Huckabee closing in on 1st Place Nationally

Huckabee sure had to deal with a mess in Arkansas when he governed it. He had to make hard choices as the governor there. At least he hasn't sat around in congress for year after year. Especially the current congress.

I think that he might have the best debating skills, and he's likeable in the debates. But he needs more money and more people, and right quick.

Envelope stuffing, Go?!? I'll bet you met some interesting people. They didn't make you lick every envelope, did they? :D
Huckabee is having his 15 minutes of fame. The MSM will be looking for a new R train wreck in about 2 weeks tops. You can tell because they are beginning to roll out his pro-illegals, big government, ethics rules violations record from Arkansas. He gets poor marks in my book for trying to skate on a parole mistake in Arkansas that a legit candidate would have fessed up to. For all those who supported, but were later disappointed with, Bush 2.0, Huckabee would be worse.

On the upside pretty soon John McCain will have someone to carpool with on future debates.


Huckabee had no envelope stuffers.


Now you have done you can deal with you know who when he responds to you about you know what.

It's past my bedtime. I want to get a good nights rest so I can read the new polls in the morning. I have got to stop this it could be habit forming!
I heart Huckabee

I like Mike, I really do. In the interest of full disclosure, I am a McCain supporter, but here's my real criticism of Mike.

The fair tax is simply insane.

Personally, I hate the "New Republic", but we all get free copies of (essentially) every single political magazine at work. I typically flip through "TNR" while I am taking an extended bathroom break, but I was sad to see that I agreed with the 2nd major article in TNR..

Don't get me wrong, Huckabee is great. We need tax reform, and badly, but this article in my opinion, lays out how crazy the "fair tax" really is.

That's the problem with Huckabee...this populist crap. What I perceive as a problem with him, however, might be why he's polling so close to Hillary nationally. He's far more "centrist" than what I'm comfortable with.

Look, if that's what it takes to keep her out of office, I'll gladly jump into that br'er patch.
thumper said:
Look, if that's what it takes to keep her out of office, I'll gladly jump into that br'er patch.

this voting against hillary thing is really starting to get to me. dont get me wrong, she would be absolutely horrible for this country, but in the long term, i think electing a liberal republican will do more harm than letting hillary win a term or two. another liberal R could do massive amounts of damage to the republican party, and we could be looking at a long time before another R, an actual conservative one, sees the oval office. thats why im not voting against hillary, and thats why i will not vote for huckabee.
Sorry, Molson...even thinking long term, I think a Pro-Gun Republican who is left of me on social issues is still a helluva lot better than another 8 years of Billary.

With Congress not yet decided, I really dont want to give Hillary Clinton and her idea of an Attorney General the keys to the Patriot Act.
the problem is that both the republicans and the democrats are both moving to the left. youre really not stopping anything, and possibly not even stalling some things, by voting for a liberal republican. since this thread is about huckabee, lets use him as an example. what happens if he pushes through and gets a federal ban on cigarettes? that right there opens a huge door for liberals down the road to start banning pretty much anything under the sun that they dont like. huckabees solution to almost everything it seems is more federal control. cigarettes, healthcare, global warming, etc. this doesnt help us at all; in fact, it only makes it worse for us further down the road. we are gonna have to take a stand at some point and throw the pendulum back towards the center, if not a little to the right (contrary to popular belief, there really is no mainstream "right-wing" in politics today, they are all quite a bit left of center), because its only going farther left, and its only going to be more painful down the road. just think: bloomberg '12/16 v gore '12/16....

Don't get me wrong, Huckabee is great. We need tax reform, and badly, but this article in my opinion, lays out how crazy the "fair tax" really is.

I'm not sure where to begin, so let me start by saying I'm not a fair tax supporter. I can see us ending up with a VAT and an income tax if they try to implement a sales tax, but I can't see us actually ending up with the sales tax.

The fair tax, as Bruce Bartlett explained in these pages ("Dianetics, The Tax Plan," September 10), was conceived by Scientologists who, angry at an adverse ruling by the Internal Revenue Service, devised a plan they believed would abolish the agency. It has been subsequently embraced by a group of Houston businessmen, who have hired some right-wing activists to promote it.

