I am back and I did it!!!

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Miss Demeanors, you do us all proud.

Now, we ask you this:
Let the rest of your old Chicago friends know that we are not all so bad, Eh?

If you ever come up to Salt Lake City - you can shoot one of my AR-15s anytime.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Darth and Jedi......next stop Texas! Give me some time and I will get there. :) The force is now with me. ;)

OTMG.....neat about the rifle but dont forget to put in that USA ammo! ;) LOL

George....I don't have many Chicago friends and the ones that I do have now think I am completely insane, because them guns are so are darn evil ya know! The way I look at it, they are the ones missing out. I do have a handful of 'Harley' friends and I know for a fact some have guns, but when I hung out with them I never asked, they knew I was afraid and we just didn't talk about it. Looks like I will have to find my old phone book! :)A ride to the range on a Harley, what more could I ask for? I know there are shooters here, but there are many more that dont shoot. I told my Aunt about the gun show and she completely freaked that there were "real" guns there and that I actually stayed! *sigh* Imagine if I told her about the range? I think they would all commit me to a psych ward. LOL

I am now an NRA member! :)
Ed - AMEN!

Hal - You can probably imagine the expression when I had a pre-ban configured AR and pre-ban AR configured as a post-ban side by side trying to explain about bayonet lugs, flash hiders, and collapsable stocks. Picture an expression of 'YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING! THAT IS WHAT THE BAN IS ABOUT?' I just sat there, I already explained it and she understood. What more could I say?
I still think that is Miss D (Amen to her nomination to TFL Poster Child) ever got behind a belt fed, may be a 1917 Watercooled Browning, with a 250 round belt, or a M2HB .50 she would be so geeked up. How many :) 's could she put in the posting about that shooting trip?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Another Amen to nomination of poster-girl for Miss-D.

Miss-D, when you get down to TX, let us know-- we'll see if we can't scare up some other interesting toys. I'll bet I can get you access to a 1928 Thompson submachine gun, an M2 Carbine, and some big bore rifles. You really haven't lived til you've ripped off a 50 round drum magazine of .45 acp through a Tommy Gun on full auto!

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Good for you MD......now we need to work on the other 4 billion anti's.......Frogman6 (aka crazy bloodthirsty gun nut)
:) Sure I will try full auto! Sounds cool to me! I will try anything I love it! :)

Here Jim these are for you
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Couldnt be happier! :)

I am now an NRA member! :)
I'm supprised there were any guns left on Sunday when I got there [Tulsa]. My car quit on the way there Saturday or I could maybe have met you in person. Great post, now go get your concealed carry license!
Miss D. I have been reading these boards for a while now. After reading about your past experience with guns and then about last weekend, I felt it necessary to register and let you know how glad I am that you finally got to shoot. When do we get to see the pictures? And Jeff, how's the Miss D. look? I live in Northern IL and own an AK47. How about it, Miss D?
Dear Miss Demeanors--

Welcome to the world of firearms! I just signed on today so I don't lose my husband completely to cyberspace... Actually we both enjoy guns and hunting. Just to let you know that I had more guns and ammo than my husband did when I met him. So I understand your enthusiasm! Happy shooting!
I'll tell you now, this ain't no bull,
This here thread is now plumb full.
So if there's more to say and do,
Just go ahead and start part two!
:D :D Congratulations, Little Sure Shot! :D :D
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