I got "Interviewed" this evening

So the guy on bike is in front of you..

and you're driving a car? Sounds like a "Darwin award" to me.

You did good and gave the LEO's good information. Spreading it around will help others by reading and filing in back of minds for recall.

Had to get gas for car couple years ago outside Gary, IN, was at stop light and caught movement on passenger side of the Caravan. Was only vehicle there.

Swung head towards movement and same time was dropping right hand to the M15 on floor. Was fully licensed and under reciprocity for IN.

Movement left at higher speed after making eye contact. I was followed with higher speed, my own direction.

I, too, had a different idea of what the thread was going to be about based on the use of the word "interview". I generally think of "interview" as a milder word for "interrogate".

But I understand why you chose to use that word. It was a great excuse to make us all aware of (or to remind us of) "The 5 Stages of Violent Crime".

In more common parlance, you would have said they were "casing" you.
Do we open only those threads with titles we completely understand?
I saw the title and because it was new decided to check it out. Took about 2 seconds to decide to read on.

Also, Z saw something potentially bad beginning and got the hell gone by doing what was the best way out.

Monday morning quarter backing happens on Monday—the game was last Saturday. Monday doesn’t count; Saturday does.
The delinquent who hit your car is pretty darn brave to hit your car because some people on this earth can loose it from stuff like that and point their gun and shoot :eek:
Run if you can fight if you have to good advice. ONE more don't wash your car after dark, one guy down here got killed doing that over $10.00.
The delinquent who hit your car is pretty darn brave to hit your car because some people on this earth can loose it from stuff like that and point their gun and shoot

More like pretty darn stupid. Catch someone on a bad day and the idiot could have ended up under the car. Same for his cohort on a *bicycle*. I haven't seen a bicycle outrun a car from zero yet.
I too, agree that the OP did a good job, but here's my hypothetical question.

If they had positioned themselves so you would have to hit one of the to get out, and they didn't want to move, what would be done?

They could say he hit him. He could say he felt he was in danger, or does he pull out his phone right in front of them?

Not wanting to hijack just exploring opinions on how the situation could have been worse and resolved just as well.
BlackFeather, I'd have locked the doors, ensured my weapon was ready (IE ensure my shirt not snagged in seat belt), and called 911 on my cell. I'd only run them over if one produced a weapon, or tried to force his way into my truck. But in that case, squashing them like bugs would be an acceptable side-effect of vacating the area.
If they had positioned themselves so you would have to hit one of the to get out, and they didn't want to move, what would be done?

Personally, I had already made the decision that I was leaving the scene, PERIOD. That being the case it was, as I said before, still astoundingly hard to make myself press down on the gas pedal and make that commitment.
I'm with Maxem0815, the real lesson is that theres just no reason to go to a car wash after dark. Just because of the layout and general location of the things the odds are stacked against you in an encounter. A dirty car can always wait.

I actually live a mile down the street from a car wash in a more 'urban' area were two years ago a guy was mugged and killed while he was washing his car at night. They still have the little cross and fake flowers sitting in the grass beside the place. Just not worth it, but glad you acted quickly!
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You called the cops first. That generally makes the caller innocent unless there is some real outstanding evidence to the contrary. Bad guys don't call cops.
I understood exactly what you meant by "interviewed", especially since you put it in quotes.

You did just fine. Those "disadvantaged youts" will meet their demise in a future thread...just be glad it didn't have to be you that made it happen.

I just have to wonder...if the car wash "magic wand" was still active...if you could have blown one/both of them off their bikes with high pressure water/soap. :)

As for the rest of the "suppose" scenario you mention, I understand what you are saying, but overthinking stuff like that is precisely what paralyzes folks until it's too late to act.

sometimes one must use one fluid motion. there is no need to rush or panic, but sometimes it is best to just keep it going.

result: you still have game
Ave of escape, plans...

The best way to stay safe is to AVOID conflicts & problems first! ;)

Some local LE officers here call it an "avenue of escape". If you spot trouble & the balloon hasn't gone up yet, then by all prudent means, un-a#* the A/O(area of operations) and call the local law enforcement.
Sometimes that may not be possible or safe but keep in mind that lethal force is the LAST resort!

the real lesson is that theres just no reason to go to a car wash after dark.

Not always possible.

In the Winter in Alaska, when your rig is covered in dirty snow, the oncoming lights light up your dirty windshield, your headlights are but a dim glow with light fighting to get through the grime and it is dark for twenty plus hours of the day (sometimes closer to dark twenty-four hours a day) sometimes one needs to use a car wash in the dark; my hose at home doesn't work too well at -20 and colder, there is a reason that we have some heated car washes up here. (And there have been more than a few occasions that after washing the rig, having to sit in my heated garage waiting for the ice to melt after the car wash so that I can even open my door to get out.)

Real lesson is that SA is pretty darn important, as is acting on it.
I have to honestly admit that if it was me in my truck, I would have at least acted like I was going to run them down. The worthless trash deserved to get the crap scared out of them.
