I acted differently because I had a side arm

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In all honesty
If I don't need a HC space.. I don't care WHO is parked there,Whether I'm packing or not.
Let the HC people fight for their own spaces and what not.
I don't engage in confrontation unless it pertains to me or mine.
The OP is speechless

I read every post out of respect to who commented, and let me tell you, "damned you took a chunk out of my life, I wish I was a speed reader":eek:

I opened up a can of worm's, as my point was, about chilling out when I carry. But the older I get, the more chill I is.

I used to be a super cocky guy, but never an a-hole,... much. They say that most wise men have been there done that bought the t-shirt. Something like that.

Without writing a book, I feel I've "been there done that", is adequate for me, you'll just have to take my word for that.

I've been temporarily handicapped (1993-1994), my foot got 80% chopped off in a motorcycle accident, they put it back on -details. Can send a video of me in ER on Youtube if you want to see it.

6 weeks later, I got on a motorcycle and went to McDonnell's, I walked in with my crutch's the nice girl asked me if she could assist me, and carry my bag of Big Mac's (2 for 2$) out to my motorcycle, I did that on purpose. She was amazed. I limped on my bike, took the bag and stuffed it in my t-shirt, took off.

Been there done that!!
Post # 22


My wife is handicapped and I'm so sick of seeing teenage girls come running out to their cars with the handicap tag around the mirror, rip it off, or not, and take off like a bat out of hell.

I can't comment on every post as the vast array "comment's and opinions"

But Stevie-Ray hit the nail on the head.

I was casually talking to the guy which was next to the handi-cap spot, he (old) was truly a handicap and was waiting for his wife to do the shopping while he was ready to drive her/them home.

Well Stevie, that's pretty much what I was talking about, and then I made the commet about (Jokingly saying) "No handicapped could back up there Vett like that"




I hope this is my get out of jail card.:rolleyes:
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... again, not meaning to pile on 8shot357, as he's already said he was in error...

...but after a careful re-read, the OP made a sarcastic comment about the Corvette driver to a third (and unknown) party in a separate car, loud enough to be heard in the parking lot. He also didn't apparently take note of whether anybody else was in the vicinity.

Sorry, but if you insult somebody to a third party instead of directly, it's still a) juvenile and b) a provocation.

Ben Towe, Jake Balam, yellowlegs, and others who think like you, please review posts by markj, RetiredCoasty, and myself on people whom you might decide aren't handicapped.

The person walking under his own power at this moment may have reason to think he can't, if he has to go much further.

Once again, if you really think there's a problem, the responsible, adult choices are really only three:

1) Directly ask the person, politely, if they are eligible for that spot;

2) Notify the police and let them make the determination; or

3) If you can't handle 1, and don't want to be bothered with 2, then manage to keep your trap shut.

Making catty/bitchy comments doesn't prove you care about your country, it just proves you can't handle doing what it takes to address a problem like a grown-up.
... again, not meaning to pile on 8shot357, as he's already said he was in error...


I don't know, my point was after an excruciating 3 hour session at gun class to get my CCW, I learned to be more passive. And we needed to have 27" groups at 7 yards.:D

Well, the rest is common sense, and we take the rest from there in Nevada.
i cant believe im gonna post but we as americans have grad stoped holding others accountable that only invites us to expect someone else to do it for us i agree that smart ass coments are just as weak as hc parkers {w/o cause} however i also think most of our forefathes=rs would turn in their grave to see how bad WE have let this country go i hope that doesnt offend anyone

just wanted to point out Sir that people were having the same conversation in the 1930's and some joe schmo informed the man that people were having the same conversation in the 1850's & 1860's at that time. there is hope. as far as WE let this country go - I disagree w/the statement, yet I assure you I have sentiment to your post. the post immediately after yours made a good point. I know my mom's photo albums can show the sense of community: when someone moved out of the neighborhood, everyone helped out and had a little block/moving party with the kids. Growing up the neighborhood was definately closer too. Time is a pendulum sometimes though so hang in there.
Off the point of handicapped spots...

... and onto the point of the OP's intended question:

I do not behave differently in my interactions with Joe Public when I am carrying, because I am not belligerent in the first place.

The only difference in my behavior, at least that I've noticed, is that I'm much more aware of the speed limit, since I'd prefer to minimize LEO interactions while carrying.

Nothing against LEO's, but one never knows how they'll react to being notified one is exercising CCW privileges.

On the bright side, my only LEO interaction where that was a factor, went very smoothly and professionally.
This thread seems to have devolved into two issues.

