I am about to buy kel tec p-11. Any last thought?

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Hello, folks.
I am new to this forum and glad that I found this forum. This forum is very informative and helpful. Now, I am about to buy a kel tec p-11, is there any last thoughts? Any good or bad about this decision? I was looking at Enhanced Sigma and a lot of bad things about them changed my mind. Also many people recommended p-11 and read ktog and I'm kinda sold on to it. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Before you buy, check out WWW.KTOG.ORG.

This is the Kel-Tec Owner User's Group website. It'll tell all you ever wanted to know about P-11s (and P-40s and P-32s).

Its a good gun; I've had one for over a year. Accurate, reliable, light. Good capacity.

But learning to shoot it proficiently is not easy -- because of the long DAO trigger. (I thought I was doing pretty good until I tried it in IDPA; what an eye opener.)

Fluff & Buff it, and practice a lot. It should serve you well.
Dear Bryoon,

If you are new to pistol shooting, GET SOMETHING ELSE. The Kel-Tec P-11 was my first pistol, and the long, hard trigger made accuracy impossible. I think that an experienced shooter could do well enough with it, but not a beginner. I struggled with the thing for two years, and when I switched to my Taurus DA/SA, my accuracy immediately improved greatly. So start out on something easier, and go the the Kel-Tec down the road.


Nehemiah 4:18 " ... and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."
Thanks all for your reply. Well i do own several other pistols and revolvers, favorite being 1911 .45. I am not new to shooting but certainly not an expert. I just needed something small and light. Also I wanted a 9mm pistol. Glock's nice but out of reach for now. Yes, I read ktog and those people kinda talked me into buying one. Is "fluff and buff" hard? I do have a dremel. What do you think? I don't think I am good with tools. Any comments would be appreciated.
P.S. Capt. JP, What is your nationality? I don't mean to be rude.
If you buy one,I hope you have better luck than I did with mine. It would jam every 4 or 5 shots. I finally sold it at a loss just to get rid of it. Mabey I just got a bad one,but have been afraid to buy another one since then. sj
Sorry to add more negative, but I have to add my problems with the P11. I found it very hard to shoot quickly right out of the holster - point shooting one-handed. After the first mag I would get "refamiliarized" with the trigger and do alright. But if you need it, the first few shots are going to count! I kept mine for about three months of 100 rounds per week and still just couldn't/wouldn/t get used to that trigger. I also had a problem with limp wristing on off-hand drills.

Watch out for the KTOG, that many people in one place tend to become too biased. (No offense meant) When I was on the KTOG, there were almost no negative oppinions expressed, cause everyone who didn't like the pistol sold theirs and left!

My advice is to rent/borrow one first and try it out...
I agree with the try before you buy. They have a very odd feel. I thout the Glock trigger was strange, than I tried the Kel-Tec. If you can shoot it effectively, go for it.

Bear in mind, there are other choices. The Makarov is a FANTASTIC pistol for the money.
The 9x18 has less zip than the 9x19 though.

I have recently become a huge fan of the Walther ppk/s. I got a second hand W.German one for 375, tax, tag, and title and could not have been more pleased.

Good Luck
Move on to something better.
Sure......the price is OK!
Sure......the size is small!
Sure......the factory service is OK!
But....will it perform when you need it to, and this without problems???Think about it!
Thank you for your advices. It is kinda now hard to decide. Can anyone recommend me a compact pistol at least in 9mm in the price range of $200-$250? Thanks. All comments will bw considered and very much appreciated.\
I'll sell you my P-11--call me. Not more than 50 rounds through it.

The above is true, and is my way of making a point. I bought the P11 for the same reasons you are convinced to. In a nutshell, spend the small amt of extra $ and get a refurb glock 19.

Not that there is anything wrong with the P11 per se, but if you are buying for a defensive handgun (vice a tackle box gun), think twice. Money is the one thing holding us all back from a lot of purchases, but look at it this way--you can spend a little more money and be a lot happier, IMHO. Personally, I eventually got really happy with a refurb P7M8--the initial outlay hurt for a day or two, but now it's among the best money I ever spent, plus it will hold its value.

