I am back and I did it!!!

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Miss Demeanors

New member
Hello my friends! I am back and guess what? I think I am now a 'gun nut'! :) I had a blast yes pun intended! :) Here is the story...I met up with that 'gun nut' Jeff OTMG :) Friday evening first stop...his gunsmith! WE go into the guys house, I am introduced as psycho Sandy LMAO (people just think everyone on the net is psycho, guess this is more of an inside joke), we go downstairs where this guys has Jeffs guns. They are checking out the gadgets and the work that was done on it. This is now the first time I am actually seeing the guns (Only saw 2 in my life, one that my friend killed himself with and one that was pointed at me) so I got really nervous and had was having major anxiety attacks. I kept thinking 'great I am never going to be able to do this'(Dont worry it gets better) so we leave the guys house after awhile and head on over to Tulsa which is about a 2 hour drive. So I felt much better during that little break. Later he asks if I am ready to see the guns. I say yes lets go for it. He starts real slow taking out one gun at a time, telling me a little about it, and letting me hold them so I can get the feel of them. WE went through all of the guns that he had (which were alot! :)) The best was the AR15. He showed me what was banned on those. OMG! I couldnt stop laughing. I may not know much about guns but the stuff that is banned on it is the most obsurd thing I have ever heard in my life. I just did not understand that at all, it is very obvious that whomever wanted this stuff banned has no clue about guns. SO we got a good laugh out of that. Then it was time to actually learn how to hold the gun and learn how to work it. I got to hold all of them and I want to say dry shoot?? Not sure if that is the proper terminology but I think you all know what I am trying to say. I got to get the feel of the trigger and how to line everything up. I got to try the laser thing......that was So cool! I like the little gadgets on it! So we did that for awhile and I got used to it and had a much better idea of what I would be doing at the range. Next day: Saturday at the Gun show! We start walking up there and I couldnt get over how these people were just walking around with guns on their backs, I had never seen anything like it before in my life. I even saw a granny with one on her back and got a good laugh out of that. This place was HUGE! He said it was like 11 acres big! I was a little nervous at first but the people there were so polite and curteous there really was nothing to be nervous about. They actually say 'excuse me Im sorry' when they bump into you! I am not used to that at all being here in Chicago. People just are not that friendly here (well around me anyways). I saw no signs of gang bangers or psychos shooting people, nothing but nice people, families, grandmas, grandpas, kids, just very normal people and lots of guns. Anything that I have heard bad about gun shows is a total myth and obviously the people who say it have never been to one. We walked up and down the aisles about 7 hours. I saw many many many guns! Jeff told me alot about them and I got a nice history lesson about alot of them. I really like the ones that were hand carved. They were beautiful! A total work of art. Well after all that walking around I was totally immune to the guns after that, they didnt bother me at all. Here is something funny to tell you, I went outside to have a cigarette and came back an NRA memeber! Yes me! I did it! I signed up! THey had a deal going on so I got in the line, paid the man and got my little bag of goodies! Jeff got a real kick out of that! He thought I was just going to smoke and then saw me signing up and we were both laughing! The Senator ;) knew lots of people there, and I was introduced to them all as 'the girl from Chicago who has never been to a gun show or shot a gun before! I think I was a permanent shade of red from blushing so much. But the people were very friendly and made me feel very welcome. No scary people at all. It was great! I loved the gun show! Othermarc, I saw the Garands! Very nice! Now I know what you mean! Next day Sunday, this is the day I am going to shoot. We drove back to OKC and took a scenic route so I got to see alot of the state, it was great. Things