Hunting minimums and maximums

I've seen a Griz get shot I'n head with an arrow and drop. So i wouldn't be afraid of hitting one I'n head with a 30-06 or even with a 30-30 for that matter.
Coyote:.22 wmr and up
Deer: 6.5x55- whatever
Elk: .30-06 and up
Grizzly: 458 WM and up

Lots of people in this thread I think would be dead if it came to real life and Grizzly bears. Sure lots of small calibers, heck a bunch have probably fallen to the .30-30, doesn't mean you could do it if needed. I too have seen them taken with bows on the tv, I also saw the guy with the big bore rifle standing behind the bow shooter. Say you're walking through thick brush looking for Grizzly, lo and behold a 12 ft bear stands up out of the brush 40 feet from you. You'd be glad if you weren't holding a .308, if you were- you'd be lunch. Bears move ridiculously fast when they want to. And yes you could shoot it in the head, if you can hit something tennis ball sized that's bobbing and weaving and approaching at an alarming rate of speed. My.02

You'd shoot a grizzly with a .308?

Yep, if the conditions were right, I'd use my compound bow. But, I'd have a .454Cassul (sp?) as backup in case it turned into a self defense type situation.

What most are missing here is that the question involved HUNTING, not self defense from a charging animal.
What most are missing here is that the question involved HUNTING, not self defense from a charging animal.

But that's the thing, when hunting dangerous game it can quickly turn into self defense. That's something that should always be considered in bear country. I have seen a real live huffing and puffing 12 ft Grizzly too close for comfort and let me tell you, there is not too much gun for that critte this side of a Howitzer.
Yeah, but people hunt dangerous animals with small or low energy weapons every day.
They hunt water buffalo and elephants with long bows.
Alaskan natives hunt polar bears with 223.
One must wonder how, if you need a 300winmag to successfully hunt grizzly, the early settlers managed with single shot, low power, black powder guns.
Bigfatts, I understand that, but there also seems to be a progression towards overkill. However, you should note what I said would come with on a bow hunt as backup (I'd consider a .44Mag to be minimum for large dangerous game).

For example, I live in South Louisiana where deer are not huge and long shots just don't happen...yet, there are guys screaming that you NEED a 7 Mag or bigger to kill a deer (that if you are lucky may tip the scales at 180lbs). Now, having lived for a while in Washington state & hunted/killed elk easily with a .308W, I just can't see needing a magnum cartridge to kill smaller game. Part if it (I think) is compensation for poor marksmanship, "keeping up with the Joneses", or some other form of compensation. When I go to sight in at the range, I see these guys & they are lucky to make a 1in group at 25yrds, meanwhile my wife (a fairly inexperienced shooter) is making 1.5in groups at 100yrds with her 6.8SPC (which delivers enough force to drop a deer at 300yrds & there are rarely shots that far out down here).
coyote - anything larger than rimfire(my state law minimum) - .243
deer - .223 - 303 brit or 30-06
elk - .270 - .300 weatherby mag
grizzly bear - 30-06 - 45-70

I feel comfortable going hunting with the bare minimums listed, that does not mean that you cant take it with something smaller. my family regularly used to take deer with 22lr when we lived in a state without ammo restrictions, would I ever try it? probably not but it can be done if you are at a decent range, shooting at a decent target. I know you are just trying to get a consensus but these type of threads almost always deteriorate into name calling and discussions on the proper respect for the game you hunt. pack what you feel comfortable with and let the interweb be damned.
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Oh I see the trend towards the ultra mega boomers and I understand and find it silly. But my personal opinion is that you should use a gun/caliber that will take the animal cleanly and humanely while protecting your own hide. Some may be able to do that with a .223 or .308, heck what's-his-name the ivory hunter ( Bell I think? ) took train loads of ivory with a 7mm Mauser. Does that mean every schmuck with a Mauser should start slinging lead at Elephants? I certainly wouldn't.

But anyways, I'm going off topic so I'll hush.
Coyote - What would I intentionally take hunting with me? Any centerfire including the Hornet and the .17's. Target of opportunity? Whatever I have in my hands including a .22lr.

Deer - .243

Have no experience or ambition with the last 2 so I can't help you there.

Coyote: .204 Ruger through .243
Deer: .243 through .338 federal (.270, .308, .300WM included)
Elk: .270 through .375 H&H
Griz: .300WM through .375 H&H

IMO...ideal cartridges. The .45-70 would fit for the bottom 3 also. That said, the only coyote I have shot was with my .300WM, I currently hunt deer with my .375 H&H (with a reduced load (260 Gr accubond at 2550 fps)), and the only elk I have shot was with my .300 WM. Nothing wrong with going outside the above on the larger side.
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If you're worried about deer or elk attacking you (animals that will run from a little dog critter), you probably need to stay inside in a bubble.

Coyote- .22lr, 40 gr HP ..... it works, I've done it. ....... Max, none...... whatever is handy..... usually a .270 WIN.

Deer- .243, but prefer larger .....max? I don't see a need for anything heavier than .30-06

Elk- .270 WIN, maybe 7-08 ..... max? Dunno. 7 STW?

Grizzly- Min/Max? Biggest thing handy- I'm not planning on looking for trouble, but if trouble comes for me, I'll be undergunned.......
coyote-.204 (22 mag will drop them dead)
Deer -.243
elk .270 (good shot placement is key with max loads at 150 gr)
grizzly (bigger better, minimal 338 win mag)
Dude on page one talked about deer and elk attacking. Thought that was funny, about as funny as all these rabid, murderous, attack pigs roaming the country.