hypothetical situation - unknowingly drawing on LEO

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A car is a deadly weapon. Think about it.
Thats a joke and a stupid reason to abuse his authority and you know it. Do you realize how hard it is to hit somebody when you are in a car?? Think about it your turning radius is what 10-15ft can you stand within a 10ft circle? I think you could dodge a car in a parking lot rather easy. Hes a 17 year old high school kid sitting in his car, a gun is not necessary even if he thought it was, where the handcuffs??? No, its rediculous the kind of power we give LEO's and how they abuse it, do they have nothing better to do but harrass kids.

Your brother almost certainly gave permission. If he did not well, there are cops who should be doing something else.
Of course he gave him permission, he had nothing to hide, but why would they need to block his car in and search through for no reason. They "thought" he might be doing something he wasnt, if you were sitting in parking lot and a cop blocked you in and went through all of your crap you would be pissed but they wouldnt do that to an adult because it is rediculous. My brother gave the officer's permission because it is rediculous to argue with a cop, duh they have the authority, and we as sheep have to respect it, just because. What would they do if you said no? Call the dispatch and get a reason to do it anyways....probably....would that piss them off even more and make them being even bigger jerks, most likely. I hope you keep an open mind when reading what I write and realize that it is not pointless bable, this stuff really happens, ALOT think of it happening to your kids...
absolutely right

+1 to Blackwater OPS and Rob P. Sorry SRT Dog, but if you are alone and are holding a family member at gunpoint and there is no indication at all that you are a police officer, then as far as I know you are a bad guy and I will protect my family. If you don't want that to happen, don't be a lone ranger making an arrest in plainclothes.

Think: let's say for the moment that I am stupid enough to engage you in conversation. You call me a f***ing retard and tell me you're a cop. That's funny...why on earth should I believe you? You look like a street tough, you talk like a street tough, you are not making an arrest in anything that even approaches normal police procedure...you want ME to drop my gun????

No way.

Oh yes: additionally, every police officer I have ever had ANY contact with (a couple of times pulled over, one ticket, the miserable affair with Youngest Son being assaulted recently, etc), every single officer has been courteous, polite, and even when I was an idiot and make an illegal left turn onto my college campus :rolleyes: never so much as raised his voice, let alone calling me a "f***ing retard". If that's your normal mode of speech in your job, you need a vacation or a new job, because one fine day, you'll say that to somebody that has enough clout with somebody in your city to get your butt fired. And you will deserve it.

You know, Sounds like some of you CCW holders are "want-to-be-cops" and just never had the common scense to make it has cops. Now I know most of you are good, caring, CCW permit holders. But some of you make CCW a bad name for the people who really know its full purpose. This is why LEO's fringe on citizens carrying a handgun ,in that SOME, very important, that only SOME, CCW holders are really dumb-ass morons and don't know the scope of the law or laws in which they have given the right to carry a concealed weapon's permit. This opinion was based on some of the responses in this particular thread and other threads dealing with CCW Sernario's in the TFL. :eek:
would you like to clarify that?

You know, Sounds like some of you CCW holders are "want-to-be-cops" and just never had the common scense to make it has cops. Now I know most of you are good, caring, CCW permit holders. But some of you make CCW a bad name for the people who really know its full purpose. This is why LEO's fringe on citizens carrying a handgun ,in that SOME, very important, that only SOME, CCW holders are really dumb-ass morons and don't know the scope of the law or laws in which they have given the right to carry a concealed weapon's permit. This opinion was based on some of the responses in this particular thread and other threads dealing with CCW Sernario's in the TFL.

:barf: :barf: :barf:

Is there something in particular to which you wish to address your complaints, or are you just being obnoxious and attacking people in general? Just wondering...

Isn't that a personal attack? Doesn't superpelly have a right to voice his opinion? or if he disagrees with you then he's obnoxious. Sound like censorship and name calling, a rare double double.
It's disappointing that this thread, which had real potential as a real learning tool, has degenerated into a strongly polarized bickering session with little real value.

I'm closing this one to give people time to cool off. If you want to re-start this one, and keep it on a civil, productive level, have at it.
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