, and 5-10min of talking to a cop to give my account isn't too big a loss of time (especially since it was in the middle of the afternoon, late at night is a different set of considerations since it could take an hour or two for them to show up in a non-emergency situation and I have to be up at around 5:30am on workdays).
I had an attempted home invasion 9:30pm both cars on driveway. My wife & I were in the basement watching television when we heard a boom. I thought it could have been a heavy truck passing the house, then another boom, maybe thunder, when I got up to look out the basement window to see if it was raining , another louder boom. I keep a gun on every level of the house well hidden. Grabbed a S&W 65 3" 357 ran up the stairs , I think they saw the gun an left . I didn't see them but thank God my wife locked the dead bolt or they would have been in. My door was bent like a banana. Called the police they felt they were coming in whether we were home or not. We went over possibilities, but bottom line was to be aware. Never happen again but once it happens to you your always aware. I do sleep with a Colt New Agent 45 ACP at my bedside. Just me & my wife , our kids are married in their oun homes.
The main truth in all situations, were bad people come in contact with good people. You need to be ready for that to happen.

I am armed always, 16 rounds ready to go. On my belt, in my Track Pants deep pocket. So we are ready for trouble, happy when it does not come, but ready to deal with problems if they come our way.
People coming to visit or talk with you will knock or ring the doorbell. Trying to open a door without invitation calls for a dramatic response.

I carry at home not because of the neighborhood, but I want to be in physical control of my loaded firearm.

And to paraphrase a cliche, the odds of something bad happening may be low, but the consequences of being unprepared are severe. And so I try to be prepared.
Well Guys, just installed my RING door bell system. Ring this device, door bell rings inside the house, then activates my Cell phone. And there is the person, you can see them and talk to them. Where ever you are in the world. Or if you are in your kitchen.

The door bell ringer does not know were you are. Paid the basic cost, $30.00 per year.
And a very clear picture it is.
^^That seems like money well spent. Although most folks with bad intentions are unlikely to ring the bell, it seems like a nice extra layer of security for the percentage that are opportunists.
The ring doorbell system...

I make fun of the high tech world all the time because some of it is absurd. On the other hand some of it is so creative and just so cool I am almost speechless. The ring doorbell system is one of these.
I've had to skin my smoke wagon more than once while at home. I'm starting to think I may not live in the best neighborhood.
Just got a notification that the someone was going door to door trying door knobs one neighborhood over. I don't think it was an overreaction at all.

I don't usually carry at home but we have a plan for each room of the house and a dog that does not like strangers.

Lock those doors!