1.) Carrying has, indeed, changed the way I respond. I wan't really aware of that until about six months ago, when my wife and I, with my son and his girl friend were verbally attacked in the street and the perp (both crazy and intoxicated, IMO) took a run at my son. I was already on the cell phone to 911 but found myself thinking that if he touched my son, I would drop the cell and take him to the ground. While it did not occur to me to draw the SP101 I was carrying I believe that having it (even in reserve) gave me confidence that I would be able to manage the situation however it developed.

2.) "Never pass up a good opportunity to keep your mouth shut." Attributed to Winston Churchill, among others. I had learned the wisdom of that somewhere about the 3rd grade if I remember correctly.

We, at our best, use these internet interactions to learn and we start, by necessity, from where we are, not from where someone else thinks we ought to be. I think the OP acknowledged readily that he was both ready and willing to learn from his own experience and others' input.

I work everyday at the judgment of others thing.

It's hard.


I am not going to address the comments that were made, or what should/shouldn't have been done - thats been covered already.

I just wanted to mention as a few others have, you don't necessarily know the situation of the HC person. They may have the nice car because of a settlement from when a commercial truck creamed their compact, they may get to drive a vette but now have to use a cane to walk for the rest of their life. That is just a hypothetical situation based off what was presented.

Real life instance, a friend of mine has a kidney disease, he has already had one surgically removed, leaving him the 1. He has to be hooked up to a dialysis machine all but 2 nights a week for hours on end. His other kidney gets inflamed to the size of a football at some points, other times it is not so bad. His legs work perfectly fine, but walking long distances can sometimes be quite painful and not exactly good for him. Most places he doesn't care if there is an open handicap spot or not, but if it is at a large store like walmart with a huge parking lot and they are busy, where he would be stuck a great distance away. You better believe he is going to take advantage of the HC parking. At first glance some of the people might say "oh he isn't HC" etc., just like a previous poster mentioned their friend with MS. Save yourself from looking like an ass and hold your lip, you don't know the situation.
jesus people, would you knock it off already with the HC crap?? the horse is dead!!! does anyone even remember the point of his post? or are you too interested in your sanctimony.
"Walk sofly and carry a big stick" :) I always liked that saying...

I wass in a McDonaldss once, I know I harte to admit it, but a old guy was 6ft 6 or so, very big but not as heavy as I am. He was telling the cashier she was worthless and stupid etc cause she was new on the register. A kid in back was cooking offered her some help verbally, well this old guy said a very racist remark to this young man, he is of African descent, his mouth opened as if he couldnt belive what this old guy said to him. So I say to my friend standing beside me, "one day these old bigots will die then we can live as we should" well this guy handed me his breakfast, literally, the whole tray upside my head. Coffe was really hot, no lawyer in sight. I got free breakfast he got a talking too by the police, I refused to press charges it was Sunday.

I did pick the dude up and slammed him to the ground, my friends grabbed me and pulled me off, Iwasnt gonna hit him, just neutralizee him so he couldnt poor any more coffe on my head.

Later I felt real bad about it, I didnt know what set him off, for all i knew he might have just lost his wife or some other tragic event. I still feel bad over that one.
Ok, guys, I have story's all day long:rolleyes:, my point was to hold back when your holding a fire arm with you.

That's it's. Chill!

I know that one time, I used to have that one time, times over times a week for years, yet I never needed a fire arm, or felt I needed a fire arm, until I moved to FL, and or Vegas from MN.

Does that make sense?

I'm a crazy SOB!:confused: And I'm still alive at 43, projected death? 23!:(

Like if you read may other post, I made it this far. Why I don't know! I should have went to Iraq, but the war was over in three days back then (1991).

Post #42

Without writing a book, I feel I've "been there done that", is adequate for me, you'll just have to take my word for that.
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I think I've wasted enough of my time on this thread. It went from point to ponder to :barf: in about 4 posts.

Checking out.
I feel the same way. I will usually say something to an unrepentant jerk i.e. somebody parking in a handicap spot when he doesn't have the sticker and appears not to be disabled... or the guy who takes up two parking spots so nobody parks next to his fancy car; the list goes on.

Now that I'm carrying I just chill.

I hear you brother!:D

We all chilling.

Did you read about my post were a chopped my foot off? Video soon.
Alrighty then. This is winding down; we've got several subjects going on at the same time, the OP got his point across (along with a written thrashing), and some are starting to get cranky.

I think it's time to tuck this one in and say nighty-night while we're still (more or less) ahead.

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