are so different there than from where I am from, I loved it! No city traffic, no one flipping anyone off, no fights, nothing, just very peaceful! We also got to see the Federal Bldg. THat was very interesting and sad. It is hard to believe that occured in such a small city. Anyways, we get to the range! Jeff went inside to talk to his friend and I stayed outside getting my nicotine fix to calm me down. I am standing there and hear this BOOM! I nearly jumped 10 feet! LOL I was freaking out because these two guys had just pulled up and it sounded like it came from the car! But it was just from the range and I was LMAO! Got nervous for no reason at all! lol We went in but we had to go to the other range down the road, I cant remember why at this time I think it had something to do with the AR. Anyways, we get to the other range, we are walking in carrying the guns and everyone is just starring. Here goes the story again, the girl who never shot a gun before, more blushing! lol But they were all very nice. We got to observe the others shooting and I got the idea of what I would be doing. So finally its time to get up to that firing line and I thought of all of you. I put the ear protectors on and let me tell you the BOOM's did not bother me one bit! I thought that was going to be hard for me, but those things worked great, the noise did not phase me at all. Jeff puts the target up and sends it on down. He loads up the .22 and hands it to me. It took me a little bit to get it to focus but finally I found it, and was thinking of that BRASS thing, BUT we were talking about fish the other day so in my head I was thinking BASS and forgot to relax! LOL But I did it! I even hit the target! I dont think I did that well but they said I did. He is going to have to tell you that part and also which guns I shot. I just said hand them to me, I dont care which ones just hand them over. We went to the next one which was a .22 handgun. No problems at all. We kept moving up and none of them bothered me. The ones at the end had lots of recoil, which didnt bother me but it kinda messed up my aim a little. I shot some big one, dont remember what it was all I know is that Jeff said that you guys arent going to believe I shot it. So look for his post to get more accurate information on that. :) Finally the last gun that I have wanted to shoot for a while, but wasnt sure I was going to make it there...the AR-15! Whoo hoo! That is one bad gun! I loved it! I shot it! I was shooting at the 'smurf' target and blew the abdomen out on the guy! It was closing time so Jeff said just finish off what is left in there. SO I went nuts and was just blowing the thing off! It was awesome! I love the AR-15! It looks so cool and shoots so cool! I thought of our friend Judy (the anti) that said people just dont shoot those at the range. HAHAHAH! Shooting them 'evil' black guns was such a rush! I liked them all and there was not one that I didnt like. I would have shot anything they had at that point, but we had to go, my flight was leaving in an hour and the place was closing. Jeff is a great teacher and did not scare me with the guns at all, we went real slow and I had plenty of time to adjust to it. I had such a blast! I am so sad right now because I just want to shoot more! I dont want to clean, I want to hire a maid and just shoot all day! I will just go live at the range, all I need is a small room for me and my girl, I will clean the shells up, clean the shop whatever, just let me stay there! :) LOL So now I know why you all have this addiction! I am going through withdrawls at the moment! :) I just hope I will get to go again soon, I dont think I can get enough of it, that was way too cool! :) So there you have it, your X anti friend has now fully converted into a gun nut! :) and I am proud to say it, I dont care what any anti says, I am surely no killer or psychopath, just a Chicago chick that loves guns! :) :) Wait till Jeff posts and you all can get a better idea of what I shot and how (bad) I did. lol
You've got more zeal than some of the range guys I know of. Frightening.. but in a good way. :) Anyway, glad you had a good time.
Excellent! Glad you enjoyed it Miss D. Becareful, though, this can be an extremely spendy hobby :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I dont care which ones just hand them over.[/quote]


