I got a response on a letter from the Obama campaign

Good points from last poster. I think it natural, Obama will be concerned about black men and gun violence. I hope he keeps it in perspective, most young black men do not hunt or I think few are gun enthusiasts, but you cannot have a law against black men.

what is the rational answer?
I think there is a deep resentment among blacks towards guns in the hands of civilians; guns clearly destroy black neighborhoods and are the root of everything negative about black neighborhood, they say.

Well, how about partial restricions on guns then? Blacks: no guns. Everybody happy, everybody safe.

Thats retarded x2

Not all Blacks hates guns
Not all whites loves guns
How did you get so lucky.

Re the candidates stated desire to "ban assault weapons" I politely inquired (twice) as to how he would define that which he sought to legislatively address. Never got anything in return, which I suppose is, of and in itself, an answer of sorts.
Let me re-write that for him so that *I* am happy (yes, I do think that there are situation where RKBA can be infringed... such as a violent felony)

Barack knows that Americans broadly agree that guns must be kept from those who may pose a threat.

We must work to ensure that guns do not fall into the hands of criminals or the mentally ill through an effective background check system. We also have to strike a reasonable balance between public safety and personal rights.

Barack will continue to work for effective gun laws and effective law enforcement. Barack is also speaking out against the culture of violence that traps so many of our young people.

Just took out that sportsman crap and no need to address the AWB and he has a message I can agree with. Of course, the definition of "effective" is up for grabs... but there has never been a dream candidate and we do have to deal with reality.
Barack Obama is an extreme left wing gun banner.
They dont come anymore extreme or any more left wing.
He is a left wing socialist, and a big nanny stater, If frightens me that he may take the whitehouse with the USA patriot act in place.

We will lose all of our rights if he gets elected, firearms, speach, religion.

Worse still crime will rise drastically as he repeals the three strikes laws, and sets up the growth of our new socialist nanny state.:barf:

Bush may be bad, but Obama will be 10 times worse.

If you drop a cinderblock on your right foot and break your toes, the fix is to go to the doctor for treatment, electing Obama will be like dropping a cinderblock on your left foot instead so both feet match.
Thanks to a Republican Party that insisted on favoring candidates that seek to continue the extremely unpopular neocon policies of our current president, we're going to end up with a Marxist in the White House. :mad:

As for a new AWB, I won't comply with a new one any more than I complied with the old one. If gun-owning sheep obey a new, permanent ban the way they obeyed the old, then I will lose all hope for this country.

The Second Amendment is truly meaningless unless people have enough courage at some point to draw the line and defend it. All the talk about resisting a tyrannical government is absolutely empty unless people are willing to actually DO so before they're disarmed to the point of helplessness. And make no mistake: the next AWB will seek to accomplish exactly that.

Each of us is going to have to start thinking really, really hard about some things. How much is freedom worth to YOU?
Thanks to a Republican Party that insisted on favoring candidates that seek to continue the extremely unpopular neocon policies of our current president, we're going to end up with a Marxist in the White House.

As in my other thread about Talk Show Traitors to the RKBA, some of these 'conservatives' ninnies want the righteous and noble loss to Hillary or Obama so that they can rant and whine. Or maybe boost their ratings for a buck. It shows you that to the social conservative and economic conservative focusing on your sex life or their portfolio, the 2nd is a secondary issue.
I think the Republicans picked a looser with McCain. Of course vis-a-vis Romney, a fellow who shot himself in the foot with a gun he didn't even own, according to The Boston Globe a while back, it might be hard to tell. I don't think that Ron Paul ever had a chance, though I might end up with egg on my face. Not to worry, that's happened before.

As to Obama and Clinton, neither strike me as acceptable. Regarding where that leaves one, damned if I know. I,m still waiting, though not with my breath held, for Obama's definition of the "assault weapons" he would ban. The wording just might prove interesting or amusing.

Jim March:

How are things in the San Francisco area, haven't been out that way in a couple of years.
Of course you can expect a canned response, but the point is that the response is, not surpisingly given that it comes from a walking platitude, baseless.

"...,the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, should not be unreasonably infringed."
We also have to strike a reasonable balance between public safety and sportsmen's rights.

Reading into the second amendment a need for "public safety" protecting the people from Arms, born by themselves, is either the work of a staffer with zero legal skills and no supervision, or dishonest.
the key

The key to beating this A*&%$oE is to use his full name everytime he is brought up Barack Hussien Obama. Remind people who he is completely.

No need to do even that.
Barack is the name of the mythical horse that Muhamud rode off into the sunset when he went wherever it is muslims go.
It is amazing that a good many people want to beleive in Santa Claus and do not know the first thing about him.

After all, what's in a name though, right? Its not like he goes to a church that professes that 911 was a wake up call to white America.
The key to beating this A*&%$oE is to use his full name everytime he is brought up Barack Hussien Obama. Remind people who he is completely.

Someone born with a Muslim father and rejected that faith for something he saw that fits his beliefs better commands more respect than someone who blindly accepts the faith they were raised in without ever having questioned it.

Your suggestion smacks of desperation. The more you use this tactic, the less respect you will get for your opinion. Feel free to argue on the basis of his politics, there's plenty of cracks.
I love the slamming

first I'll tell you what a great god fearing richeous person I am. Then I'll slam the candidates by innuendos a first grader could not believe. Things like claiming a persons name identifies what a person is. Using that logic I should be planting the current president in my garden or carrying the VP under my arm as a briefcase.

Its the same approach we all loath when some anti claims all gun owners are endangering the public.
Blacks who need guns

Nurses tend to be hard working lower income housing people in inner City's, I have met a few, they go home at weird times, 11PM-5 AM on their own.

Some of the guns that quite well could be banned "Saturday night specials" an invented description for less expensive small pistols, are perfect for the rain coat side pocket of one of these tired Ladies going home, Kel Tec .380? for one.

Be nice for her to meet the gut shot mugger for the second time, on a bed pan, who thought she had enough cash for his next crack pipe filler.
Do you have a right to expect many Politicians be soft on the Second amendment?.

The founding fathers created a system with checks and banances because they knew one group would try to oppress another.

Asking a Politician to acknowledge that the 2nd Amendment is the right of the people to be armed to basically overthrouw government is a bit much to ask.

If you have a queation join a legal challenge.
The name was meant to illustrate that a lot of people don't know, literally and figuratively, the first thing about him. The link should demonstrate that it might be worthwgile to find out about him. Sorry if I am too obtuse. Time to pack up my Dick Cheney and go to work.
The name was meant to illustrate that a lot of people don't know, literally and figuratively, the first thing about him. The link should demonstrate that it might be worthwgile to find out about him. Sorry if I am too obtuse. Time to pack up my Dick Cheney and go to work.

Did you know that John McCain's middle name is Sidney, and he is actually a III? Yep, John Sidney McCain III.

I had no idea until I looked that up. I'm not exactly sure what I should do with that information though. Sidney is a pretty common name in English Aristocracy.. you know, the guys we fought the revolution against? How Anti-American can you get? I suppose putting some abitrary value on that fact would be kind of idiotic though, huh? I put a little more stock in the fact that he talks about being against torture, but doesn't vote against it.

People absolutely should definitely look into candidates and determine the truth. Please don't think anyone is replying to that. Some of those "truths" should be evaluated in context though, yes?

Mostly it saddens me that the middle name of Hussein should attach any significance at all. Speaks volumes about the people that this fact affects.