I Could Barely Kill Pack Rats With .22LR-Remington Thunderbolt. Why?

I haven't seen stingers for sale anywhere in years. I wasn't sure they still made them. So if once could get them, they'd be the best solution (other than a more powerful rifle) to doing more damage to the rats.

So if once could get them, they'd be the best solution (other than a more powerful rifle) to doing more damage to the rats.

The OP is shooting rats with a .22 lr at fairly short range. Need more power? WHAT??? The issue isn't that he can't get sufficient penetration, LOL. Shooting a rat with a .22 lr ball bullet would be about like shooting a bison with a black powder Civil War 4.62" 12 pound mountain Howitizer cannonball in terms of hole size and penetration all the way through the animal.

Do some research on packrats. They have a way of being "dangerous game" that can kill you.

A distant relative spent a couple of weeks in intensive care and took 40 some units of blood.

No,it was not like the cave rabbit in Monte Python's Holy Grail.

It was Hanta Virus. She was cleaning a cabin that had pack rats. The urine and fecal matter holds the virus. Pack rats carry it.

After doing some research, it would appear that pack rats are not noted carriers of Hanta virus. You have your deer and white-footed mice, cotton rat, and rice rat, but no pack rats. You have attributed guilt by association. If here were 'packrats' in the cabin, then there were likely also the common peromyscid mice as well that actually do carry Hanta virus.
https://www.cdc.gov/hantavirus/rode...us maniculatus) Rice Rat (Oryzomys palustris)


Pack rats and their parasites carry a variety of maladies, but Hanta virus apparently is not one of them.
Prior to the Pandemic and evaporation of arms and ammo, CCI was producing tons of hyper velocity Stingers and Velociraptor .22 LR ammo. I grabbed all I wanted at Cabelas back in February.
Pack rats must be very big. When I was small, we would shoot dump rats every Sunday. They died easily w/ any Long Rifle cartridge we shot them with.
Long ago, we young’ uns, would go to the local dump, tape flashlights to our 22’s and shoot rats/. One night the local deputy showed up and soon he was using his service revolver to shoot rats. Then it got really fun when a ‘statie;’ showed up and showed us how to shoot...a fun evening.. Never did care to figure out who called the law.