I got "Interviewed" this evening


New member
I was the only person cleaning my car at the car wash just as it's getting dark. Two big males (19'ish) are riding 'round and round the parking lot on some BMX bikes. They aren't talking to each other or looking at each other, both of them were watching me like hawks. Finally one of them stops at the back of the wash bay and the other stops at the front.

Quick like the bunny I'm back in my vehicle and start the engine. I start pulling forward and that guy moves aside but slaps my hood as I'm pulling out.

I keep going.

I pull over about three blocks away and call the cops, when the "bike dudes" see me on the phone they bolt.

Cops come, I describe the event and give a good description of the subjects and their bikes. The cops thank me and I go home.

Just another reminder folks, keep yer antennas up, yer eyes open, and have an exit plan.
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Stay alert, stay alive....

This is a good reminder to keep alert, at night or in low light areas most of all.

About 2mo in my metro area, a young guy in his late 20s was washing his vehicle at a deserted car wash around 1200am-100am. The male was attacked by armed robbers who stole his car & shot/killed the unarmed victim. :(

As a recent SWAT article says, remember the 1+1 rule too. If there is one bad guy there may be 2 or more. If you take 1 weapon away from
a violent subject, he/she may have more hidden on them.
This is worthy advice not just for cops or armed professionals but concealed license holders too.
On my list of places to avoid

You do realize, I'm sure, that the guy slapping your car was a move intended to make you stop and get out and confront him.
It takes a lot of presence of mind not to rise to such bait; congratulations!

But a carwash bay is a particularly vulnerable place to be; your field of vision is limited and you're distracted. If the bay has a garage-type door (or doors) that can be lowered, you're almost better off; if it's open at both ends and there are 2 predators, you can be in deep doo-doo in a hurry, even if armed. Are you gonna shoot 2 (presumably) unarmed skells rushing you from 2 directions?

It's way better to avoid such places, or go only when there are lots of folks lined up to wash their cars.

I think having a clean car is overrated anyway. I just washed my Jeep for the first time this year! Most of the time, I just dunk it!
Dang, Ze, when the guy slapped your car you should have put a round through his bike!


(Just kidding!)

Good job at keeping your cool.
Yeah I was well aware that it was a deliberate tactic to try and get a rise out of me. I wasn't playing that game. I'm a fairly big guy but I'm not ever going to voluntarily go toe-to-toe with two fit 20-something punks if I can avoid it.

Considering those times when I've been oblivious (not often, but it happens) I'm really glad the situational awareness came through. I'm also glad the local PD responded and took it seriously. Then again they are trying to recover from a serious "black eye" in terms of community relations after this incident.
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I think you acted quite appropriately in that situation. Instead of just reacting to them, you reacted, then took over and acted so they had to react to you. You were aware something was wrong, did not over react, took appropriate action to keep a situation from possibly escalating, and then did the right thing by calling police once you were sure you were safe.

I was a bit puzzled about the title of your post though until I read your explanation:

I posted this on another site and there was some confusion about the term "interviewed".

In case anyone doesn't know, here's the best summary I could find in a fast search.

5 Stages of Violent Crime
Using terminology like that, while possibly tacticool for the author, is pretty ridiculous because it can lead to quite a bit of confusion among those whom have no idea of the special use being given to the terms. Yes you explained but I had no idea, not after 30 years of being an LEO no after 14 years as a firearms instructor, that you meant what you did until you explained it. I thought you meant the police interviewed you and wondered why you had made that the subject of your thread when it seemed apparent that the main part of the thread was not about the police interview but was about the guys on the bicycles assessing you with possible criminal intentions.

Imagine that things had turned out differently. As you drove away, in an alarmed state, and somewhat faster than maybe was safe from a car wash, you hit the guy who went to slap your hood. He is severely injured but survives. He testifies as does his friend that they were just hoping to get your attention so you would watch them do tricks on their bikes in the lot. He also says that the only reason he slapped out at your car was because it appeared you were aiming to hit him and coming at him at an usually high rate of speed for the area you were in. You told the cops, upon their arrival, that the guys interviewed you and then that you decided to drive away and then intended to call the cops.

Well, you did drive away, and you were safe, and you called the cops, but you also just ran this guy down. It turns out they have a past history of doing exactly what they testified that they had been doing - showing off on their bikes and they never harmed anyone before. That does not mean though, that you were not justified in having been scared or that you were not justified to take the actions that you did take even if you had wrongly surmised their intent. What maters is what a reasonable person would have thought. Do you think that maybe, you could have used a better way of describing what they had been doing, that alarmed you and made you get out of their quickly, so that you could have better justified your actions other than confusing people by saying you had been interviewed by those two when it fact no interview, by commonly accepted definition of that word, ever took place.

All the best,
I believe it would have been a better lesson for those kids to have a gun drawn on them. Im only speaking hypothetically as I know the repercussions of such an act.

I think they might have thought about it more before they decide to do that to someone else if the last time they had the crap scared out of them.

Yes I know you can get into trouble for even pointing a gun. Merely stating it sucks that two thugs have more rights than the guy minding his own business washing his car.
pretty sad

they'll take any opportunity they can get...and then hypothetically, the one God spares will someday realize not to judge a book by it's cover

naive punks
Glenn Bartley,
I understand what you are saying but the "stages of violent crime" were part of my basic training and while I'd use the terms here in reference to criminal behavior I'd never use an "insider" term like that if I were filing a report or talking in a court of law unless I was able to render a definition as well.

As for the rest of the "suppose" scenario you mention, I understand what you are saying, but overthinking stuff like that is precisely what paralyzes folks until it's too late to act. Even with confidence in my judgement of their intentions and a rough plan-of-action in mind there was definitely a section of my mind screaming at me about how ugly it was going to be if I had to run over the guy in front of me and it was HARD to make myself push down on the gas pedal because I was not sure he was going to move.
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