:D :D :D :D :D

We're all very, very proud of you!

[This message has been edited by boing (edited October 25, 1999).]
Miss D:
Congratulations. However, next time, you might want to work up a little enthusiasm about shooting. Tends to make it a little more exciting! :D

1 down, about 120 million to go!

[This message has been edited by joegerardi (edited October 25, 1999).]
Miss D, GREAT JOB!!!

Glad you had a good time and REALLY glad you joined the NRA. Tell as many people as you can that you are a member and that you don't even own a gun! That'll make the anti's NUTS!. I'm sure that Jeff was a great teacher. I hope he stressed SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY! See the "Gun Safety" link at the top of this page for Col. Cooper's four rules of safety.

Now, where's Jeff OTMG with the details? We wanna know the nitty gritty of it. I wonder if he had you shoot a .44 as your "big one?"


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
Miss D-

Reading your post-

1) I laughed
2) I cried from laughing so hard
3) I spewed Coke all over the keyboard
4) I laughed until I cried

We're so happy you had a good time. Thanks for the great post. Did I mention that I laughed? Thanks, you made my day! ;)

She did GREAT!!! I could tell she was a little apprehensive at the gunsmiths, so we kept things low-key. When she met some of my 'children' they were introduced one at a time. Fortunately they all behaved themselves (that Walther TPH can have a 'sharp' personality if you aren't careful). Everyone at the Tulsa show that had an opportunity to meet her was thrilled with her and that she was a former anti from Chicago. She saw with her own eyes that what the media reports happens at gun shows is a lie and that folks who make comments like that have absolutely no idea what they are talking about and have never even been to a gun show. At the first range we went to the rifle range was not yet complete so we went down the street to another place that I knew did have the range up. She started off with the Olympic X-Ring .22 rifle with a large scope. Her first 20 shots all went into the black at 50 feet and she even had some X's. This is the FIRST time she EVER has shot. I don't know about y'all, but I didn't start out that good! Moved to a S&W mod 41 (it is heavy), then to a K-22 (to see how a revolver works), then to a Walther PP .22 (a little more recoil), then a TPH (a little MORE recoil). She had no trouble with these. In fact I had to back the target up from 9 to 25 feet to make it more of a challenge. She moved up to 9mm starting with the Browning High Power GP-Comp, the shrinking to the SIG P225, no problems so far. I just knew that the .40 cal SIG P229 would be her undoing, but it has the Crimson Trace Lasergrips on it and she got a kick out of that little red dot. She had no trouble handling the .40 so I pulled out a Glock 30, compact .45 thinking we would hit the limit. She tried bucking this one at first, but was getting consistent hits with a .45 auto. I WAS AMAZED. I am a recoil weenie, but she was eating up the .45. I never thought whe would go that far, so I never considered bringing any .357 or .44 magnums for her to try. Then she finally got to shoot two of my AR's. One is a 24" bull barrel with a 6.5-20x Leupold. She was eating up the target with it at 40 yards, so I moved the target in to 25 yards and pulled out the collapsable stock carbine. She proceeded to go to town with it. No shotguns, no bolt actions, no magnums, not THIS time anyway, but there is another big Tulsa show in April.
Well done Miss D! Congratulations! :D
Welcome to the "dark side" ;) (at least according to the anti's)

Adapt, Innovate, Overcome
Just comes to prove that experience is the best teacher.

I've had a really crappy Monday, but Miss D & Jeff's accounts of the education of a now former anti really made my day!

Only one complaint though (you see it coming)--not a single mention of a H&K. ;)

Give that lady a USP45! But it would probably go neglected for all the attention some AR-15 would get.

Way to go guys!

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Miss D. Way to go, Kiddo. My day to this point has been lousy. But your and Jeff's reports have brightened things a lot. But you really must get a little more excited about shooting.

Now, where can we get her to that allows full auto fire? :D

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Miss D - What a great report (James Joyce would have loved your stream of thought writing :) )! We are extremely proud of you. Quite a change from the lady that walked over here from the Rosie board one day in the spring. You've discovered what we have all known for a long time - folks involved in the shooting sports are pretty doggone nice people. Actually, I'm not at all surprised that you did so well. I honestly haven't seen a lady that didn't shoot well from day one. Maybe you can concentrate better than us males, or maybe you're not distracted by the other ladies on the firing line! ;)
Great Report! I was thrilled to read this post. Sounds like you had a blast, LOL.

Welcome to the family....

No King is saved by the size of his army, No warrior excapes by his great strength alone.
Oh goodness. I am just so happy. What a beautiful thing. I'm sure we all wish we could have been there. Before you know it, she'll be competing at the national level with an AR ;)

Happy shooting to all! And to all, a good night....
She's Back!!!! I'm so glad you had fun Miss D. Thanks for taking her Jeff.
Talk to you soon :)

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what it is one's destiny to do, and then do it.
HENRY FORD, "Success," Forum, October 1928
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The best was the AR15. He showed me what was banned on those. OMG! I couldnt stop laughing. I may not know much about guns but the stuff that is banned on it is the most obsurd thing I have ever heard in my life. I just did not understand that at all, it is very obvious that whomever wanted this stuff banned has no clue about guns. SO we got a good laugh out of that. [/quote]

You ARE a gun nut. Feels OK, doesn't it?

Miss D, I'm at college South of you, near Peoria. My fiancee is from Aurora, though, and we're supposed to go shooting with her dad over Christmas in that area. So if you'd like, I'll let you know when we're going and you can throw some lead with us too! I don't have an AR15--but Dad does!!!


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Miss D,
I can't tell you how terrific your report has made me feel :)
I don't want to steal you away from TFL, but if you ever need good info on the AR-15, pop over to ar15.com from time to time for a fix in the discussion forums there.


SameShot, Different day
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