Humanoid targets for new shooters

Ahem...shooting photo targets of space aliens? Hmph...well that strikes a raw nerve with me, since I consider most of the space aliens out there as my friends, not as my enemies; especially the likes of any Sasquatch out there.

I also find the target shooting of actual photo's of hostage targets as a disgusting behavior of our shooting sports --- especially with new shooter's involved --- since most of them can't hit a lick anyways. So why provoke them to shoot a hostage target, when most likely their going to accidently shoot the hostage on the target paper?


blank paper

I remember shooting the blank paper when I took an NRA class a few years ago and I thought it was an interesting method. Recently when taking a friend out he had a bit of trouble with all the multitasking that goes on with good fundamentals. Sight picture, consistent grip, trigger control, front sight focus, stance, breathing (or not breathing)... Shooting at a tiny bullseye antagonizes learning to focus on the front sight. The setup is saying "focus on the tiny bulls-eye, it really matters" but the instruction is saying "look at the front sight" which can be confusing. We switched to paper and it helped. Plus, beginners would be less discouraged so long as they are still on paper. I've still shot some tight groups on blank paper. As a bonus, it would train someone to approximate the center of mass which might be useful someday.