I figured some BS was coming after seeing that intro...

One aspect of the fair tax is that it would dramatically shift the national tax burden. The richest fifth of taxpayers would see their tax rate fall by about 20 percent, and the bottom 80 percent would all pay more.

Why this is terrible! If more people actually feel the pain of taxes, it might be harder to raise them and grow the government sector! The richest 20% pay 2/3 of all income taxes already.

Tax experts believe that a sales tax above around 10 percent is impossible to enforce because the incentives for cheating are so great.

Oh no! We can't have high taxes! Panic!

Do these same tax experts have anything to say about the rate of income tax, and the incentives it creates to develop complex tax shelters and otherwise avoid earning income?

There actually is an efficient and feasible variant of a sales tax--it's called a value-added tax--but fair-tax fans reject this because you'd need an IRS to collect it, and the whole point of their plan is to abolish the IRS.

You need more tax agents to enforce a VAT because it taxes every sale including wholesale sales, not just retail sales. Most states already tax retail sales, so the infrastructure is in place to collect those taxes. A VAT of only a few percent amounts to a large tax by the time it cycles through every level of production and distribution. It's the only thing worse than the income tax we already have, and the fact that you would need agents to collect it is the LEAST harmful aspect of a VAT. The problem with a national sales tax is that it will inexorably become a VAT, and that's a major reason I oppose the national sales tax.
"third in line"(actually 4th) as in the South Carolina primary is on Jan 19th.
And I wasn't about to ask about my candidate in this thread.

And the reason I raise the point is because your vote in SC has more influence than most states.
"third in line"(actually 4th) as in the South Carolina primary is on Jan 19th.
And I wasn't about to ask about my candidate in this thread.

And the reason I raise the point is because your vote in SC has more influence than most states.

My mistake. I agree our primary is important. I will not be voting for Sen. Lindsey Graham, I am still deciding on presidential candidates.
On the upside pretty soon John McCain will have someone to carpool with on future debates.

:D :D

There is nothing the least bit "insane" about a fair tax or flat tax or VAT. Nearly anything is better than the current system. All the systems have their upsides and downsides. The Huckabee 'fair tax' is indeed much fairer than the current system, in my view.

I don't think Huckabee will be taken down more than a peg or two - I think he's here to stay, as the top 2 or 3 through to the end.
Molson said:
this voting against hillary thing is really starting to get to me. dont get me wrong, she would be absolutely horrible for this country, but in the long term, i think electing a liberal republican will do more harm than letting hillary win a term or two.

The thought has crossed my mind, but Hillary, much like her husband before her, might well do irreparable damage to our military, intelligence services, 1A and 2A rights, strap us with “national healthcare”, increase capital gains taxes, increase income taxes and throw the borders wider open (OK, if that’s possible:)), further sell out our interests to the Chinese, stack the SCOTUS with idiots, expose us to greater danger of terrorist attack… the list goes on and on and on… my fingers (yeah, both of them) are tired.

Can’t do that. Don’t know who the hell I would pick out of the current crop of Repubs but anyone that Hillary might not mop the floor with next November will likely get my vote.

Don’t start me on a fair system for taxation. The ONLY fair tax is one that is applied by equal dollar amount on every citizen. The DOI states that all men are created equal and we all know that the constitution is to be read in the spirit of that document. Nuff said!
grymster2007 said:
Can’t do that. Don’t know who the hell I would pick out of the current crop of Repubs but anyone that Hillary might not mop the floor with next November will likely get my vote.

i hate to break it to you man, but its only going to get worse in the future. you have to take a stand at some point, and the sooner the better. every single election we hear "this is the pivotal election, if you dont vote for the slightly lesser of two evils, the world is going to end". so far it hasnt, but we have steadily moved farther and farther left (authoritarian). if you dont think electing a rudy or a romney or a huckabee is going to set us up for a huge swing left in the future, i think youre sadly mistaken.
Campaign guru Ed Rollins just took over the chairmanship and day to day operation of the Huckabee campaign.

This is a major development. We'll see what happens.
Huckabee should read it.

It's only a guess on my part, but I think he might be too busy reading the Republican polls that say he is ahead in Iowa and closing in on the lead nationally.
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