Hunting Snacks ??

Thermos of coffee and a sweet roll on the way to drop off. I take with me a canteen of water and a pouch with an apple or orange that is attatched to my belt. Pick up time is usually between 11 and noon. Eat lunch in camp and back out by 3 and back to camp a little after dark. There are occasions where it is drop off in morning a pick up in evening. For those, I take an extra apple or orange.
Jerky, nuts, crackers, Twizzlers nibs (also comes in handy for low glucose, if you are hunting with a diabetic), etc...

Our primary source of venison is Pronghorn Antelope. Since you end up with a lot of burger (compared to other big game), we tend to turn quite a bit of it into jerky. On most hunts, you'll find 3-5 good sized pieces of Antelope jerky in my pocket ....right up until I start to smell like an Antelope. Then, I stop eating it for the rest of the hunt.
For hunting in a stand just a bottle of water and maby some jerky or an apple. But for a bird hunt, stalking, or a drive a bottle of water mabey a gator aid and some jerky and maby a candy bar or small sandwich. Walking around and hunting or dragging out a deer on an empty stomach is no fun.
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Actuall I don't carry anything on opening morning,, but my kids do, and I help em load up on junk like lil debbies and such,,, a chub of deer bolongna, some ritz (whole wheat of course) and some water.
Fellas the only food I love to carry is after we go to the local buffet and what I can't finish at the table I scrape into one of my big cargo pockets and snack on it the rest of the day,,, I'm not talking mashed potatoes and gravy stuff man,,, I'm talking Home made Yeast rolls and Country ham chunks the size of a box of .223 rem shells,, and choclate chip cookies,, yeah that kinda snacks!!!:)
When ever I go into the woods I carry a basic survivial kit. For snacks I carry a trail mix made up of Instant Oat meal with rasins, nuts and powerded milk. i will eat it raw as a snack. In a pinch the trail mix can be made into oat meal and makes a hot meal if I get stuck overnight.
I still have yet to go on my first hunt, but I plan to take the same as when I go all day fishing (minus the beer, of course!) - peanuts, jerky, some hard candies, a thermos of coffee if it is chilly out and plenty of water. I try to avoid fruit cause too much of it does bad things to me... I'll spare you the details:(
Can't seeem to find "quiet" food,

seems everything has noisy packaging, or crunches loudly when chewed.

Slim Jim's are pretty quiet, but expensive, and too small to get a full meal out of.

Even so, I usually take the double packaged Snickers, even though the wrappers are noisy.

Always have a hydration bladder on my back.

May make ham and cheese sandwiches, using potato rolls (more filling) as the "bread". Have to pack my mini-sandwiches in zip lock baggies - another noisy packaging.

Back at camp, I have a 16 quart cooler with iced down packages of ham, cheese, mustard in a squeeze bottle, and strawberry and peach jam (for breakfast).

In a small cardboard box, I have disposable plates, cups, and plastic utensils, along with bananas, honey in a squeeze bottle, and paper napkins, as well as one or more packages of potato rolls, and trail mix to which I have added mixed nuts. The trail mix is too noisy to eat while on stand, so I reserve it for my evening meal.

I usually hunt in 72 hour stretches, camping out, alone, in my compact pickup. I park in a campground which has port-a-potties, and cement tables. No need for a tent or other shelter, as I simply tilt back the bucket seat, spread my sleeping bag, and slip a horse shoe pillow around my neck, and catch some ZZZZ's until my battery powered alarm clock gets me up in time to be on stand an hour before first light.

Works for me!:)
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5:30 am......We have breakfast, cereal, toast, milk before leaving the house.
6:30 am......arrive at ground blind
6:40 am......everything is set up and we're waiting for deer
6:50 am......"Grandpa, I'm thirsty". (out comes a juice box and straw)
7:00 am......"Grandpa, I'm hungry". (open up some cheese and crackers)
7:15 am......"Grandpa, can I have one of those Slim Jims?"
7:30 am......"Grandpa, can I open the Skittles?"
8:15 am......"Grandpa, I'm thirsty....I need another juice box".
8:30 am......"Grandpa, I think we should try some of Mom's cookies"
8:45 am......"Grandpa, I'm tired, can we go back to the house?

Substitute "Daddy" for "Grandpa" and change the last line to "Daddy, I REALLY gotta go pee!" and that's how it has gone for me, on plenty of days.....
As for quiet, filling, non-offensive odor deer stand foods, you can't beat dried apple chips....... you will neeed to drink more water if you eat muchof these, though...... and take care not to eat a bunch too fast, as they will swell in your innards......