I am about to buy kel tec p-11. Any last thought?

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Let me know how you like it. I am thinking of a P11 simply because it is so compact (unlike even baby glocks) and because my experience with P32 has been so positive. WIth the long DA trigger it won't be a target gun, more along the lines of a DAO snubbie with ten round capacity...
GOT IT!! Took it to the range and put 50 rds though the barrel. Nice little gun. No sting, felt right in the hand, and not one jam or malfunction, which made me feel great. Two months ago I had to send my new AR15 and AR7 back to the companys because I couldn't get 3 rds through either one without some malfunction. Thought it was me. The P11, at this point, seems like a great investment. I also got a holster and extra magazine.
The Kel-Tec's seem to have their ups and downs (like any gun) But overall a decent little gun. I would like to get one myself. Put a few more rounds through it and let us know if you have any malf's. I would like to know how it shoots after 500+ rounds. Good luck and im glad you are satisfied.

TIM : )
Did you get a bad one ben?

You know you cant make a comment like that and leave us hanging. Come on lets hear it. I wanna know before i buy one !

P.S i have heard some bad stories about the keltec. but then again ive heard bad stories about all guns.

TIM : )
Well, I haven't got it yet. I will pick it up this wednesday. I will post a follow ups after the thanksgiving. Congrats on your new kt, Dobie.
I am interested in the P11. But I need some in-depth analysis of the P11 "RECOIL". More than two words or a one sentence description. Someone please explain in depth what the "RECOIL" is like on a lightweight P11??? It is comparable with what? , a titanuim j-frame? Need details.
Recoil? Not much to worry about.

My Beretta Tomcat was a lot more uncomfortable to shoot.

The biggest problem with the P-11 is learning to shoot it well.

(I started shooting IDPA a few months ago and tried my P-11 early on. I was embarassed by how badly I shot -- I was doing well with other guns. Last week I tried the P-11 again, and it went very well: had some of the best scores of the night. I guess the big difference was that I was more comfortable with IDPA drills now, and could devote the proper attention to trigger control and sight picture.)

The P-11 is NOT an easy gun to shoot, but it is inherently accurate. With practice, it will pleasantly surprise you. Recoil should not be a problem for most folks.

Be sure to vist WWW.KTOG.ORG

[This message has been edited by Walt Sherrill (edited November 22, 1999).]

Nope, never owned one... didn't mean to imply that I did. Their quality seems to be on & off. Seems that most people get them for the same reason (from what I've read) and end up trading them in sooner or later for something better. I admit, I like all the accessories available for them from KT; I don't see why more gun manufacturers can't offer them.

When I buy a gun, I want to know before hand that it's going to be a KEEPER. A quality 12oz. 9mm and, even more-so, a quality 12 oz. 40 S&W seems to be asking for a LOT (IMHO). I don't much care for DAO either.

All I mean is, "I honestly hope that you get one of the good ones, and that you like it."


AOL IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"

[This message has been edited by Ben (edited November 22, 1999).]
Comments from a recent P 11 owner: I purchased one for $199.95+tax at a gun show about 30 days ago. I put about 300 rounds through it and it went bang every time. I had never shot a DAO before and the long trigger pull took some getting used to as did the 8 1/2# trigger. Then I stripped the little bugger down and did my own "fluff and buff" job on it (over and above the KTOG description), added the belt clip, grip extension and the trigger shoe.

Since then put another 100 rounds through it without a blip and it now has a very, very smooth 7 1/2# trigger. It shoots low about 2" @ 7 yards and about 4" @ 15 yards. Two hand groups @ 7 yards (3") @ 15 yards (5-6"). For it's intended useage I don't think you can beat it, especially if you intend to carry it all day long.

I find the KTOG list a real pain but it has some useful info but I would like to correspond with other P 11 owners direct.

I love my Kel-Tec. I carry it during the summer months as it is very easy to conceal. I use the Corbon 115 gr.load in it. Recoil is not a factor with any 9mm. I put 5 rounds in the X ring of a bullseye target at 10 yds. the other day with it. Needless to say I have been very pleased with the accuracy. For $180 it has been one of my better buys. BTW you can buy accessories from either D&R or Natchez, don't remember which, much cheaper than from Kel-Tec.
With regard to recoil:

Its not an issue: I can tell no big difference between it as my S&W 669, Sig P210, Luger P-08, or Glock 17. (Well, maybe the Glock 17 is a litle lighter -- but Glocks are known for light recoil.) Any snub-nose revolver is much more harsh. I have never found it unpleasant, even when shooting it a lot.

Most smaller guns, such as .32s (like the Beretta Tomcat, the Seecamp, a Walther PPK, or my CZ-50 etc.) are much more difficult to handle and have substantially more unpleaseant recoil.

The design of the Kel-Tec P11, coupled with the polymer/aluminum frame, seems to do a good job of managing recoil. It is NOT a problem!
I have owned several Glocks, including the "subcompact" 27. I did not find it significantly smaller than my 23, which I still have.

The P-11 is quite a bit smaller than Glocks, and will fit those with small hands better. I would describe recoil in terms of "lift", but I have a Glock .45 shooter (TRAINER) friend who describes it as "vicious".

The P-11 have great intrinsic accuracy. Buy some snap caps and spend 5 minutes a day dry-firing while aiming at a specific object. Put a quarter on the front sight, and gradually work down to a dime. The coin should not fall, or even move. If you can shoot a Kel-Tec reasonably well, you will automatically be a god with any other sidearm.
Try a Kahr. They're a little heavy, but good guns.

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
Hello all. I wish everyone a happy turkey day. I picked up my p-11 today. It looks nice and feels good in my hand. Upon disassembly of the pistol, it looks to be very simple and easy to put it back together. I am no expert in firearms design, however, it seems to be well designed pistol. Now, i just need to take it to the range and see how it shoots.
Thank you all again.
bryoon , I guess you will shoot it on Friday? I want a 1000 word report! Focus on the P11's accuracy but more importantly I need a seperate special report just on the "RECOIL"! Try to fire at least "100 rounds" or more for a comprehensive test. 50 rounds is not enough to get some good insight. I need lots of info! Lots! Are you going to fluff & buff or just test it stock? What about nightsights? Did you get the chrome slide? What serial number series did you get , example 82xxx or 79xxx?
Shortfuse - What are you, a baby or just deaf? At least six people replied that recoil is no problem. What aren't you understanding? If recoil out of a 9mm scares you, then stick to water pistols. No offense.
Don't know about the P-11, but I had the P-40very breifly, like one week. I absolutely hated the trigger pull. Maybe because I have long fingers, but it seemed like the pull was forever. I have a Glock 27 for carry.
George F , are you resorting to "name calling & personal attacks" now?? What is your malfunction?? Mind your own business! Unless you have something positive to contribute to the group (TFL) that is relative to the issue/topic keep your trap SHUT! Is that clear George F?
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