If you get the kelTec, be sure to get the trigger-widening accessory.
Wow. I'm very surprised at the negative posts on the P-11. I, personally, love mine. It's never failed to feed, never failed to fire. Reliability is my #1 concern. Then there's carryability. It's much lighter than anything else in iits size. I have a LOT of trouble hitting the plates at 50 yards with it, granted. It's a very short sight radius, and that light gun moves around a lot, and let's just be kind and call the trigger "difficult."

But at 7 yards, I can bap paper plates as fast as I can pull the trigger. Folks, this is what the P-11 was designed for. Not tight groups. Simple hits. It's an "always gun."

Get the belt clip-- they're handy. Note also that you can have tritiums put on at the factory for $90. As you mention price to be a consideration, I suspect that you won't be availing yourself of that particular option, but the belt clip that screws onto the frame is worth it at about $15.

I haven't done any "fluffing" to mine, and like it fine. Don't get one of those silly magazine well extenders to "make it easier to shoot"; it makes the pistol a LOT bigger.

Remember when you consider a carry gun:<UL TYPE=SQUARE>
[1]Can you afford to get it, NOW?
[2]Can you carry it with you, ALWAYS?
[3]WILL you carry it with you, ALWAYS?
[4]Will it go "bang" when you pull the trigger? (Are you sure?)</UL>

The first three have to do with the fact that ANY gun in a tight is better than no gun. First rule of a gunfight: "Bring a gun." #4 is the major consideration about the gun you've already brought to your gunfight.
I haven't owned the p-11, but I had the p-40.
I bought it for the same reasons-light, inexpensive, and a lot of people spoke highly of it. Sold it right away(for a loss). As a general rule, you get what you pay for. My suggestion is to put your $200-$250 away in a safe place, and save a little more, maybe get a used Glock, or if you don't mind a little more weight, a Kahr MK9 isn't a bad choice (I like mine). Good luck...
Thank you all for your comments. I am going to the gunshop tomorrow still not decided which one to buy. I will look at different guns tomorrow also. Anymore last minute comments would definitely be appreciated. Again,thank you all those who gave advices.
If you're looking for something small, get a Beretta 3032 Tomcat... or a 5-shot Taurus 85, S&W or Rossi Snub. Those all do fine in pocket holsters... and they're in your price range... the S&W may not be though.

My Beretta Jetfire 950 has been 100% reliable, I can only guess that a step UP in a Beretta can only be better. I know my 92 SB is 100% as well. I'd get a Beretta over Ket-Tec anyday, even with the step down in caliber.

Sorry for the lack of encouragement,

AOL IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"
Byroon, I had this same problem a little while ago, Wanting to carry, but on a limited budget. I was also tempted by the Kel-Tec.

I looked around and decided on the Kahr E9, I haven't gotten it yet, but I can order it through my gun store for about $320. Which I plan on doing here in about a week.

It is like a K9, only with a matte black finish, it comes with one mag, and it doesn't accept night sights. But it still has the Kahrs trigger pull which is what I wanted.

Just my 2 cents.
I would not recommed a KelTec. I had one once and it jammed constantly, and once I had a "slamfire" in it. Scared me s**tless, and thank God it was pointed down range.

I own a Glock 26, and if you got the $ I'd get it. It does what it is supposed to do with no problems, and hasn't jammed in the 2 years I've had it with 2000+ rounds through it. Hope this helps...mike
Hello, folks.
I went out and bought kel tec p-11. No offense to those not recommended kel tec. I needed something small and light, price was well within my range ($235 + $16 + 7.75%tax), gun fit well in my hand. I now have to wait 10 days before I could see my new toy. After I pick it up, I will post how it shoots.
Thank you all for your comments and advices. I am glad to be on this bbs.
Bryoon, I to am on my 10 day wait for my Kel-Tec P11. I looked at alot of guns and decided on the Kel-Tec after reading as much as I could (websites, magazines). I also like the lifetime warrenty and all the goodies you can order. I was looking for a CCW type of weapon(camping, biking etc...) but couldn't afford a Glock. I pick the weapon up on the 20th and will email you to tell you what I think.
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